What is one profession you have never pursued, but that you think you would be quite good at?
I have had people tell me I would make a great tour guide, and I think that it is true.s After I have lived in a city for awhile, I start to know it like the back of my hand. Unless of course, that city is Chicago, and I spend all day stuck inside my office.
When my family and Stesven came to Italy to visit, I had planned out two weeks of events (with relaxing time too). I read up on all the places we were going to, so I would be like a walking tour guide. Sounds kind of annoying, but I think they liked it. And of course, speaking a bit of Italian always impressed them too.
Remember that awful time in your life when you read terms like Accrual Date, Subsidized Loan, Consolidation, Amortization, etc., and had no idea what the hell they meant? All you knew was that you wanted to go to college, but you needed a financial loan and had NO IDEA what all this mumbo jumbo meant. Even if you aren't getting a loan for college, they still feature the same confusing terminology!
My poor sister (get the pun?) just started college and doesn't have her student loans yet. I can tell that the whole loan process is as frustrating for her as it was for me when I tried to tackle it. And I would normally say something optimistic here like "You figure it out once, then you understand it forever!" But that is a big fat lie. You figure it out once, then find out if what you did worked for you. You stick with that plan for the rest of your student loans if it did, or you find something else if it didn't.
You probably really start to understand it when you have to pay the loans off. Then you probably realize all the dumb decisions you made. I'm not at that point yet. Steven went through a lot of that already and shared some of the information with me. It was a bit late for my own loans, but I am trying to pass it on to my sister.
Anyone have any horror loan stories to share, or advice? My advice is - utilize the resources you have to help you decide on a loan, but don't rely on anyone else to make the decision for you. Oh, and always feel welcome to ask your big sister for help!
Can one of my fellow Chicagoland bloggers go into work for me tomorrow? I could use the rest. These four -hour nights of sleep aren't cutting it for me.
Imagine - you can see what a day in the life of an architect is like! It is more fun than you can imagine. You will probably love it so much, you will refuse to go back to your original job!
(Actually, I do really like my job, I am just so frickin' tired, I feel like I am going to pass out)
I probably didn't mention what a hard time Steven and I had finding things to put on our bridal registry. We have lived in this house for three years, and have a lot of what we "need." Stress on the need. When we registered at Target, I wanted to add DVDs and board games and other fun things (like Star Wars action figures!), but knew it wasn't proper. So we added things we sort-of have, but would like an upgrade to - linens, dishes, serverware, etc. So, I was very surprised when we got a package in the mail today from Target, but it contained something that wasn't on our list - a board game! It is the The Newlywed Game DVD Edition from one of Steven's groomsmen and his wife... I am not sure if they have it and like it, or if it is supposed to be some kind of inside joke, but I am excited to open it and play it! |
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Oops, Steven still needs to find a song to dance to with his mother on Saturday, but he has dismissed all of my wonderful suggestions! What's wrong with:
"Back in Black" AC-DC,
"I Want to Break Free" Queen,
or "Don't Bring Me Down" Electric Light Orchestra?
I even demonstrated how to dance to these songs! And I didn't even mention ZZ Top! Jeez!
Okay, I am just joking. Steven wants to do a waltz with his mother. I just wanted to share with him some songs that I really like! Yes, I am aware you can't really dance to them, but I bet my dad would if I asked him!
OUCH | AUGUST 26, 2005
Then (because of the heat, and all of the walking after dinner), my feet became incredibly swollen. The straps dug into my toes and foot and drew more blood and created a happy little family of blisters. I stood in the shower cringing when I washed my feet last night, and my toes are still swollen and stinging with pain today (especially the poor, smashed pinkie toe).
Here is my question - what did I do wrong? Yes, they were new shoes, BUT they felt great and comfortable until my feet got so swollen! And since I am a trooper, I wore them the rest of the night instead of taking them off.
ANYWAY, DaveCago2 was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed meeting everyone (especially Dave, of course)! I wish I could have visited more with Kevin and Diane, but since they live out here, we should be able to arrange something in the future. Oh yeah, and I also wish I wouldn't make such stupid, awkward comments. Yeah, still trying to learn when to keep my mouth shut. "When you don't have anything to say, say nothing at all!"
