Only 298 more payments left!

By , November 3, 2007 3:36 pm

Seriously. How many years is that?

I mailed my first student loan payment today. Luckily, I am an optimist, and imagine I will be paying more than my minimum payment before long…

6 Responses to “Only 298 more payments left!”

  1. Ugh…I feel like I have another thousand years before I’m paid in full. And I had a partial scholarship. Damn private institutions, lol.

  2. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – You feel the pain too, eh? I didn’t even mentioned that I paid for my entire first year OUT OF POCKET… meh. It was worth it! 🙂

  3. Kimberly says:

    Yeah, I’ve about decided that my school loan payments are going to be around so long that I’m trying to welcome them in as another part of the family…

    …they are kinda like another mouth to feed (not that I have any children yet, but this gives me one…I call him “Bill”) 😉

    And yes, them private institutes will get ya everytime…but they are such a good time when you’re in them, that they are worth it…HA!

  4. kilax says:

    Kimberly – I like that! I think as soon as someone starts to pester me about children, I will explain that I am already taking care of Bill 😉

  5. Kimberly says:

    Yeah, unfortunately this kid is one you’ll be paying for after 18 years…

    …well unless you start on that “more than my minimum payment” 😉

  6. Oh shit. I am dreading that moment.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Not what I expected… =-.

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