Never learned to share

By , December 27, 2007 6:05 am

Tell me if you can relate.

Sometimes, when Steven and I are eating out, we’ll order a cookie to split after the meal. A few times, I’ve told him “I’ll cut the cookie in half. Then, since I made the cut, you get to pick which side you want to eat first!”

He’ll pick his side of the cookie and I’ll say, “I knew you were going to pick the bigger side!”

Then he gives me a strange look and asks why he should care which side of the cookie he gets.

Apparently, Steven never had to split anything with his brother? For some reason, I can remember arguing with my siblings about: who got the biggest piece of “fill in the blank” treat, who got the last piece of “fill in the blank” treat, and why did “fill in the blank” sibling get “fill in the blank” treat and I didn’t?

Yeah, we were probably big brats, but this must be a common argument among siblings?

14 Responses to “Never learned to share”

  1. kapgar says:

    Not common. Not when you’re the bigger brother, anyway. You just grab what you’re supposed to split, beat the little one over the head, and run away before you can be blamed. I thought everyone knew that. 😉

  2. Kyra says:

    It was worse in my house. I swear my brother had a hallowed out interior or something, and just ate everything in the house. I mean that literally – my mom would go grocery shopping and he would pull up a chair and just eat until anything good was gone. We’re talking 100’s of $ of groceries in a few hours. My mom suggested “labeling” some of it mine, so he would stay out of it. he didn’t. Plus my mom would do something similar (she had an eating disorder) and so nothing was safe, including my halloween candy (which on one ocassion my mother snuck into my room after halloween and ate ALL of the chocolate candy – the only stuff I cared about.)

    So I took to hiding things around my room (i.e. candy in the folds of my curtains, etc.) Or disguising and hiding things in the fridge (something yummy inside a bag or frozen veggies, or just under everything.) So when I got married I was still doing this. My poor hubby was completely baffeled and offended by it and literally set me down and said “Do you really think I wouldn’t give you anything you wanted? I would never say no to any food you wanted, you don’t have to hide it from me.” And there I was, the selfish little ogre. I didn’t mean to be… but well… there is MY big shameful not sharing episode.

    I don’t think it’s about not sharing that he doesn’t understand. Maybe it’s that you could choose either peice and he would give it to you in a heartbeat, and doesn’t understand why you feel the way you do. 😉 Guys are funny that way. (BTW, I stopped hiding stuff after that whole incident… unless my mother is staying with us, and then HUBBY has taken to hiding things. hehehe)

  3. Shared. everything. sigh.

  4. diane says:

    Ha ha! I grew up sans siblings, but my mom said her and her two sisters did exactly this with “treats” from their mom. Always “You got the bigger half! No fair!”

  5. Hilly says:

    Oh honey, we still do it NOW…..except my sister and I eyeball who has the bigger glass of wine rather than the biggest cookie ;).

    Shawn however, knows to take the small piece of whatever it is. He’s smart that way!

  6. ajooja says:

    I can’t relate too much, but I haven’t commented in a while.

    My brother and I are such polar opposites we never shared anything. My kids are a boy and a girl, seven years apart. My wife and I never disagree about anything, even if there is a little bit if friction.

    I’m more likely to give her the bigger half then pout about it. 😀

  7. sizzle says:

    i totally get that. i think that’s why my sister’s first word was “mine” and mine was “no.” haha.

  8. Robin says:

    There were six kids in my family. My Mom was a pro at dividing things up evenly to avert arguments!

  9. Sheryl says:

    My name within my family was (is) Sherry. My older brother told me, at a tender age, that our parents had named me “share-y” because I was supposed to share everything I had with him. It was years before my folks caught on to his game and told me it wasn’t true.

  10. Andrew says:

    Steven and I fought over (literally) everything the entire time we lived together. If he told you otherwise, he’s lying… or he blocked it out. On sharing now – I’d have to say that he has matured. Maybe in a few years you’ll understand, youngling (I’ll pat you on the head this weekend for a more dramatic effect).

  11. kilax says:

    kapgar – Steven is the younger brother though!

    Kyra – Thanks for sharing this personal story. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to try to change when you got married. You definitely understand what I am feeling though!

    Gina (Mannyed) – is it easier for twins?

    diane – you are L-U-C-K-Y! 😉

    Hilly – wine? Hee hee. We haven’t gotten to that point yet!

    ajooja – I think Steven is the same way as you – he just gives me the bigger piece!

    Robin – you never argued?!

    Sheryl – Ha ha ha 🙂 THat sounds like something an older brother would say!

    Andrew – He must have blocked it out! You are telling me you never split anything?

  12. Robin says:

    Oh, we argued all the time! Someone always felt like they were getting the short end of the stick. Even when Mom would divide things up perfectly, not everyone was happy!

  13. *lynne* says:

    heh, I was certainly forced to share/split when young, and it didn’t sit well with either my brother or myself!! It got so bad between my brother and me we accused each other of being the parents’ favourites… and of course them grown-ups didn’t help the situation by claiming of course you’re our favourite son/daughter!! We were their ONLY son and daughter! gaarrh, frustrating! :p

    Kosh and I do the split/share food thing quite often 🙂 he lets me cut *and* choose!! Quite a catch, he is 🙂

  14. Steven says:

    I must have blocked out my childhood. Who is this “Andrew” guy?

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