P.S. Thanks for the lego magnets Kevin! You rock!
Do you ever feel nervous when you invite your significant other on a date with one of your friends and their significant other (s.o.)? Do you feel somewhat responsible for whether or not they have a good time, since it is your friend?
Well, imagine the nervousness of that, but instead of one friend and their s.o., it is fourteen of your friends that you have never met.
Yeah, Steven and I going to DaveCago2 in Chicago tonight. If you don't know what that is, you must not read, which you should!
I would probably make fun of someone if they told me they were meeting up with fourteen other bloggers. Or if they were meeting up with anyone they met on the internet. But I have been reading some of these people's blogs (Dave, Kevin and Diane) for almost two years! And it about time we meet so I can see what they are really like...
And yeah, you can make fun of me if you like!
When people find out what you do for a living, what is the most commonly asked question regarding your job?
Well, since I am an "architect," the most commonly asked question I get is "what kind of architecture do you do?" People want to know if I design residences, or commercial buildings, or athletic buildings... etc.
But the thing is, the work I do is interior space planning. It is still architecture, but when I try to explain it to people, I don't think they really get it. It is not "new construction," but interior build-outs, so that is not what people usually imagine when they think of an "architect."
I would be curious to see what Steven's answer to this is. I imagine it would be, "WTF is that?"
Time to fess up! How many of you have committed the dreaded email crime - sending an email to the wrong recipient? We type away, all furiously (or happily, whatever), then click "send" without double checking the "to:" bar. Oops.
I am not thinking about this because I have committed the crime recently (and oh I have, but we'll get to that later), but because we had a liability meeting in my firm awhile ago, and a huge focus of it was "don't say anything in an email that you wouldn't want splashed across the front page of the paper with your name on it." So... read through what you write, and don't click the dreaded "reply to all" button!
But even when you are cautious in those means, you still risk your words being misinterpreted! It takes me forever to write emails to clients and my colleagues at work because I don't want to sound like a pushy b*tch. And who knows, in the long run, maybe I still do!
It's probably not any better here. Chances are, you have formed an opinion of what you think I am like based on my style of writing. I know I have of my fellow bloggers! I can't even begin to fathom the conclusions you might come to about me! And if you are a family member, you already know I am crazy, and this probably doesn't change your opinion.
Back to the point, it seems like everyone has their own "oops, I accidentally emailed so-and-so" story, so here are mine.
The first time it happened, I was writing who I thought to be Steven an email about how I felt unmotivated and crabby and didn't want to do any school work (surprise surprise) when I was living in Rome. I was looking for a quick, "cheer me up," response from Steven, so when he didn't email me back right away, I sent him a quick, "WTF? Where is your reply?"
To which he responded the he never got the email. Lo and behold, I emailed my boss, whose name is also Steven. Nice. He actually responded a few days later with a funny... "I feel that way sometimes too..."
And the second time (yes, can you believe I did it AGAIN?) was even worse. I had been sending a lot of emails to both Steven and my father because the three of us were collaborating (sort-of) on a trip to Rome. So you guessed it, a personal email to Steven went out to both of them. Duh. The email was about "I feel so fat and bloated and unattractive (obviously from eating too much gelato and pizza bianca), you aren't going to be attracted to me when you get here..."
I think Steven emailed me right away and said, "Why did you email that to both me and your father?" YIKES! I called my dad right away and begged him not to read it... do you think he did? Time to fess up, dad!
So the moral of the story for Kim? STAY AWAY from email completely! Ha ha.
(And as a follow-up to yesterday, let's hope is right!)
We have been torrented with rain this past month in the Chicagoland area. It has rained 13 out of the past 21 days. Doesn't that seem like a lot of rain? That just over 60% of rainy days for the month so far!
Normally I wouldn't care about the rain. I actually prefer it to rain while I work (as long as I don't get wet!), so that I don't feel all depressed for missing out on the "good weather." (Jeez, and even when we do have "good weather" on the weekends, it's not like I get off my fat butt and actually go outside and implement it). And a thunderstorm can be amazing to watch... when you are not trying to sleep.
