I don’t know anyone who lives in Round Lake and all I can smell is mexican food

By , February 28, 2008 7:40 pm

Sometimes you need someone to blame for all of life’s shittiness. You just need to have a screaming match, get all of the nasty words and thoughts out, then go sob in your pillow for an hour or so. You wake up, eat a cookie, and feel better.

But sometimes there really is no one to blame. It’s not your fault, it’s not their fault, it’s just shitty luck! Who do you blame then?

No one. You just get pissed off, and all the anger and frustration builds up inside of you. Eventually, you explode.

Today it was an ordeal with a taxi. How hard is it to get an effin’ taxi in Round Lake? Jeez! I reserved one to pick me up from the train well in advance and it was a no show. Then the other one didn’t show. Then another taxi place said they didn’t have any taxis for an hour. Then I had to call my last resort shitty Round Lake taxi service that I avoid at all costs because they are so effin’ worthless. They took another 30 minutes.

Jeez. At the end of the week, shit like this really makes me crazy. I have been in an airport all day, and the last thing I want to do is spend another hour or so waiting for an effin’ taxi.

If you live in Round Lake, please be my friend, so I can call you for a ride next time.

But I would understand if you don’t want to be my friend after reading this nasty rant post.

14 Responses to “I don’t know anyone who lives in Round Lake and all I can smell is mexican food”

  1. Cat. says:

    Round Lake has taxi companies??

    I can be your friend, if necessary, though I’m about 20 miles west of you. At least I know where Round Lake is, and I could get you within shouting distance. And yes, I’ve been reading you for awhile but had no idea you were nearby. Nearly fell out of my chair when I read “Round Lake”!! 😀

  2. sizzle says:

    I’d pick you up even after reading this. Alas, I live thousands of miles away!

  3. kilax says:

    Cat. – Thanks for saying hello! As I know it, Round Lake has one taxi company – American Taxi. (Not to be confused with the chicagoland American Taxi). And I have a vendetta out for them, because it took them 45 minutes to find my house one night when I had car problems and was late for a wedding dance appt. three days before my wedding. I was a BIT stressed. Thank you for the support. At least you KNOW where Round Lake is! Most people have no idea what is north of Lake Forest.

    sizzle – you’re so sweet. I wish you lived in my building. 🙂

  4. diane says:

    IF I had a car AND lived closer I would totally pick you up. It is okay to want to scream into your pillow and eat a cookie, even when no one is to blame. 🙂

  5. kapgar says:

    Round Lake has four freakin’ taxi services? Are they big enough?

    I think you need a whole box of Girl Scout Thin Mints.

  6. you can eat all the cookies you want and you can scream and sob all you want too!!!! getting it out helps!!! (and that’s one advantage of blogging- a place to rant and rave! i’m just so glad that i’ve never used my blog for that- ha!!) i would be more than happy to give you a ride anywhere you want to go!!! too bad i don’t live a little closer!!! i hope the end of your week is better!!!
    if you ever need to rant and rave you can always email me!!! 🙂

  7. You need to teach Data how to drive…oh, and buy him a car. Then all your problems will be solved – HAHA!

  8. *lynne* says:

    okay so I mapquested Round Lake to see where it is (I have a good excuse, I’m not originally from around here!! 😀 ) and yikes it’s quite a ways away from anywhere I’ve been in the “Chicagoland” area! Sorry you had such s**ty service from *so many!* cab companies,,, I do hope you manage to find someone to help out next time!

  9. SJ says:

    But … what about the Mexican food??? I was looking forward to that part.

    You guys have a Lake Forest? So do we! Only rich people live there, though.

  10. kilax says:

    diane – maybe after you get that blue mini 😉

    kapgar – I think there are four taxi services that will go to Round Lake! Ha ha. I am surprised we even have that one.

    CourtneyInControl – I feel like my blog has been more ranting lately than normal… but at least that means I am not yelling at Steven about it (too much anyway!)

    Gina (Mannyed) – the whole opposable thumbs thing seems to be holding him back. He can’t grip the steering wheel!

    *lynne* – I don’t think anyone who lives in Chicago has ever been to Round Lake! Just kidding, but you’re right – it is SO FAR AWAY. We live so far about because Steven used to work near here… now…. we just live far away and we both work closer to the city!

    SJ – HA HA HA!!! Our train station is in downtown Round Lake, where all the Mexican food stores are. There were lots of yummy smells while I was waiting. AND ONLY RICH PEOPLE LIVE IN OUR LAKE FOREST TOO!!! What’s up with that?!

  11. lcmotorist says:

    I should dig up the business card from the taxi company that I used last November. It’s definitely not from American Taxi. It might be one of the four places to which you referred 🙁 I took a three-mile ride from the Metra station and the fare was nine bucks…..nine bucks! RIDICULOUS! If only the weather and time of day had been better, a walk might have been in order.

    I’d never heard of Round Lake either until a few years ago. This area was that mystery land between The City and Wisconsin.

    I could stop by the Metra station and pick you up, if you have nine bucks, that is 🙂

  12. kilax says:

    lcmotorist – these American Taxi guys are such a rip off – $4.50 a mile! So that was over $15 to get to my house! The real American taxi is $2 a mile or something… but they didn’t ever come 🙁 Your description – the mystery area between Chicago and WI -is perfect. 🙂 I’ll put a $10 in my billfold just in case.

  13. tori says:

    I’ll be your friend! I live very close to round lake and I would totally pick you up. Let me know next time and if I have no sick kids (or even if I did and you didn’t mind being exposed) I would help you!

  14. Vince says:

    Guess What? Round Lake Taxi is now in business (224)338-8488 no not even 4.50 a mile like that gypsy america taxi driver named philipp lebenson. Affiliated with 303 taxi wait no more just call and i will be there!!! 🙂

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