Friday Question #7

By , December 21, 2007 5:48 am

What is your favorite new movie from 2007?

It’s kind of selfish of me to ask this. I am curious to know what your favorite movie from 2007 is, but I also have this theory that a lot of the new movies are total crap, so it makes me wonder if I missed some really good movie and just don’t realize it!

I am embarrassed to say my favorite 2007 movie is Transformers. I’m embarrassed because it is an action movie… about robots from outer space… directed by Michael Bay. I think what was important to me about this movie is that it kept me entertained. A lot of time I am watching movies and I get so bored, I just space out and don’t pay attention.

Even though this movie didn’t have the most compelling story, I liked the jokes, action, actors, and general story line.

But come on, Transformers?! Seriously, there must be a more “adult” film that I missed?

10 Responses to “Friday Question #7”

  1. Jenniy says:

    That’s a really hard one. I can’t even remember 99% of the movies we watched, and actually had to log into Netflix to see a list of what we rented.

    I don’t think I can pick one favorite, because I don’t remember them well enough, but top on the list would be Evan Almighty, American Gangster, and Pride.

    Harry Potter would probably be up there, if I ever saw it! I loved all the previous ones, but my mom and I never got around to seeing the latest one.

  2. it’s hard for me to pay attention to movies too… well, to actually watch them all the way thru… i either fall asleep or get bored and restless… crazy love was good… (it is based on a true story)… 🙂

  3. diane says:

    The latest Harry Potter was great–blew the other ones out of the water IMO.
    Zodiac was really good (but disturbing! not a good hoilday rental, fa sure!).
    I LOVED Hot Fuzz!! But I can’t remember if you were the one that didn’t like Shaun of the Dead…? If so, you won’t enjoy Hot Fuzz.
    I keep hearing that Juno is amazing, but I missed seeing it.

  4. sizzle says:

    i really don’t go to the movies enough. the fact that i can’t answer this question proves that.

  5. Hilly says:

    Ha, I feel the same way as Sizz.

    WeremKnocked Up or Hot Fuzz made in 2007? Geez, I suck.

  6. Hilly says:

    and my typing sucks too apparently!

  7. diane says:

    Ohhhh!! I forgot about We Own The Night! And 30 Days of Night! Good in very different ways but pretty depressing…

  8. Kyra says:

    hmm… I really liked Stardust. And we’re about to watch the third pirates of the carribean, so then I’ll know about that one. Movies just weren’t all that “wow” this year.

  9. danielle says:

    i reallly like hairspray! i love the original and the new one

  10. kilax says:

    Jenniy – I haven’t seen any of the movies you mentioned, so I will have to add them to my list! I read an article in Glamour magazine about the “true” story behind the American Gangster movie, so it would be interesting to see the movie.

    CourtneyInControl – I think we are the same way 😉 I get bored and restless too. I multitask while I watch movies!

    diane – oh, I forgot about Zodiac! That looks like something Steven would like. And we have really wanted to see Hot Fuzz! Are you kidding me about Shaun of the Dead? That was on Steven’s birthday list, and my parents got it for him! Must have been someone else 😉 I have heard the same about Juno… maybe we should go to the movies…? 😉

    sizzle – I feel the same way! I think we have only seen a few in theater this year!

    Hilly – they are 2007! I feel better now that I know so may of us are out of the “movie” loop! It’s funny, because I remember a time in my life when I was very devoted to movies… not anymore…. now I am devoted to work… ha ha ha.

    diane – I haven’t heard of those. Adding them to my mental list now! Check!

    Kyra – I thought Stardust looked interesting because it had so many well-known actors in it. It is not a kid’s flick, is it?

    danielle – Steven and I saw that on the airplane on the way back from Aruba. It drove us nuts, but maybe you like the dancing?

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