As you have probably guessed by now, the reason I actually care about all this rain is because our wedding ceremony is outdoors. And so are our wedding pictures. I have been patiently watching for its Sept. 1st prediction for Vernon Hills. Not that or any other forecast is ever accurate, but it will give me and Steven an idea of how seriously we should take the task of developing a "rain-out plan."
Tomorrow I will be able to see my beloved "10-Day" Forecast on cross your fingers!
By the way, I don't think torrented is a word, but you get what I mean.
STUCK | AUGUST 21, 2007
My wanderlust is kicking into overdrive this summer. I would try to blame it directly on *lynne*, who just sent me an awesome postcard from her travels in Malaysia, but the truth is, I have been fantasizing about traveling all summer.
I know, I know, I bitch and moan about leaving my house to go to a zillion weddings all summer (oh, the irony, as September 1st approaches...), but going to a wedding isn't really traveling. Unless it is somewhere foreign to me and I am there for more than a day.
I started working on a space plan for a trading firm in London and it really made me want to re-visit, with Steven. I have been there twice, and I still haven't seen most of the things I want to see! And whenever Rixa calls, she asks me when I am coming back to Rome... hey, whenever I have paid days off at work and actually have some money saved up! Oh yeah, and some free time too!
Steven and I aren't taking a honeymoon immediately after the wedding. Have I mentioned that before? We say things like "We don't have the money," or "Kim doesn't have any paid time-off at work yet," but really, I think we just procrastinated it until it was too late to take an affordable trip. So, we will probably go somewhere warm (Hawaii? Aruba?) over the holidays.
I wonder if anyone else gets the travel bug like I do. I obviously know people who travel the world, but I also know people who refuse to get on an airplane. That's life, I suppose. Different things make different people happy.
WHITER | AUGUST 20, 2007
I started using these Crest Whitestrips last Friday, which apparently, were not intended for anyone with a gag reflex. And who doesn't have a gag reflex? Seriously? I have sworn off my staple Diet Dr. Pepper while I am using them. It actually didn't say that I had to do that in the directions, but I figured it can't hurt. Well, it can't hurt the whitening process, but it is hurting me emotionally. Anyway, has anyone actually used anything like this and had success? Because if not, I am going to get rid of these gunky, gross strips that make me want to barf, and go back to drinking my glorious Diet Dr. Pepper. | ![]() |
PANIC | AUGUST 19, 2007
Nearly every time I fell asleep last week (at night before bed, and on the train in the morning), I started having panics about wedding related things. The bridesmaids are going to hate their gifts. The tailor is not going to be able to add the bustle to my dress. None of the guests are going to show up. No one is going to have a good time.
Why do all these awful thoughts fill my mind right before I fall asleep? I haven't worried at all about the wedding before - it has been all Steven! Maybe I was just taking his place in worrying since he was out of town all week.
These weird pre-sleep panics have happened to me before, about things that are not wedding related. Maybe it just has something to do with the sleep cycle.
Do you think this hair style looks better with the hair covering the ears (Option A) or hair not covering the ears (Option B)? The earrings and necklace are the ones I will be wearing with my strapless gown. I apologize for the funny angle of the photos! It makes it difficult to see the hair style as you would in real life.
And the back... just for fun!
If you could wake up each morning, open your blinds and look out a huge glass window to the perfect view, what would that view be?
I was torn when answering this question, but I have decided that my perfect view is from the top of a hill, looking over an Italian village. I would see homes with pastel red clay roof tiles, church bell towers, open piazzas and markets... and of course, in the background would be the rolling Tuscan hillside, ripe with vegetation.
Of course, I wouldn't want to live there. I would just like to see that gorgeous view each day!
While I was buying this (see photo) modern torture device at Sears last week, an elderly woman approached me and said, "Are those coming back in style?" Before I could respond she bolted out, "Good! I am sick of seeing all those FAT girls with their stomachs hanging out!" Tell us how you really feel, Grandma. On a side note, this model doesn't even look like she needs to be wearing this. Can't they use a person with a more realistic stomach? Ha ha. |
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Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following items - (go to the first comment in the comments section for a blank form!). Don't use the same answer twice, and if you can't think of something, leave it blank. No cheating - no goggle searches! And try not to take more than 5 minutes...
