Posts tagged: Anniversary

A hotel room you could live in

By , October 4, 2009 11:26 am

My parents stayed* in this hotel suite at the local casino last night for their 30th anniversary.

I wish we would have taken photos of the suite before we all (12 of us) got there and spread our crap out all over the place. The room was really nice – it had a bar, dining room, living room, desk area, entry foyer, powder room, huge bedroom, and a sweet bathroom. Basically, I wanted to live there.

When we got done swimming, we went back up to the room, where my mom had just given my nephew a bath. I walked into the bathroom and she said, “Guess where the water comes out of this bathtub.” It was one of those fancy infinity bathtubs, so I guessed that the water did something silly like fill up the sides then fill into the tub.

Nope, I was wrong. It did something even sillier:

It poured down from the ceiling.

image: Fancy Bathtub

I found this very humorous. Just thought I’d share!

We came into town specifically for my parent’s anniversary. We took family photos yesterday, then hung out at the hotel, eating food, swimming a bit, gambling, then… staying up until 3:00 am talking to my mother. Oops.

Today we are hanging out with family more. I usually have to leave right away on Sunday, but I moved my Friday off to this Monday, so I get to stay an extra day. Yay!

*For free!

Two Years!

By , September 1, 2009 5:30 am

Today is our two-year wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary Steveno!

Kim and Steven Two Year Anniversary

Last week a college friend asked if I felt like my relationship with Steven was any different since we’ve been married. I think she was referring to the way we act around each other. And really, that isn’t any different. We’re still big goobers all the time.

But there were small subtle changes in how I feel. I feel more comfortable, secure and complete. Not comfortable in a “I can wear sweatpants now!” way, but comfortable in a “I have someone who’ll always love me for who I am” way. Not secure in a “I didn’t trust him before” way, but secure in a “We’ll always take care of each other, not matter what” way. Not complete in a sappy “You complete me!” way, but complete in a “I have partner in crime for life!” way.

There is something about knowing you always have someone else to count on that is really comforting and reassuring. It’s a good feeling.

Sappy sappy sappy!

  • Photos of the wedding here
  • Photo slideshow here
  • Awesome photographer’s website here
  • Special wedding song here

I’m here

By , September 6, 2008 11:45 pm

I’ve been a little bit bummed all week – Steven’s been in Denver for a conference (he comes home tomorrow evening). And even though I lived by myself for so long… even in a foreign country, my daily routine feels all off with him gone! I feel like I am rushing through everything so I can just get to bed and sleep another night away. Have I lost my independence? No, ha ha! I’ve just become very accustomed and happy to spend so much time with him.

Anyway. It’s been awhile. Here’s what’s new with me:

  • I am an aunt again! Meet Thomas Patrick – born on Thursday! Isn’t he perfect? Don’t you love his hair? No, I am not biased. He’s actually stuck in the hospital for some time because his white blood cell count is too high. They say it’s not serious, but you can say a little prayer for him if you’d like.
  • <image: My new nephew!>

    He is my older brother and sister-in-law’s second child. They named him after my dad’s brother (Tom) that passed away. I can’t wait to meet him!

  • We spend Labor Day weekend with my family at their cabin on the Mississippi River. What a perfect weekend. The weather was AMAZING. We grilled on the beach, went on boat rides, tubing, sunbathing… and ate TONS and TONS of food. I don’t want to say that it was the perfect end to summer – because I don’t want to admit summer is coming to an end – but with our cold temperatures and rain all week, I think it’s safe to say it.
  • <image:Kim and Chris at cabin>

  • Our one-year anniversary was Monday! The cake tasted JUST AS AMAZING as it did on our wedding. I think credit goes to my mom for wrapping it in a million layers of saran wrap. And I think the 3/4″ fondant the covered it also preserved it. Yummy. (And I can’t forget to give credit to Andrew and Courtney for perfectly separating it from the rest of the cake)
  • <image:I love year old cake>

    We didn’t exchange anniversary gifts, but decided to buy something nice together. I am happy that is the decision we made. I’d rather do that then buy something silly for Steven that he doesn’t need/want.

  • I’ve been doing a lot of shopping. At my one-year review in May, my boss politely told me that I need to dress less frumpy. That is not how she said it, and she was really nice about it… and… I knew she was right. I looked like crap because I felt fat and crappy. Now that I’ve lost quite a bit of weight, I’ve been buying a lot of clothes. I know it is materialistic, but it’s really made me feel better about my appearance. Before I just wore button-down tops everyday. Now I am trying more trendy, form fitting things. I’m still quite a bit away from my goal weight though – so I may be too small for these in another year! We’ll see. I’m excited to see progress from all of my hard work.

Two weeks to go

By , August 18, 2008 5:37 am

Our one year wedding anniversary is two weeks from today – on September 1st (Labor Day).

We haven’t planned anything to celebrate, besides the tradition of eating the top of our wedding cake, which has been sitting in our freezer, in plain site for so long, I am surprised I have not devoured it already.

What I’m (we’re, really) wondering is, do people following the anniversary gift-giving traditions? For example, the “traditional” gift for one year of marriage is paper, and the modern gift is clocks. Does the wife actually give her husband something made out of paper – tickets, a painting, whatever – or a clock, watch, etc.? Yeah, it’s a silly question, but it must be tradition for some reason.

What did you do to celebrate? Or what would you do?


By , March 6, 2008 5:51 am


Steven emailed me on Monday with the Subject: Happy Anniversary! He then proceeded to tell me that our 6-month anniversary was last Saturday, March 1st, but he forgot to say something.

I actually had to look at a calendar. And count the months off on my fingers. Twice. It doesn’t feel like it’s been six months since we got married!

Half-year milestones probably become less and less significant the longer you have been with someone. But for me, along with the acknowledgment of six happy months of marriage, this milestone is a reminder to take life more seriously.

I often have this “I am so young, I can do it later attitude.” This attitude’s a little bit different from procrastination, because I still do all the things I need to get done on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The things I am talking about “doing later” are some of my life goals. (Yeah, now that I think about it, I am kind of just repeating Monday’s post)

I was specifically planning on beginning to study for the ARE (Architect Registration Exam)  and LEED exam (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) after the wedding. Of course, my excuse before the wedding was that I was so busy making all these decisions that there was nothing else I could focus on. Now what’s my excuse? What have I been focusing on for the last six months? How does time slip away from us like this? It really kind of worries me, how my weeks are a blur of work, and my weekends are me trying to have some fun, but catch up on chores and sleep. I really don’t want to live my life in a blur.

Anyway, I’ll make sure I remember the 1.5 year milestone, and I’ll definitely remember the 1 year mark! We’ll just see what I have accomplished by then.

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26 ‘queries’.