Friday Question #19

By , March 28, 2008 5:43 am

If you won a flight into outer space (currently valued at $20 million) would you go?

This question came to me as I saw news on a new company planning to offer spaceflights.

I would LOVE to see the earth from space, I would love to travel faster than the speed of sound, and I would love to experience weightlessness… but I think I would be too scared to go into space. I would be afraid that something would go wrong and I wouldn’t make it back home.

11 Responses to “Friday Question #19”

  1. Odie says:

    I say go for it. I’m a firm believer that you only live once, and the majority of the regrets come from not taking oppertunities when they arise.

  2. diane says:

    Nooooooooooooo!! I get claustrophobic AND motion sick. I’d be a wreck. Or I’d be so drugged up that I’d miss the whole thing.
    I’d politely pass it along to someone who would better enjoy it. 🙂

  3. Kyra says:

    If I pay 20 million for something it better come with an island, yacht, and sexy cabana boys – all of which I get to keep.

  4. claire says:

    I would totally go despite my motion sickness and claustrophobia. The claustro., I think I could manage. Load me up with B-6, B-12, those acupressure bracelets, and dramamine, I guess for the motion sickness.

    If I didn’t win the trip, it’s probably not something I’d seek out though.

  5. *lynne* says:

    doesn’t one have to be in pretty good health to withstand the takeoff/landing g-forces or whatevers? I’d totally fail that… but let’s say I were actually in good shape? TOTALLY! Like Odie sez – take that opportunity, or I’d have a difficult time not regretting it…

  6. Totally would, and I would sky dive out of a space ship too :o)

  7. Robin says:

    I would totally go. No regrets.

  8. kilax says:

    Odie – I probably WOULD regret it, but I am just so afraid 🙁

    diane – I forgot how motion sick you get! Maybe you can pass your ticket to E?

    Kyra – That’s a good point! Maybe I should just do a fun Friday post about “how would you spend $20 million dollars?” I could go on and on and on…

    claire – Do those things actually work for motion sickness? I have friends who have used them, but I never have!

    *lynne* – I think it takes 3 days of training! They probably have a weight and health and age limit – I bet I wouldn’t pass the first part!

    Gina (Mannyed) – I knew you’d say yes! 😉

    Robin – Will you take some photos to show me when you get back?

  9. claire says:

    B vitamins help some. I’m not sure about the others, but I’ve read about them. I should probably pack some saltines and ginger ale. 😉

  10. kapgar says:

    Yikes. I’m not sure. Part of me is saying “HELL YEAH!” While a more practical part is saying, “do you really want to risk everything you have for something as potentially lethal as this?” I really don’t know.

  11. SJ says:

    I would *want* to go so bad, but like you I’d be terrified of something going wrong. So I’d only go if my flightmates included Bret, MacGyver and Bruce Willis.

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