Shoulds and Should Nots

By , March 27, 2008 8:10 am

Some of the tougher decisions in my day:

  • Should I get up and straighten my hair or sleep for an extra ten minutes?
  • Should I wear heels or flats?
  • Should I bring some cottage cheese to work for lunch even though the container says it’s expired?
  • Should I take a nap on the train in the morning, or stay awake so I am not a cranky-pants when I get to work?
  • Should I buy a Diet Dr. Pepper to drink after lunch?
  • Should I clean the kitchen after dinner or read blogs on my computer?
  • Should I exercise or watch a DVD?
  • Should I take my clothes out of the dryer, or leave them in there for another day… or two?
  • Should I buy Azuma on ebay or save my $12 dollars? (sorry Steven, I already bought it… it was only $12!!!)
  • Should I go to bed when I want to, or stay awake a little longer to spend more time with my husband?

My mind has been in such a fog this week (month?!) that the only decisions I can make are these really simple ones. I feel like my logic and problem solving skills are all out of whack, and I can’t figure out why.

(Any guesses as to which decisions I made?)

6 Responses to “Shoulds and Should Nots”

  1. i can completely relate to being able to only make simple decisions!!! until the 15th has come and gone i’m going to stick to making only the simple decisions too…
    here are my guesses:
    sleep; flats; not sure about the cottage cheese; nap on the train, yes to the diet dr. pepper, read blogs, watch a dvd, leave the clothes in the dryer, and stay awake but only because it’s to spend more time with the husband unless you’re extremely tired then it’s off to bed but he’ll understand…

  2. sizzle says:

    I’d do the following:

    Stay in bed/flats/no/stay awake/no drink water instead/read blogs/exercise while watching a dvd/leave them there til tomorrow/good choice/ask husband to come to bed to cuddle.


  3. Nilsa S. says:

    Well, with the rain and gray, it’s hard to make it through the day, let alone plan for the future. I say dress in your summer’s best, wear a fancy hat, throw on a pair of shades and pretend it’s sunny and 80 out. Wouldn’t that be nice??

  4. here’s my picks (those are my daily questions to myself, btw!)

    sleep/flats/hell no/nap/yes/blog/dvd/out [to avoid the iron]/buy/stay awake a tad longer

  5. diane says:

    1. Straighten (yes, I am vain!)
    2. Flats–it’s snowing anyway
    3. Conduct the sniff test, if all clear, proceed
    4. Naps are always good
    5. Yes
    6. Read blogs!!
    7. Exercise! (you knew I would say that, ha ha)
    8. Take out–I do this too, but it’s so much better to get it over with than to keep dreading it.
    9. ??? I have no clue what that is, but it looks like you bought it anyway. 😉
    10. Get Steven to come to bed and read while you drift off. 🙂

  6. kilax says:

    So, here’s what I did today:

    1. Straigthen
    2. Flats (trick question – I leave them at work – ha ha!)
    3. I brought the cottage cheese, and ate it!
    4. I stayed awake, but I almost ALWAYS sleep!
    5. I bought the DDP
    6. Read the blogs
    7. Sat on my butt
    8. Left them in the dryer
    9. Bought the game, Azuma (diane, you would like it I think!)
    10. And I usually go to bed first but I am going to work on that…

    Nilsa S. – You are so right, it’s a LITERAL fog, today especially. I AM WAITING FOR SPRING!!! WAH!!!

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