Friday Question #18

By , March 21, 2008 5:37 am

If, like the newspaper or milk, you could have anything of your choice delivered to your doorstep each morning, what particular item would you want it to be?

I would like a fashionable new outfit delivered to my door each morning, so I wouldn’t have to waste time looking around in my closet, just to end up feeling like I wear the same thing everyday. But does that mean I would have to go to the door in my bathrobe?

15 Responses to “Friday Question #18”

  1. Kyra says:

    HMmm… well since NOTHING is delivered here including the newspaper because we’re so far away… Um. heck, you know what? Nothing. I HATE people coming to my door. So instead, I would just like a couple extra hours to sleep (since we’re wishing, and all.)

  2. kilax says:

    Kyra – You must be really tired! This is the third (one and two) Friday question you have used to wish for more sleep 😉

  3. Yen says:

    My first time to join!:) I posted it in my blog:) Here;


  4. I’m not sure on the there days, but on Friday’s I want my Tico Times ( delivered from Costa Rica. It just takes too long to get here from CR (and once in a while they get lost).

  5. SJ says:

    I want a HOUSEKEEPER delivered to my door every day, or even just a couple times a week. Bret and I both loathe cleaning house, but love when it’s clean. It’s a conundrum. I want to come home to a clean, neat, pretty house every day without having to do the work myself!

    You know, we have three able-bodied cats that lay around all day long. If only we could train them to clean house!!! But hell, we can’t even train them to sweep up their scattered litter.

  6. Christina says:

    I too would want a fashionable new outfit delivered to my door each morning, along with a hair stylist to do my hair and a makeup artist to do my makeup…

    And might as well throw in a masseuse as well!!

    That would be the life!

  7. Denise (cousin) says:

    I would like money and a limo (to take me shopping), along with a cook, maid service and a new fashionable outfit, hair and makeup stylists. Hey, if I’m going to dream, I’ll dream BIG!

  8. Jenn says:

    Hairstylist. I love when they wash my hair, and I can never make it look nearly as good as they do.

  9. diane says:

    I’m with Christina–I want a hairstylist.
    I’ve also wished for a long time that breakfast could be delivered. I wouldn’t want it every day, but once in awhile having someone else bring me a hot, delicious breakfast would be awesome!

  10. ajooja says:

    Super model? 😀

  11. Robin says:

    Definitely breakfast. And a hair stylist!

  12. Ditto on the hairstylist. And breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  13. kilax says:

    It sounds like we all kind of want assistants. Except for ajooja 😉

  14. sizzle says:

    I’m liking the massage therapist idea. I think I’d be a waaaay more centered person if i had more massages. And while we are wishing, I’d want a yoga instructor to come here too. That way I’d actually DO yoga.

  15. kilax says:

    sizzle – I would love to try a massage every morning! Can you imagine how great you’d feel from that?

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