The Gift

By , March 26, 2008 6:21 am

I finally gave Steven his gift – tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld.

We both love the Seinfeld series, and have wanted to see Jerry Seinfeld’s stand-up comedy routine for a long time.

I hope we like the routine as much as we are looking forward to it… ever since I bought these tickets I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it! And the funny thing is that Steven brought home Season 4 of the Seinfeld series the day I wrote that post about getting him the gift. Awh…

10 Responses to “The Gift”

  1. diane says:

    Ha ha! So, did he have any clue?
    I think you will enjoy it. E. and I have listened to Jerry Seinfeld routines and enjoyed them. I hope you are laughing the wonderful Kim laugh the whole time! 🙂

  2. AWESOME! You guys are going to have a blast! Was Steven blown away by his gift?

  3. Jodi says:

    We are huge Seinfeld fans. We have even corrupted our children with Seinfeldisms. Joey frequently refers to his friend “Bob Sacamano!”

    Have fun at the show!

  4. Kyra says:

    Have a wonderful time!!!

  5. sizzle says:

    What a GREAT gift!

  6. Elaine says:

    I am OBSESSED with Seinfeld and so jealous of you guys! Please let us know what you think!

  7. Nilsa S. says:

    Sounds like a great night out! It will probably be better than my outing to the White Sox game that day. Though, on a laughter scale, my outing might be funnier. I hear the Sox aren’t that great this year. Sigh.

  8. kilax says:

    diane – He had NO CLUE! He thought I bought him a DVD of The Big Lebowski! And thanks for your nice compliment on my laugh 🙂

    Gina (Mannyed) – He was excited… but also in the middle of brainstorming something, so he was a bit distracted!

    Jodi – The great thing about being a kid is that you watch those sitcoms and get a completely different perspective on it than an adult! I bet they have lots of funny insights!

    Kyra – Thanks!

    sizzle – I thought so… 😉

    Elaine – I’ll remember to do a full review to share with you!

    Nilsa S. – Ha ha! How can they know they are not going to be any good before the season has even started… you never know! (That’s optimism). And hey, at least they’ve won a world series in THE PAST CENTURY.

  9. kapgar says:

    You will be capturing some video on the sly, right?

  10. kilax says:

    kapgar – heh heh… no. Maybe I can record it from my phone? 😉

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