Here's mine!
Your Name: Kimberly 1. Famous Singer/Band: Kenny Rogers 2. 4 letter word: Keys 3. Street name: 4. Color: 5. Gifts/Presents: Kite 6. Vehicle: Kia 7. Items on a menu: 8. Girl Name: Kristen 9. Boy Name: Keith 10. Movie Title: Kissing Jessica Stein 11. Drink: Kool-Aid 12. Occupation: Karate Instructor 13. Flower: 14. Magazine: Knitting 15. Celebrity: Kelsey Grammar 16. US City: Kenosha 17. Pro Sports Teams: (YEAH RIGHT!!!) 18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Killed (uh oh!) 19. Something you throw away: Knives 20. Things you shout: 21. Cartoon character: Kenny (from Southpark) 22. TV Show: 23. Animal: Koala |
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K is hard! I only got 16 - and a few of those are long shoots!
Anyone who has visited my home knows how much I LOVE the game Scattergories. If you're ever a guest, chances are, you'll hear "Want to play Scattergories?!" during your visit. And lucky Steven - he gets to hear it nearly every night. (And always has the same response - NO (probably because I become a competitive a$$ when we play!)).
So... I was excited when mannyed sent me this Scattergories email today! Instead of responding in an email, I thought I would post it here so you can join in the fun.
When you play the game you are given a list of items and a letter of the alphabet. Your goal is to come up with as many items off the list that begin with that letter. The catch is that you want to be creative as possible! If someone else has the same answer, no points for you! And of course, you are timed.
Side Note: Of all of our guests who have played, my mother is the reigning champion. I thought my father would do well with it, but he didn't. Here's your chance to redeem yourself, Dad!
Something very strange happened to me this morning. Try to follow if you can.
The building I work in has 40 or so floors, and there are 16 pedestrian elevators - 2 banks of 8 each. This is the important part - to use the elevators, you have to press the floor number you want to go to on a keypad outside of the elevator, then the keypad tells you which elevator to get on. The only keypads inside of the elevator are those to open and close the doors and call for emergency.
So this morning, I do my normal thing - press "19" and am instructed to get on elevator "H." Once inside the elevator, I see an LCD that says it is also stopping at 10 and 18, to let off other passengers. After the stop at 18, I am ready to leave. The doors open... and nothing is there. I am immediately confused. The floor is completely empty, only concrete flooring and columns. I then realize I am on Floor 21. I press the keypad to go back down to "19" and it won't let me. The keypads do not work because the floor is vacant. (I did not try "1" and wish I would have).
I figure, okay, I'll just take the stairs down. But once you get in the stairs, you are locked into the stairs. I walk to the nineteenth floor and try to call my office to have someone open the door for me. No luck - no cell reception. I try to text a coworker. Also does not work.
So I end up walking down twenty-one flights of stairs, wearing my sweater and jacket. When I tell the security guy (that I so happen to run into near the third floor) he acts like it is my fault.
It was just frustrating... but also kind of funny, because when I got off on that empty floor I thought, "Where's my office?!"
WHY I BLOG | AUGUST 13, 2007
A lot of people think blogging is stupid or dorky, but I think the reason why so many of us do it is because it gives us a space to voice our opinions and thoughts free of interruption.
That doesn't mean we won't be judged, ms-interpreted or ridiculed, but it does mean we get to say what we think. People can stop reading if they want to, but we know we will never be pissed off because someone interrupted us.
This happens to me a lot when I am speaking. Family members, friends, colleagues... people I don't even know do it to me! Sometimes an interruption is necessary in a emergency - you are about to miss a turn or you don't see something in the road - but we all know it is usually not an emergency when it happens.
It is the worst when someone interrupts you then doesn't even ask you to finish what you are saying. Why would someone choose to talk to you in the first place if they are going to do that? Why do some people only want to talk about themselves...
Arg. So now I have discovered one of the reasons I continue to blog here.
Normally around this time of year, I am dreading going back to school... but not this year! I am FREE FREE FREE!!!
Okay, you're right. I still do have to get up around 5:00 each morning and put it a twelve-hour day. No more sleeping in until 11:00 a.m, going to the gym in the middle of the day, staying up as late as I want... but I like the real world. I get paid here!
