Pick your battles wisely

By , November 24, 2007 6:39 am

I consider myself a feminist, but I think this is a bit over the top:

Swedish women campaign for right to take off bikini tops

(Isn’t the caption under the photo a bit lame? I took this article from the Chicago Sun-Times… I suppose I should just be grateful they included an article about something happening outside of the US!)

5 Responses to “Pick your battles wisely”

  1. Kyra says:

    Erm, you know up here in Vermont it’s legal to be COMPLETELY NAKED anywhere. I’m serious. There was this big upset a few months ago because a guy decided to go for a stroll down a mainstreet shopping district sans clothing, but it’s 100% legal, male or female. Nudity for all, I say! (GAH! KIDDING!! No one is getting me out of my clothes in public… And I’m pretty sure I don’t want to see anyone else either, with a few exceptions of course. *ahem*)

  2. kilax says:

    Kyra – I’m sorry, but that seems crazy to me! How could that be legal when people can et charged for “indecent exposure”? I guess not in Vermont?

  3. suze says:

    Ontario, Canada had a similar battle about 10 years ago – it was a hot day, and this woman saw all the shirtless men wandering around and thought that it was unfair that she couldn’t either. So she took her top off. And was arrested. She fought it in court, and it was deemed a violation of women’s rights, and so instead of saying men can’t go around topless either, we have a law saying women can go topless too. I haven’t seen too many women take advantage of that law mind you, but it’s there if we want to let it all hang out.

  4. Quinn and Susan says:

    Yes, there is a part in Boise you can be as naked as you want. They even have Naked Hot Springs, shopping centers, cafe’s, anything. It’s like it’s own town, you can be as naked as you want or clothed. Surprisingly a lot of people do do it. Mind you I never would, let a lone Susan, but it’s there for any one who wants it.

  5. kilax says:

    suze + Quinn and Susan – I didn’t realize that this was so common! I suppose I am just being a PRUDE! 🙂

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