Sappy sap sap

By , December 20, 2007 5:37 am

It’s no secret that I have been in a foul mood this week. You can see it in my posts. And you can probably identify the source.

Let’s just say this feels like the longest week ever, as I am sure it does for a lot of you as well.

So, I was feeling like my now-normal crappy self last night, when I pulled up to our house, and saw two packages at the door. Then I went to the mailbox, and we had a package there too! Getting packages is so much fun – especially when three come on the same day!

Two were Christmas gifts from Gina and Courtney, and the other was a Steven’s birthday/random gift from my parents.

It’s cheesy (and materialistic?) but receiving those packages just made me feel good, like “wow, people must like me if they care enough to send a package.” Even though it is pretty obvious when people like you, and whether or not they are your friend, a package just makes you feel special! And it totally pulled me out of my slump, so Steven didn’t have to deal with my cranky ass when he got home (although he did have to listen to me pester him to open the birthday package 3 days early).

So, thank you. It sounds like there is still hope for me to capture the “Christmas spirit” yet!

6 Responses to “Sappy sap sap”

  1. Kyra says:

    Hey, I got 3 boxes yesterday too! Granted two were for the kids, but one included me too. It is nice getting stuff, even if it’s not a big deal. 🙂

  2. YAY!!! i’m glad you got your gift yesterday!! i was hoping you would (maybe that would help cheer you up a bit!!!) 🙂

  3. Oh, I love when you’re sappy sap sap! I’m really happy to hear that it lifted your spirits up! Enjoy your 1st Christmas as a married woman! (Sappy sap sap!)

  4. sizzle says:

    mail in general always cheers me. it’s not materialistic! it’s helpful to our perspective when we see that people care.

  5. Robin says:

    Yeah for presents! Hope you and Steven are having a great holiday season!

  6. kilax says:

    Kyra – what a coincidence! I hope you were as excited as I was!

    CourtneyInControl – it worked like a charm!

    Gina (Mannyed) – you always make me sappy sap sap!

    sizzle – I love to send cards and gifts in hopes that it will cheer people up. I hope it works 😉

    Robin – thanks! I hope you have a great holiday too!

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