Posts tagged: two years

Two Years!

By , September 1, 2009 5:30 am

Today is our two-year wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary Steveno!

Kim and Steven Two Year Anniversary

Last week a college friend asked if I felt like my relationship with Steven was any different since we’ve been married. I think she was referring to the way we act around each other. And really, that isn’t any different. We’re still big goobers all the time.

But there were small subtle changes in how I feel. I feel more comfortable, secure and complete. Not comfortable in a “I can wear sweatpants now!” way, but comfortable in a “I have someone who’ll always love me for who I am” way. Not secure in a “I didn’t trust him before” way, but secure in a “We’ll always take care of each other, not matter what” way. Not complete in a sappy “You complete me!” way, but complete in a “I have partner in crime for life!” way.

There is something about knowing you always have someone else to count on that is really comforting and reassuring. It’s a good feeling.

Sappy sappy sappy!

  • Photos of the wedding here
  • Photo slideshow here
  • Awesome photographer’s website here
  • Special wedding song here

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