Friday Question #6

By , December 7, 2007 5:59 am

What is your favorite holiday movie?

I know, I know – not a very original question! But since I love holiday movies (with the exception of two which will remain nameless) I had to ask… because maybe there is a really good one I don’t know about!

My favorite is White Christmas. I don’t remember the first time I saw it, but I remember seeing it on television many times with my mother. I loved the part when the girls sang “Sisters, sisters”… and I always loved all the dancing scenes! Then of course, I got older and finally understood the cute little plot. Now I make sure to watch it a few times each holiday season. I usually don’t get to watch it with my mother anymore, but we still sing the songs from the movie and annoy the people around us!

P.S. Are you participating in Blog Crush Day next Friday? I sure am!

16 Responses to “Friday Question #6”

  1. A Christmas Story!..why do I feel like that’s one of the two on your exception list, lol

  2. “A Christmas Story”, a classic any time of year.

  3. I forgot to mention than I have a full height Leg Lamp!

  4. sizzle says:

    Mine is actually “Home for the Holidays” with Robert Downey, Jr. and Holly Hunter (among others). It’s more about Thanksgiving than Christmas but still, it’s really well done. I am also partial to “Frosty the Snowman.” That’s a movie, right?

  5. diane says:

    Charlie Brown Christmas!!

  6. Quinn and Susan says:

    Yes put both our names down for A Christmas Story!

  7. Felicia says:

    Well I have two that I have to watch every year…

    1) It’s a Wonderful Life


    2) Scrooged

    I am a huge fan of all the Scrooge movies but that one was just way better than I thought it was going to be. It also makes me cry ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Hilly says:

    It’s A Wonderful Life. I watch it every year and cry every year!

  9. ajooja says:

    I like all of the usual suspects, but I was glad to see “Elf” join the pantheon a few years ago. It’s an instant classic.

  10. Kyra says:

    Ok, can I confess I have never seen White Christmas all the way through, and I LIVE in vermont?

    I pretty much love them all. I love to see all the old classics. Miracle on 34th always makes me cry. Love all the scrooge ones. It’s a wonderful life is traditional, but I LOVE the animated version of the grinch that stole christmas. It’s probably my #1…. does an animated special count?

  11. kapgar says:

    Still a Christmas Story fan and I am participating if I remember.

  12. Lisa says:

    It’s a toss up between The Santa Claus and A Christmas Story for me.

  13. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – you know me too well ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Gary LaPointe – Why does it not surprise me that you have that classy lamp?

    sizzle – I haven’t seen Home for the Holidays! Maybe I will have to rent it! I remember watching Frosty with my siblings on tv… that’s a fun one!

    diane – I don’t know if I have ever seen the whole thing! I remember some of the music though…

    Quinn and Susan – you share the same favorite? Aww… ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Felicia – I looked up Scrooged… it has Bill Murray in it? That must be funny! I like Scrooge movies too, and I have seen the A Christmas Carol many times on stage. I heard the muppet version of it is really good too!

    Hilly – I have never seen all of It’s a Wonderful Life because it seems so depressing. Maybe this is the year I should watch it?

    ajooja – I haven’t seen Elf! Sometimes Will Ferrel is too much for me, but I bet I will like that one. Maybe I will go see Fred Claus this year too ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Kyra – I thought about you when we were watching White Christmas last week! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Steven’s fav is the original Miracle on 34th Street. I like the new one too! And I love the animated Grinch that Stole Christmas – I haven’t seen it in so long! It definitely counts!

    Lisa – I was just telling my mom how much I loved The Santa Clause. I never saw #2 and #3!

  14. Robin says:

    My favorite is White Christmas too.
    A Christmas Story and Miracle on 34th (orginal) are both close seconds.
    I also love all the animated classices, Charlie Brown, Grinch and Rudolph!

  15. SJ says:

    I love all holiday movies, with my ultimate favorite being “A Christmas Story.” You just can’t beat it!

    If you enjoyed “White Christmas,” you should check out the movie for which that song was originally written, “Holiday Inn.” When I was a kid, I used to dream of owning a country inn just like the one in the film. I love this one so much, I own it!

  16. kilax says:

    Robin – yay! Another White Christmas fav ๐Ÿ˜‰

    SJ – I just bought that for my mom for Christmas! Shhh ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can’t wait to watch it with her.

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