Posts tagged: Pie

Babies and Pie

By , October 19, 2008 11:44 pm

Time for a collective “Awwwwwww!”

<image: Thomas Patrick>

I finally got to meet my new nephew, Thomas Patrick, this weekend. Finally! What a cutie.

<image: Thomas Patrick>

Beth embroidered Thomas’s name on a bib and burping towel and sent them to me! How sweet is she? That’s one of the things I love about the blogosphere – the thoughtfulness of the other bloggers you get to know. My brother and sister-in-law really loved the bib and towel. My mom even pointed out that the towel was made out of a baby diaper! She got a kick out of that. Thank you, Beth (and sorry I did not get a very good photo of him!).

<image: Thomas Patrick>

Another blogger helped me out this weekend – teeni! She recommended this apple pie recipe, which I made for my dad for his birthday on Friday, and I thought turned out tasting really good. (But notice how much better it looks in HER picture than in mine? Oops. “Presentation” isn’t really my strong point when it comes to food!) Thank you, teeni!

<image: Dad's apple pie>

What an exhausting weekend THAT was. Maybe I should have taken Monday off as well!

Thanksgiving Day Formula

By , November 22, 2007 9:08 am

When you are applying whipped cream to your pumpkin pie today, please remember the correct ratio of equal parts whipped cream to equal parts pumpkin pie.

Incorrect Application of Whipped Cream:

Correct Application of Whipped Cream:

Ideally, the whipped cream should be spilling of the pie and onto your plate. In fact, you probably shouldn’t even be able to see the pie under all the whipped cream.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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