Getting Better…

By , April 27, 2008 7:30 pm

Can you guess which score is mine, and which is Steven’s?

You know how I can tell I’m getting better at bowling? I get pissed off when I throw a bad ball. Before I would just laugh about it.

Of course, I don’t get as “frustrated” as Steven does when he is doing poorly, but I’m working on it.

12 Responses to “Getting Better…”

  1. kapgar says:

    Shoot. I don’t stand a chance against either of you.

  2. Kimberly says:

    Wow….y’all are good. I went bowling with some friends last Thursday and I sure didn’t break 100 either of the two games we played…HA HA!

  3. claire says:

    Well, as I see it, there’s no reason to be frustrated if you get all strikes with a few spares. 251 is awesome. I’ve never come close to breaking 200, but if you went from having trouble breaking 100 to getting a new ball and hitting 251, I’m sold on the idea of needing my own ball. Heck, I’d be satisfied with 137.

  4. kilax says:

    kapgar – There is a VERY HIGH chance my score was a FLUKE. VERY HIGH. Don’t worry!

    Kimberly – I have only been breaking 100s since I got my new ball … a few weeks ago! I loved playing even when I only got a 37 😉

    claire – I aimed at the arrows like you suggested!!! You get ALL the credit! Okay, you and my coach, Steven. And… I am satisfied with the 137 😉 It’s Steven that has the killer moves!

  5. Christina says:

    Just wait.. Kyle and I will dominate.

  6. amazing scores!!! i took a bowling class in college and never broke 100… that’s ok with me, i still had fun, i love to bowl!!!

  7. tori says:

    I’d like to now confess that my bowling score is almost always around 60. Seriously. I would like to use the gutter guards that my kids use! Then I’d score a respectable adult score!

  8. Nilsa S. says:

    Ditto what Kevin said. I’m happy if I break 100.

  9. kilax says:

    Christina – A chaaalange?

    CourtneyInControl – I would like to take a class, or at least learn on the rules. I just rely on Steven…

    tori – There’s nothing wrong with that! As long as you’re having funs… and you wouldn’t wan to do much better than your kids, right? 😉

    Nilsa S. – I am too. Believe me. 137 may be my all time high!

  10. Lisa says:

    I’d play with you. Now Steven… notsomuch. He’d just blow me out of the water.

  11. Lumpy says:

    You started off strong and a nine-r is nothing to scoff at! You keep going girl!

  12. kilax says:

    Lisa – Aww… come on 😉 We’ve actually gone bowling now twice since I posted this (WE ARE SO LAME) and he has only bee in the high 100s 😉

    Lumpy – THANKS!!! I am really getting into it, and I feel like a HUGE dork!

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