Across the Universe

By , March 23, 2008 9:47 am

Originally, I thought liking musicals films was an all or nothing thing – you either liked them or you didn’t.

So I thought I was in the “like” category – I really like Moulin Rouge (for obvious reasons, SJ), Rent, and classics like The Sound of Music, Grease and White Christmas. But then I saw Hairspray… and despised it so much I wanted to stab a pen into my ears and eyes to stop the horror. I put myself in the “dislike” category and figured new musical films just aren’t for me.

Before seeing being tortured by that movie, my older brother told me he really wanted to see Across the Universe, the Beatles-based musical film set in the 1960s, when he came to Chicago in the fall. I was all gung-ho and excited to see it, but then he had to cancel.

He and I both never saw the movie, and it left theaters. Then, after seeing Hairspray and feeling just a bit pessimistic, I though, “It’s a good thing I didn’t see that movie. It probably sucked and would have been a waste of time.”

I never told anyone about my new found dislike, and still bought a copy of the DVD for my brother for his birthday, fully expecting him to hate it, but kind of short on gift ideas (I’m such a great sister, right?).

When he called me to thank me for the gift, and I asked him how the movie was, I was completely surprised to hear how much he liked it. At that point, SJ had already raved about it, but I was so put off by the suckiness of Hairspray and afraid of what the movie might do to my beloved Beatles music.

My brother bought the movie with him last weekend during his visit.

Of course – I loved it.

I loved the talented singing. I loved the new take on the songs.

I loved the acting.

I loved the costumes.

I loved the stories.

I loved that it was a very artistic movie but still had a plot you could follow.

So… I guess I was wrong about musical films. They are just give-or-take.

9 Responses to “Across the Universe”

  1. Felicia says:

    I loved Across the Universe….listen to the soundtrack all the time 🙂 However, it isn’t the same for all musicals…some I really don’t like at all. This one I was prepared not to like (not a big beatles fan) but the way they weaved everything into the lyrics and had it play out really impressed me. However, the Eddie Izzard/Bono sections were just weird (good but weird LOL)!!!

  2. SJ says:

    I am the same way about musicals – some I adore and some I loathe. Moulin Rouge did not work for me. Most of the songs were not appealing to me, and some were downright torturous. But there are several “classic” musicals that I never tire of watching: West Side Story, My Fair Lady, The Sound Of Music. I haven’t seen the re-make of Hairspray, but loved the original with Ricky Lake, Divine and Deborah Harry.

    Loved both Grease movies, hated Crybaby. Loved Singin’ In The Rain, hated The Wizard Of Oz. Loved The Rocky Horror Picture Show, hated The Nightmare Before Christmas. You just never know!

  3. SJ says:

    Did you see? Did you see how I refrained from going off on a tangent about the beauty and brilliance, the heart-lifting joy of Across The Universe?!?!

    Ummm, oops. Never mind.

  4. kilax says:

    Felicia – I want the soundtrack… so so bad! I think it is amazing how they linked the songs together and gave it new meaning… it makes me wonder what it was like when the original songs were released.

    SJ – You’re right – you never know! I need to watch some of the ones you mentioned… because I am behind. And I cannot believe I waited this long to see Across the Universe… arg… now I want to see it again!

  5. Andrew says:

    So… what did you think of Hairspray?

  6. Nilsa S. says:

    I’m not one for musicals. However, I’ll suffer through them and discover ones that aren’t half bad. I’ve heard love-hate reviews of Once. I’m holding out to see it until someone forces me. Maybe you’ll like it?

  7. kilax says:

    Andrew – I think you should see it; you’ll really like it.

    Nilsa S. – I’ll watch anything once (ha ha, get the pun?), so maybe I’ll try it and see if I like it!

  8. suze says:

    I loved, loved, loved Across the Universe. So much so that I want to use the movie soundtrack for the wedding (Exiting to Jim Sturgess singing All you need is love? And walking down the aisle to TV Carpio’s version”I wanna hold your hand…” Except Mike’s not a fan of the film…yet…)

  9. *lynne* says:

    … okay, AtU is going on my (200+) Netflix queue now 🙂

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