WICKED | AUGUST 11, 2007
That was fun. I had never been to a show in Chicago, so Wicked was my first experience. Steven took me for my birthday.
We took the last train home though, and I must say, damn - Steven and I are old and tired. I guess we will never be the bar-hopping, late-night type folks.
If you were going to write a book, what would you choose as the topic?
I am torn between two ideas. I think I could easily write a book about "living in the moment" - i.e. not worrying about the future, or being an uptight jerk all the time. It would kind of be a self-help book about how to relax and not get upset when things don't go your way. I used to be like that - tense and stressed out all the time - until I lived in Italy. It completely changed my perspective and personality. I am still driven and motivated, just not as stressed out or unhappy.
And the other idea would be about OTT (Operation Tub Tub) - the no-fail diet (lifestyle) that Steven and I have created for when we need to lose a few pounds/get fit. It has always worked for us, so we are astonished when people go on crazy fad diets and wonder why they can't lose weight/get fit.
(Are these "Friday Questions" annoying? Should I just do a regular post on Fridays?)
SPAM... YUMMY | AUGUST 9, 2007
I wonder if there will soon be a way to "spam" cell phones. Most of us are smart enough not to open spam email. Most of us recognize them right away, because we are not familiar with the sender or because the subject is somewhere along the lines of "Natural Enlargement." Most of us.
But what if there was a way to damage someone's phone simply by calling it from a spam number? This thought came to me because I got a call from a weird number today - 515.000.0000. I didn't want to answer it, but the last time I refused to answer a number, the person kept calling, twice a day, always at the same times, never leaving a message. (I finally found out it was someone calling from North Carolina (which is why I didn't answer it - I didn't recognize the area code!) to see if I received my newspaper subscription). So today, I answered the call. It sounded like it had a political recording in the beginning, then someone said "hello?"
I'm rude. I hung up. Unless I know you, or you are some vendor I have dealt with lately, I just don't want to talk to you! I will give somone those first 10 seconds to explain why they are calling me before I hang up. If they call back, I will let them know I think they should stop calling.
My problem is that curiosity usually gets the best of me. I think "Why is this strange number calling my phone?" I always worry it is going to be a friend phoning from Europe, or worse, someone from a hospital! So, despite my better judgment, I answer.
So you can see why this "phone spam" idea would be a huge problem for someone like me. I would pick up the phone, voice my cautious "hello" and hear the dreaded internet dial-up tone, or something worse! Maybe just a cackling voice! Then my phone would be dead and never turn on again.
Hmm, maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all!
ZZZ | AUGUST 8, 2007
You're sick of hearing me complain right? (Correct answer - "No Kim, we find your complaints thought-provoking and refreshing!") Don't worry, I am not an unhappy person. I've just had a few frustrating moments this past week. But what would life be without them? I just try to take a deep breath and move on. And I will try to not make this post into a complaint.
Like I've said before, I really enjoy my job. I mentioned that I am surprised how much I like it, because I found it haphazardly. I have been working for almost three months and am pleased with how much I have learned, and how comfortable I feel in the office (both working on projects and with my coworkers.
But. BUT! I wonder when I will advance to the point in my career where I am not waiting to be told what to work on. Right now, one of the principals or an associate will give me a task to do, and I will work on it and complete it. Hopefully when I am done, there will be more for me to work on.
But sometimes there isn't. Not because there are no current projects, but because the busy projects are not the ones I am assigned to, or because my projects are at a standstill. So then I feel like a pest, asking someone if I can help out with anything.
I know that the principals are trying to put me on jobs that I can work on from start to finish, and I appreciate that. But there are hiccups and things get delayed.
So, although I don't look forward to the responsibility of being in charge of a project, I look forward to not wondering "what I will do at work tomorrow." And that may be a few years away...
Yes, you're sick of hearing it. Yes, I'm sick of complaining about it. But this time, I am offering a solution.
Regarding the commute. I now realize that what makes people dread it is not the amount of time, but all the annoying people. To me, the most annoying thing is the noise - the woman who clears her throat every thirty seconds (I timed her), the children who scream at the top of their lungs, the drunk adults, the cell-phone talkers... you get the idea.
