Posts tagged: casino

A hotel room you could live in

By , October 4, 2009 11:26 am

My parents stayed* in this hotel suite at the local casino last night for their 30th anniversary.

I wish we would have taken photos of the suite before we all (12 of us) got there and spread our crap out all over the place. The room was really nice – it had a bar, dining room, living room, desk area, entry foyer, powder room, huge bedroom, and a sweet bathroom. Basically, I wanted to live there.

When we got done swimming, we went back up to the room, where my mom had just given my nephew a bath. I walked into the bathroom and she said, “Guess where the water comes out of this bathtub.” It was one of those fancy infinity bathtubs, so I guessed that the water did something silly like fill up the sides then fill into the tub.

Nope, I was wrong. It did something even sillier:

It poured down from the ceiling.

image: Fancy Bathtub

I found this very humorous. Just thought I’d share!

We came into town specifically for my parent’s anniversary. We took family photos yesterday, then hung out at the hotel, eating food, swimming a bit, gambling, then… staying up until 3:00 am talking to my mother. Oops.

Today we are hanging out with family more. I usually have to leave right away on Sunday, but I moved my Friday off to this Monday, so I get to stay an extra day. Yay!

*For free!

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