It never ends

By , March 29, 2008 12:15 pm

I refuse to be a pushover.

If someone is doing something that bothers me, I am going to talk to them/do something about it. I’ve always been this way in my personal and professional life, but more so recently, as my roles and responsibilities have changed, and unfortunately, as I’ve become more impatient and intolerant.

If that means I’m a bitch from time to time to time, I’m sorry.

I really am. But I’d be more upset if I didn’t say something.

We are still frustrated with our neighbors. They still play their music too loud. They still park their cars all over the place (in front of my driveway!). A few weeks ago, I was standing outside with my mother when my neighbor started screaming at her kid and shoving him around (in their garage). I feel bad for their kids.

Last night I went over to talk to them because their music was too loud. I just don’t want to hear it through our living room wall! They were nice, and turned it down for awhile. But a few hours later (10:00), they started screaming bloody murder at each other. We thought they were trying to kill each other. I didn’t really want to go knock on their door and say “Could you two not be so loud while you are trying to kill each other?” so we called the police.

They had quieted down by the time the police came, but as soon as they left, they took their little screaming match outside, and continued it until about 1:00 a.m. They were yelling “F**k those f**king faggots” over and over and “I can do whatever I want outside!!!”… so we opened our window to tell them to STFU and… that didn’t really help.

So really. What are we supposed to do? I don’t give a crap what they do in their house until it disturbs the general peace of our neighborhood, WHICH IT IS. Why aren’t our other neighbors disturbed by their screaming matches?

What would you do? I am not just going to ignore this. It wakes me up. And honestly, it frightens me.

18 Responses to “It never ends”

  1. Jenn says:

    That really, really sucks. I would call the police again, and ask them to not only come over and get them to be quiet but ask them if there is any other action you can take that doesn’t require asking the police to come over multiple times a night.

    This isn’t the same, but one of my coworkers have problems with their neighbors too. Oddly enough they live on 34 acres of their own, private, land and still have noise problems. Their neighbors children are motocross bike riders, and the noise and dirt it kicks up freaks my coworkers horses out. They’re working with the county and district attorneys to take decibel level readings to prove they’re illegally high and legally force them to stop riding their bikes. Obviously your neighbors yelling isn’t illegal, but maybe there’s something that can be done? Turn them in for child abuse?? πŸ˜‰

  2. Lisa says:

    You can’t possibly be the only neighbor that hears them. Seriously, people like that suck! Do they own the house or are they renters?

    We had a problem with some renters when we lived in AZ. Got a petition together, went around having the neighbors sign it (some as far as 3 blocks away cuz they were JUST THAT LOUD), called the cops almost every night, and then got the property manager (slum bucket) involved. The cops finally forced the property manager to contact the owners of the house and the whole crew was evicted. It took awhile, and lots of sleepless nights, but in the long run it was worth it.

  3. claire says:

    That really sucks. I imagine your other neighbors don’t say anything because they don’t want the loud couple’s vitriol aimed at them.

    If you don’t have a neighborhood association, town by-laws on noise pollution, or those sorts of options, I would look into sound proofing since your house is something you do have control over. A solid fence might help, heavy drapes, hang a thick tapestry. Or ear plugs if you want low tech and inexpensive. If I had the money, I’d plant a wall of tall shrubs between your houses.

  4. kilax says:

    Jenn – I am in the process of trying to figure out what my rights are and what the village peace ordinance is… so I don’t have to call the police over and over again. Are your friend’s neighbors riding on their property? Or just around their property in general? I hope they get everything worked out.

    Lisa – They rent. We own. We have lived here for over 3 years and they moved in about 2 months ago. We called the property owner at 11:30 last night, and got the number for the management service that “manages the home for her.” We are trying to figure out what to do, because right now, it is 3:45 in the afternoon and they are blasting their speakers again. Their kids are going to have hearing damage! Maybe I should talk to our other neighbors, or think of the petition idea.

    claire – Unfortunately, we live in a townhome, so their home is connected to ours! πŸ™ But they are in the middle, so I wonder why the neighbors on the other side don’t say anything…? I think Steven and I have lots of frustrated days ahead of us. This is so awful – I am hardly ever home, and now when I am, I can’t relax because of this EFFING IDIOTS!

  5. Robin says:

    I would continue to contact the owner of the property that rents to these inconsiderate people. When I lived in a duplex, I got my neighbors evicted once because they were so loud and fighting all the time. Then they stole all my potted plants when they moved.

    Hope this situation gets better for you and Steven.

  6. Christina says:

    Why weren’t they loud when Kyle and I were there? I would have gone over and beat them up. πŸ™‚

  7. kilax says:

    Robin – We talked to the management company this evening, and she sounded really nice, and seemed like she was going to try to take care of things right away. If nothing happens, we are just going to keep complaining… and complaining…

    Christina – I was thinking about that – I am surprised they were not being asswipes when you were here. It’s lucky for them – the Ilax Sisters can turn into a couple of byotches pretty quickly when they are unhappy!