I don't use the commute as a means to communicate with other people. Its sole purpose is to get me to work, but since it is more than an hour, it might as well be a relaxing ride. IT'S NOT when all those people won't STFU (sorry, had to use the acronym).
So, here's my brilliant solution - a "quiet" car. One train car could be dedicated for those who wish to ride in silence. You pay a premium price and are guaranteed a relaxing ride. No kids scream. No one talks on their phone. No one talks to their friend/family/neighbor. Sorry. Just silence. All you would have to listen to would be the train on the tracks and the announced stops.
Yes, I'm really losing it. I'm just so frustrated with the screaming children that cause me to re-locate my seat each night.
Even though I recently finished reading Illinois's Rules of the Road, I seemed to have overlooked the rule that says it's encouraged to drive down the middle of the road in residential areas between the hours of 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. Then it is appropriate to angrily swerve out of the lane when a car coming towards you is driving on the right side of the road.
That doesn't seem like a rule I would miss, but apparently, I did.
My sister was visiting this past weekend and it was fun to listen to her hell stories of driving in the metro area. A woman cut her off on the highway, so she gave her the finger and honked 6 times... I probably would have done something similar if the lady actually cut me off. If she was just driving aggressively and not endangering my life, I doubt it would have bothered me. That is just how people drive out here. Like aggressive a$$holes. It can be fun if you're up for the game.
After I explained this to my sister and her boyfriend however, they decided they like driving in Iowa better. I wonder if these means I should have some sort of disclaimer on the wedding website about driving into the city.... ooo... scary...
How ironic - before Steven even brought this topic up to me today, I was already thinking about it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I was thinking about our free time together. It seems like we both consciously make an effort to spend all of our free time together, doing the same things. I don't know it this is from spending so many years living apart or if it is just the excitement any couple goes through when they start to live together.
I don't think it is working out though. We don't share all of the same interests, and I think we are both making the other participate in some things they would rather not.
It seems logical that we would both have to adjust our schedules to living with one another. There are no two people who could possibly have the same daily schedule that perfectly synchronizes with another! And it also seems logical that two people would want to spend as much time with each other as possible after barely seeing each other at all during the work week.
But I guess what is not logical is assuming your partner wants to do the same things you want to do on the weekend, even if it is just things to do around the house. Any input?
SCARY | AUGUST 4, 2007
Scary fact - the wedding is four weeks from today! This is a warning that many of the posts leading to September 1st may simply be wedding recaps because that is all I will be thinking about!
Today Christina and I picked out the gifts for the bridesmaids (Steven picked out his groomsmen gifts as well) and practiced my make-up. I learned that I was over-confident in assuming I could apply my own make-up. I now realize I will need my sister to do it for me, or at least supervise while I do it.
Steven and I still have so many little details to take care of. It doesn't seem like a lot when you consider them independently, but all together... this is going to be one busy month.
If ten people who knew you were asked to write down on a piece of paper the one adjective that each of them thinks best describes you, what do you think would be the most common word written down? (Consider the answer from their viewpoint)
At first I was very optimistic and wanted to say "outgoing" as my answer, but I realize that is my cover up for "fun," "obnoxious," "bitchy," and "loud." I really think it depends on which ten people you asked! My family would answer different from my friends, they would answer different from my coworkers, they would answer different from my classmates...
Overall, I think it would have to be "crazy"!
I am so touchy when it comes to food - people telling me what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat, and especially - that I eat too fast.
I have always been a fast eater. I am aware of it. I know it's a problem, that people notice and that even some are irritated. But why continually point it out to me, especially if I have said "I know I have a problem and I am working on it."
You know what I don't do? I don't chew with my mouth open, make loud noises when I am eating, stare at other people while they are eating, take bites too big for my mouth, or comment on other people's eating choices/styles. BECAUSE IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS.
AUGUST 1, 2007
Every year I say the same thing - I can't believe it is already August 1st. Where did my summer go? Blah blah blah.
I think this summer has felt especially "un-summer" because we haven't taken any holidays, we have been busy beyond belief, and the weather has not felt as stiflingly hot as it normally does.
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