Friday Question #24

By , May 9, 2008 5:56 am

If your parents were in a movie, who’d play them?

I am going to answer based on personality, not looks.

I would cast Harrison Ford as my father, because he seems a little rough, and is a smart-ass, and a bit of a recluse. My dad is 14 years younger than Harrison Ford, but Ford’s still got it. Duh! Who else plays action figures at age 66?

And for my mother, hmm… I need to think of an actor who is a bit crazy, but super nice… maybe Didi Conn who played Frenchy in Grease? Ha ha, I haven’t seen her in anything recently! But she seems excited, and sincere, like my mother.

8 Responses to “Friday Question #24”

  1. kapgar says:

    The one thing Katie and I could definitely agree on with casting for parents would be George Costanza’s mom as Katie’s mom. That’s been a running joke in their family for years. And it is SOOOOO true.

  2. Nilsa S. says:

    This is a great and hilarious question. Based on looks, my dad most definitely would be played by the father in Family Ties. When he grows a beard, there’s a striking resemblance!

  3. sizzle says:

    My mom would be played by Annette Funicello (Mrs. Skippy) and my dad would be played by Steve McQueen. Based on 100% looks and 80% personality.

  4. ajooja says:

    I love this question more than you’ll ever know. 🙂

    My dad died when he was 40 but I would pick Tom Skerritt. My dad was definitely reminiscent of Skerritt in Top Gun. Had he lived, he might look like Skerritt now too.

    My mom looked just like Lesley Ann Warren when Warren starred in the television version of Cinderella in 1965. Warren has been a working actor the past 40 years so she’s held up quite a bit better than my mom.

    Still, if I ever write my movie script, I will insist on Skerritt and Warren being called in to read for those two parts.

  5. kilax says:

    kapgar – Hey! Isn’t than an insult? 😉

    Nilsa S. – Ha ha. Will you think it is funny if I told you I had to look up a photo of the dad from Family Ties to see what he looks like? I have never seen that show!

    sizzle – They’d make a hot couple 🙂

    ajooja – Aww 🙂 Tom Skerritt is such a handsome badass 🙂 I was thinking about that when I made my choices – how much better movie actors seem to hold up than real people!

  6. Steven says:

    My dad would be played by Woddy Allen and my mom would be played by Angela Lansbury (from “Murder, She Wrote”). Of course these people are the wrong age now, so you have to imagine them at the correct ages. Let’s see if Andrew agrees.

  7. dad says:

    Wow, Thanks! (and I’m only 51)

  8. kilax says:

    Steven – I guess your brother has no opinion. I think you got it right on though.

    dad – Sorry, I just based it on math: 2008-1956. Duh, Oops. Are you going to see the new Indiana Jones movie next weekend?

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