To the brim

By , March 17, 2008 4:23 pm

This is the first job I’ve had with paid days off. All of my other work until now has been part-time, summer work, non-paid or McDonald’s.

Something inside of me (a conscience?) made me feel like I had to be careful and only ask for days off when I really needed them, so I took off the day before the wedding, six days for the trip to Aruba, and New Year’s Eve for visiting family in Kansas City. And since then, I’ve been slaving away at my desk everyday… because in my office, we recognize zero holidays between New Years Day and Memorial Day.

But oh, how I’ve been getting tense at work. Our secretary took a two-week vacation, during which my mentor found me in the copy room swearing at a printer because I couldn’t figure out how to get the ink in (something our secretary normally takes care of). A general contractor told me he was surprised when I didn’t answer my phone because I always seem to be at my desk. A lunch conversation with a coworker left me so fed-up with some things I felt like I had to have a one-on-one with my boss. A new coworker started, drove me nuts, and quit abruptly five weeks later. An engineer from a job left me so infuriated that I went into my boss’s office and was yelling about it. Multiple arguments with a general contractor that I had to ask my boss to join because I didn’t feel comfortable with on my own. Blah blah blah…

All normal stuff. All signs of needing a break.

But how do you just ask for a day off and say, “I need a break from work.” Does your boss understand that?

My sister and her boyfriend are here until tomorrow morning, so I used them as an excuse to take a much needed day off. And I am trying not to feel guilty about it.

10 Responses to “To the brim”

  1. mental health days should be allowed… my boss doesn’t really understand that though… he says, work is good for you and he works 24/7… i know what you mean though… work can drain the life right out of you faster than a vampire and days away are very much needed!!! today i found out we are working good friday, normally we are off… so i’m in the same boat as you as far as holidays between new years and memorial day… if you find a way to not feel guilty about taking time off let me know!!! keep your head up, memorial day will be here before we know it!!! then it will be the 2nd half of the year- the one with more holidays!!!

  2. sizzle says:

    We didn’t schedule any holiday time off from January to Memorial Day either- it’s brutal isn’t it!? So today, because I just am so fed up with my job, I took the day off. I emailed in. And you know what? I haven’t felt bad about it for one single second. I must really be growing…or I am just really done with my job. Either way, I know what that feeling of guilt can do to you but I also know that if you don’t use those vacation/sick days you will eventually blow up. They are there for a reason- so use them!

    Have a great day off tomorrow. 🙂

  3. claire says:

    As long as you have the vacation time earned and ask sufficiently in advance (sufficient can vary with times of year or projects…) so that you can be covered if necessary, then your boss shouldn’t have a problem with it. You shouldn’t need an excuse either- it’s your time off, you’ve earned it, how you use it should be up to you.

    Enjoy your day off!

  4. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – That’s the worst – when you are expecting a day off and don’t get it. We originally had to choose between getting the day after Thanksgiving or the day before Christmas off, but then they finally gave them both to us. I can’t imagine working on either day.

    sizzle – That is what I felt like too – I must be growing if I asked for a random day off! I took today off too though – I wasn’t very clear in my post! 🙂

    claire – I think you’re right – why would they give us the days if they didn’t want us to take them?!

  5. Robin says:

    Take the days off. I find long weekends preserve my sanity. I took last Friday off and we get this Friday off for Good Friday. Yeah—two three-day weekends in a row!

  6. kilax says:

    Robin – My Christmas and New Year’s was like that – two FOUR-day weekends in a row…. wow… the only thing is, you get used to that real quick! 😉

  7. kapgar says:

    Just say you need a personal day for personal reasons. Should work.

    And remember your secretary on Secretary’s Day (or whatever it’s called now).

  8. ajooja says:

    My company is family-owned so things are a little lax when it comes to “company policy.” I never know when it’s OK to ask off either.

    I usually take off one week in the summer and a few days here and there throughout the year. Our secretary makes a big deal of scheduling so many days off a year and everyone always seems to give her shit about it, so I’m kind of in the same situation as you.

    I’ve been here seven years and I have no idea how many days off I’m allowed to take off each year. Of course, they allow my wife (and sometimes kids) to go to Orlando and San Diego every year for two conferences, so I don’t want to seem ungrateful.

  9. diane says:

    We really are related, I’m sure of it. I always feel guilty about taking time off. And moreover, in my current position, if I don’t work I don’t get paid.
    E. has been trying to convince me to take a week’s vacation and the idea sends me into an absolute panic. When I come back, none of my work will be done! Ack! Ack! CANNOT DEAL! 😉

  10. kilax says:

    kapgar – good point – on both. And when is that damn Secretary’s Day? My world is hell when she’s gone.

    ajooja – The not fun thing about working in a family-owned business (imo) is that the family gets all the days off they want, and you usually end up covering their asses. I hope that isn’t the case for you!

    diane – Hee hee. Guilty is the word. Even though they give us the days, I don’t want to put anyone in a bad situation by being gone. I don’t want to upset my clients. Blah blah blah. I suggest we both take long trips and see if they survive without us while we are gone – then, it’s probably okay 😉

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