  8. Lumpy says:

    I’m not sure how I got here but your blog is great! Beautiful pictures, looks as if you had a dream fairytale wedding – I’m blown away at how perfect your day looked! Your new neighbors sound very classy πŸ™
    I can understand how you must be going crazy…here you OWN your property and here is some asshound next door who doesn’t give a shit. One of my best friends had a neighbor play loud music and once it started to grate on her nerves, it was all she could focus on. It got so bad that she had panic attacks. I had to talk her through a few. Luckily the kid moved away. I’d say, if it’s during the day at a normal hour, everyone has to endure some noise- fine. However, if it keeps up -it’s time to call the poe-poe!
    And you know what? If they cannot be civil and decent; it may be time to get a little shady πŸ˜‰

  9. kilax says:

    Lumpy – Thanks so much! I still get goosebumps looking at the wedding photos. We really lucked out with perfect weather! Regarding our neighbors… last night, as we were driving home, I started to get NERVOUS. NERVOUS! NERVOUS to drive to my own home! I was thinking “what if these idiots did something stupid while we were gone? What if they damaged my car? Damaged our house? Broke in and hurt our cat?” I don’t want to feel this way driving to my home πŸ™

  10. sizzle says:

    Are they renting or do they own? Because if they are renting, it might do you some good to talk to the landlord. It sucks that you have such rude and noisy neighbors. It doesn’t sound like they are going to change since they seriously have some attitude/communication issues. I feel most sad for their kids because they sound like major a-holes. πŸ™

  11. sizzle says:

    Also, that photo in your banner? AWESOME.

  12. kilax says:

    sizzle – They are renting. We called the person who owns their house Friday night and talked to the management company (who manages the house for the owner?) last night. I am worried they will not change too. The management company said they would call and talk to them, so I am going to get following up until something changes. I know this much – WE are not leaving. WE have lived here for 3 years! THEM? 2 months. And thanks πŸ™‚

  13. Lumpy says:

    Awww, that’s sad. That’s NOT right. MIght be time to get shady. Time to make friends with people in low places πŸ˜‰ Ha! Ha! Ha! Bust out the nun-chucks and, “Whooo-ah!” YOU CAN DO IT! πŸ™‚ Love the picture on your blog header – having the time of your life it seems – looks like a blast!

  14. lcmotorist says:

    If you have a homeowner’s association, check the bylaws. Some of them have rules regarding subletting. For instance, the association may require that the unit owner advise the association of the sublet, plus provide the contact information for the tenants prior to the tenant taking possession. If the unit owner violated any rules with the association, the association may be able to put some pressure on the owner as well.

    As for the other residents, they may be too fearful to speak out or confront the renters. Are the residents on the other side away from home a lot? If they appear to be home frequently, perhaps you can strike up a conversation with them and “feel” them out.

    Hang in there, and hopefully it will be resolved soon!

  15. Nilsa S. says:

    Wow. That’s a really sticky situation. At what point does someone’s domestic issues become the neighborhood’s domestic issues? I’ll remind you of a rule of thumb I used with my residents when I was an RA back in college. I used to tell them, they could do whatever they want so long as they respected their neighbors and others on the floor. The minute they got stupid & disrespectful was the minute I would impose my authority. Thankfully, I had a really great floor and everyone got along. In your case, I’d follow the same rules, only I’d call the police each and every time something goes amiss. Particularly if its’ s at night when most people are trying to sleep. It’s your right.

  16. aw, Kim, I’m so sorry that you have to deal with these beyond annoying neighbors. You should not have to feel anxious when you’re in your home, your own safe haven. I wish I had some good ideas for you and Steven. I see that you complained to management and basically that’s all you can do. I’m sure if you get enough complaints, they will be kicked out. Until than, perhaps get a white noise machine to drown out the noise. I really feel bad that you have to deal with this! Incredible! And I thought my neighbors could get loud!

  17. kilax says:

    Lumpy – My husband works at a store that is the equivalent of Best Buy on steroids. I told him to bring home some killer, HUGE speakers to put right next to our wall πŸ˜‰ He didn’t… yet.

    lcmotorist – I am planning on talking to the guy who lives in the townhome on the other side. Surely, this must bother him as well? And we talked to our association today, and they are getting on the owner’s case ASAP. Thank heavens.

    Nilsa S. – Exactly. Isn’t that just common courtesy? These people are just trash… sigh.

    Gina (Mannyed) – Maybe I should just get 5 or 6 more cats and let them do kitty nascar all night long? That is probably loud enough to annoy them… and me πŸ˜‰

  18. tori says:

    How scary! I am so nonconfrontational that I would probably move. Not the right solution, but most likely the one I would choose.

    Good luck finding a more mature solution than I would choose!

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