Accidental discovery

By , December 8, 2007 4:24 pm

Apparently Data has a cross dressing fetish that Steven and I are only now discovering:

I just wish it wasn’t such an expensive hobby! $50 for a wig?

I know we should be supportive, but it is hard when we have to shell out so much cash for each outfit.

Oh well. We are family. Family supports each other, through thick and thin.

(Thanks to Courtney for the link to the wig site!)

9 Responses to “Accidental discovery”

  1. Lisa says:

    OMG that’s hysterical!!

  2. Hilly says:

    My cat would not even allow that thing to touch his head, let alone pose in it!

  3. kilax says:

    Lisa – that is the same thing I thought – hysterical and ridiculous!!!

    Hilly – I don’t know HOW IN THE WORLD they got the cats to pose with those things. My cat would attack it then try to eat it!

  4. SJ says:

    Yes, I was just going to say that my cats would rip those things to shreds in five minutes! That cat model must have been on some serious catnip.

  5. kilax says:

    SJ – you’re right! Catnip must be the treat. We accidentally gave Data some toys with catnip and he went bezerk!

  6. Felicia says:

    The picture is too cute but unless cats are better than dogs with things that are stringy, I wouldn’t fork out the dough LOL. It would only last if you sat there, held them, watched them, and then put it away 🙂

  7. HAHAHAHAHA! Manny thinks the new Data is stunning!

  8. at least you and Steven are comfortable accepting that Data likes to cross dress!!! but he does look H-O-T!!!

  9. DeAnne says:

    I didn’t see this before, it hurts, to laugh this hard in a quiet sort of way; but my atmosphere is not one that is conducive to a true LOL so I must keep it inside and maintain control of my convulsing chest

    🙂 oh Data, we’ll always love you, no matter what. and I must admit that bangs really do bring out your cheekbones.


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