Old habits die hard

By , December 18, 2007 5:50 am

I think I may have inadvertently insulted my husband’s manhood the other day.

I went outside on Sunday to begin the 20-minute long process of cleaning ALL the snow off of my car. I decided to go above and beyond, by opening my hood and brushing off all the hard-to-get-to snow from around the windshield wipers.

In the process, I noticed my engine coolant tank was low. I went into the house and asked Steven if I could borrow his phone.

“Sure,” he replied. “Who are you calling?”

“My dad.”

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“No. I just noticed the antifreeze is low in my car. So I am going to call my dad and ask him what to do.”

He hesitated before speaking. “Why didn’t you just ask me for help?”

“Because my dad’s a mechanic!”


Of course, my dad told me to do the exact same thing that Steven would have, if I had given him the chance.

But I did ask Steven to put the antifreeze in my car – that must count for something!

9 Responses to “Old habits die hard”

  1. kapgar says:

    Not only his manhood, but you also reached in, grabbed his heart, twisted it around, and ripped it out. We guys like to help our women. It’s not like the old days where it was an assumption that a woman couldn’t do something for herself. It’s just our way of showing we care. Well, some of us anyway.

    As punishment, you must now cater to his every whim for two weeks.

    I’m looking out for you, Steven!

  2. Odie says:

    OK, I stopped worrying about this a long time ago. But then again, I’ve been married for over 20 years. My husband used to change all the oil in all of the vehicles. But after waiting for 2 months for him to get around to my car, I finally decided that I’d pay someone else to do it. I think he cringed the first time, but since then, he realizes that I’m not constantly complaining to him about it, and life on the homestead is much more pleasant.

    Kevin, this ‘Lord of the Manor’ thing is SO overrated. It will just serve to irrritate the female in question, and if she’s the one doing the cooking … well, you know better than to piss off the waiter at the restaurant, don’t you?

  3. sizzle says:


    i haven’t really dated a guy GUY before the fella and now i am confronted with challenging his masculinity all the time. i’m trying to navigate it but it’s hard! i’m so used to doing everything myself. πŸ™‚

  4. that cracked me up!!! it was a challenge for me to try to remember to ask R the questions or for the help that i would always go to daddy for… now he’s probably wishing i would still ask daddy!!! πŸ™‚

  5. ouch, and during the holidays no less :o)

  6. Christina says:

    Oh Kim. πŸ˜› I would do the exact same thing, except Kyle probably wouldn’t know what to do! I have a similar story though. So far this year my van has gotten stuck parked in the snow twice. And each time me and Kyle go through a process of repeatedly trying to backup while my tires spin and there is smoke, then I ask Kyle to try pushing the van. So he gets out and pushes a few times, but the van doesn’t budge. So then, BOTH times, I get out of the car, tell him to get in, and push us free. πŸ™‚ That is also a good way to crush a guys manhood. Oops! πŸ™‚ Its not my fault I have amazing upper body strength and don’t like waiting around for him to push me out!!

    Miss you Kim!

  7. Dave2 says:

    Eh, he’s married now… he’ll start getting used to it. πŸ™‚

  8. kilax says:

    kapgar – It is hard for me to ask anyone except my dad for help with my car, but I am working on it!

    Odie – I will be happy whenever I get a NEW car and all this service crap is included in the warranty πŸ˜‰

    sizzle – sometimes it is hard to go from being independent to relying on someone else… but I have found that is something I love the most about marriage – knowing I can always count on Steven to help me out πŸ™‚

    CourtneyInControl – if my dad lived close to me, Steven probably wouldn’t even know I needed help until I was out the door, at my dad’s, had the problem fixed and came back home!

    Gina (Mannyed) – πŸ˜›

    Christina – IT IS THE EXACT SAME WAY IN OUR HOUSE πŸ˜‰ I am the brawn, he is the brain πŸ˜‰

    Dave2 – Hee hee hee. Eventually, he won’t mind at all, or even notice it πŸ˜‰

  9. Rachel says:

    Haha! That’s funny.

    Sometimes I forget I have a boyfriend when stuff like this happens. When something bad occurs, my first instinct is always to call my Dad, even after my boyfriend tells me what to do. It’s like I just need that second opinion.

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