The pity post

By , March 22, 2008 8:20 am

An impulse buy I made in February actually came in handy yesterday – a shovel for the trunk of my car.

“Wait!” you’re thinking. “Wasn’t Thursday the first day of Spring?”

Why yes, yes it was.

But that didn’t stop 2 and a half feet from miraculously collecting behind my car at the train station.

I just want to whine. And maybe someone who didn’t have to deal with our freak snow storm will feel sorry for me?

8 Responses to “The pity post”

  1. SJ says:

    I feel very, very sorry for you. You guys have had more than your share of winter, and deserve to have SPRING NOW.

    I would send you some of our abundant sunshine if I only could …

  2. Dave2 says:

    You won’t get TOO much sympathy from me… I’ve got a shovel in my trunk for those days I get snowed in at the airport, which has been at least ten times over the past several years. 🙂

  3. Lisa says:

    I feel for ya! It snowed here yesterday too – nothing stuck, but it was coming down and I had a 2.5 hr drive during it.

    Yay for impulse buying!

  4. Bethany says:

    Aw, I’m sorry! I’m glad you got to use your shovel 😉 but when we had the blizzard a few weeks ago, I was sure happy to have a shovel and not just an ice scraper like most people!!!! 😀

  5. so this may not be a good time to mention that we had maybe one decent snow storm all winter….

    Actually, I was kinda having my own pity party thinking that its only going to be in the 40s for Easter, but I realize now, I have nothing to be sad about. At least I don’t have to use a shovel to get home. You guys had it rough this winter and I hope spring is your reward!

  6. Quinn and Susan says:

    Wow….I do feel sorry for you. Sucks to be you!!! It was 65 and sunny here yesterday!!!!

  7. Robin says:

    I’ll whine with you. I am soooo tired of winter. We got snow yesterday, ice last night and another 4 inches of snow today. When will it ever end?

  8. kilax says:

    SJ – I was hoping you would have some pity for me 😉 Hee hee

    Dave2 – Alright, alright, good point. There is nothing worse than arriving at your car from a great trip and seeing it covered in snow, especially when you JUST WANT TO GET HOME!!!

    Lisa – 2.5 hours! Yikes! I hate how even when it is snowing lightly, the visibility is still awful. Glad you made it home okay!

    Gina (Mannyed) – we are supposed to get a blazing hot summer here. Maybe that is Mother Nature’s way of saying “I’M sorry”? Or maybe she could say it by pounding you guys with snow next year – JUST KIDDING! 🙂

    Quinn and Susan – S-O J-E-A-L-O-U-S

    Robin – That is the worst mix. At this point, I don’t think it is ever going to end! 🙁

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