I don’t know anyone who lives in Round Lake and all I can smell is mexican food
Sometimes you need someone to blame for all of life’s shittiness. You just need to have a screaming match, get all of the nasty words and thoughts out, then go sob in your pillow for an hour or so. You wake up, eat a cookie, and feel better.
But sometimes there really is no one to blame. It’s not your fault, it’s not their fault, it’s just shitty luck! Who do you blame then?
No one. You just get pissed off, and all the anger and frustration builds up inside of you. Eventually, you explode.
Today it was an ordeal with a taxi. How hard is it to get an effin’ taxi in Round Lake? Jeez! I reserved one to pick me up from the train well in advance and it was a no show. Then the other one didn’t show. Then another taxi place said they didn’t have any taxis for an hour. Then I had to call my last resort shitty Round Lake taxi service that I avoid at all costs because they are so effin’ worthless. They took another 30 minutes.
Jeez. At the end of the week, shit like this really makes me crazy. I have been in an airport all day, and the last thing I want to do is spend another hour or so waiting for an effin’ taxi.
If you live in Round Lake, please be my friend, so I can call you for a ride next time.
But I would understand if you don’t want to be my friend after reading this nasty rant post.