Posts tagged: Definitely Maybe

First Dates… and other sappiness

By , August 16, 2008 11:09 pm

Steven and I just finished watching Definitely, Maybe. You could probably guess that I put it on our netflix list, but we both liked it.

The story is about Will, who is going through a divorce when his 10-year old daughter Maya questions him about how he and her mother met. Will tells Maya the story of three women in his life – his college sweetheart, his best friend, and a talented writer – and leaves it up to Maya to guess which is her mother.

The story made me think about when Steven and I first met and what a wonderful start we had to our relationship.

Yes, it brought back all those warm fuzzies, that I feel I must share with you.

I met Steven the Friday before I started my freshman year of college. We were at the same Frat party (reluctantly drug there by friends) and two completely random people introduced us to each other. Steven ended up walking me back to my dorm and (aww) asking me for my number. He promptly called me the next day to invite me to watch a football game at a friend’s house.

You know when you immediately get that feeling about someone? That there is something intriguing about them, and you want to spend more time with them? You’re giddy and happy and excited and nervous all at the same time? It was like that.

It was my first week of college, and already I was thinking, “when will class be over so I can see him?” We both went away for Labor Day weekend, and the whole time, I was thinking about him. I remember telling my parents about this new “friend” I met. I called him immediately when I got back to school.

Steven was a senior and knew a lot about the town that I didn’t. It made me feel special when he would take me to places he liked – like this coffee shop, where we would “study,” which really means we stared at our books for awhile, then would start talking and flirting, and sitting closer to each other on the couch.

I had so much fun getting to know him, finding out his interests, sharing our pasts, being coy with each other…

… it just brings back a smile to my face. I wonder if there is a way to recapture that mystery, intrigue and excitement of first getting to know someone. Even thinking about it now makes me feel that kind of contentment.

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