Another movie meme

By , March 20, 2008 10:11 pm

Since everyone loves the other movie meme… and since I still have nothing going on in my personal life, I decided to create a movie screenshot meme for you. This should be EASY. In fact, it is going to be SO EASY that I ask you to not answer them all if you know them all so others can guess too.

The rules are the same – post your guess for the movie title in the comments, and I’ll fill in the film once it’s been guessed! (And no cheating and all that)

(American Graffiti – guessed by Robin)


(Pride and Prejudice – guessed by Megan)

(300 – guessed by Christina)

(Batman Begins – guessed by diane – I knew she would get this one!!!)

(Casino Royale – guessed by kapgar)

(Live Free or Die Hard – guessed by SJ)

(Reno 911!: Miami – guessed by CourtneyInControl)

(Transformers – guessed by kapgar)

(V for Vendetta – guessed by Megan)

I apologize for making this so easy. It’s kind of a waste of time. When I thought of it, I thought I could make it harder, but I am not finding any good screenshots on the internet.

Can you tell how bored I am right now?

12 Responses to “Another movie meme”

  1. Christina says:

    #4 300

    “Madness?? THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  2. kilax says:

    Christina – I just woke up because I thought I heard gunshots outside… hmmm, must have been a dream? BUT, THIS IS SPARTA!

  3. diane says:

    #5 is Batman Begins. And it’s not THAT easy, I think I only know 4 all together! 🙂

  4. #8 is Reno 911…. hehe…. 🙂 (i hope anyways!)

  5. Megan says:

    #3 is Pride and Prejudice.

    (I can’t think straight when Mr. Darcy is on the screen! And if you’ve never seen it, try looking for the BBC Pride and Prejudice…..a young(er) Colin Firth plays Mr. Darcy!! 😉

  6. Megan says:

    And #10 is V for Vendetta…..sorry, got too caught up in Mr. Darcy!

  7. claire says:

    Hmm, not that easy. I don’t recognize anything that’s left offhand.

  8. SJ says:

    #7 is definitely Live Free Or Die Hard.

    Is #1 Rebel Without A Cause?

  9. Robin says:

    I think #1 is American Graffiti. I agree with SJ about #7 Live Free or Die Hard.
    Don’t know the others!

  10. SJ says:

    You know, I *thought* #1 was American Graffiti, but the black&white threw me off!

    I’m wondering if #2 is Closer? Sure looks like Natalie Portman.

  11. kilax says:

    diane – I knew you would get that one!

    CourtneyInControl – I think once you saw that movie you would not forget that scene!

    Megan – I have heard a lot about that tv series! A lot of people have recommended it to me!

    claire – hmm, maybe it is not so easy…

    SJ – You got it! THe first one! #2 is not closer, the actress is Audrey Tatou… (is that how you spell her name?)

    Robin – American Graffiti! A favorite of mine!

  12. kapgar says:

    #6 is Casino Royale (the new one) and #9 is Transformers. Oh yes, it’s Transformers for sure.

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