Category: Fashion + Beauty

For whom am I dressing up?

By , March 28, 2012 6:11 am

A few things have been inspiring me to get more dressed up for work lately (of course, keep in mind that my version of “dressed up” may be very different than yours!):

  1. Closet Consultation with Erin – Erin came over and reminded me taught me how to dress myself, with clothes I already had! Brilliant! If you are in the Chicagoland area, and are fashion-challenged like me, fill out her Closet Consultation form so she can come help you out!
  2. Work Schedule – I work 2-3 days in the office a week, and 2-3 days at home (I work 5 days one week and 4 the next). Being in the office fewer days per week makes it feel less daunting and tiresome to come up with something to wear when I do go in. My clothes feel more “fresh” because I am not wearing them all the time.*
  3. Work Morale – Somehow I got this idea in my head that putting effort in to my work outfits would make work more interesting. That turned out to be a bust. Oh well. Points to me for positive thinking. 

Let’s say 3.5 reasons:

.5. I think it’s kind of fun.


Not much variety in my outfits this week, but I like them.  I was particularly proud of the fact that I wore a pink top with a black and white skirt. I have a zillion black and white skirts and used to think I could only wear solid black on top. That got kind of boring.

Okay, but here’s the thing. See item #2 about work schedule. Hardly anyone is in the office when I do go in, and I don’t have many in-person client meetings. I am kind of starting to wonder why the hell I am making an effort to look nice, when I don’t see many people at work. 

And also? Quite a few of the people I do see in the office are wearing jeans. We don’t have a dress code at work. As much as I love wearing jeans on travel days and near the end of the week, it weirds me out to see jeans paired with a polo (or t-shirt! a t-shirt!!!) on a random Tuesday. We’re not a construction office.

Of course, that is not to say that everyone is wearing jeans. Some people wear ties every day. Some women always wear dresses. Favorite coworker always looks fab and I love her style. She is starting a blog and I hope she shares some of her outfits. 

I digress!

The point of this post is, well, I am wondering what the point of dressing up is. For whom am I dressing up?** Am I doing it because it makes me feel better about myself and more professional (it does – kind of like wearing jeans instead of sweatpants on the days I work from home)? Am I doing it because I want other people to think I am “put-together”? Am I doing it to make an impression?

Is it worth it?

Do you all have these deep, deep thoughts (joking) about your wardrobe? Seriously though, do you think about who you will see during the day before you pick what you are going to wear for the day (either to work or not)?

I do know that I am more likely to dress nice when I have a lunch date (or client meeting) then when it’s just a regular old day in the office. 

And it does make me feel better to not look so much like a slob. I wish you guys could see my fashion evolution. When I started working in May of 2007 it was all dress pants and button-downs, but not tucked in! Ha ha ha! Then my boss told me I needed to get some fashion sense (niiiiice). I started wearing pants with blouses in the end of 2008 and that was a big deal for me. Now I am much more adventurous. I hope I do not evolve in to one of those jeans and polos people though. Maybe at home, but not in the office!

*Not in the smell/cleanliness sense, but in the fresh and new fashion sense. Ha ha. 
**Someone please tell me the correct way to say this question and not end it in a preposition and use the correct version of who or whom. I struggle with English.

Three dresses in three days

By , March 21, 2012 1:18 pm

Featuring new jean jacket handed down to me from Gina! I swear, the Fashion Gods are looking over me. First, Erin finds a bunch of awesome clothes in my closet. Then my favorite coworker gives me some skirts. Next, I mention to Gina I want a jean jacket and poof! She makes one appear. What should I ask for next? I really want a new green top to match this navy and white skirt

Anyway… it’s hot in Chicago. Which means I am exclusively wearing dresses. 



I thought it would be funny to send Gina a picture of Steven wearing her jacket. Along with other photos (not pictured) of her jacket visiting various landmarks in Chicago. Side note: it was a bad idea to get me an iPhone. Photo overload to all my friends. Apologies!



Quick story – my favorite coworker left these earrings for me on my desk Tuesday morning! It’s funny because I have been waiting for some necklaces for me and her to come in the mail from Etsy and they arrived Tuesday night! So I had to wear my necklace on Wednesday to see if she would comment on it… and I could give her hers. 

And she noticed. And when I gave her her neckalce (a bit different than mine below) she was so so so excited. Made my day!



I have only worn this dress once – at my graduation from college, in May of 2007! I remember what a big deal it was to fit in it then. Sigh. My weight has been up and down for years. Anyway, what do you think of the dress? Is it too whimsical for work?

I thought it would be really fun to wear a bright pink blazer with it. I saw someone with a bright pink blazer in NYC and kind of can’t stop thinking about it. It blows my mind that I am interested in something like that at all.

A few maintenance questions related to dresses:

1. How do you zip up the back of the dress if you live on your own?

I had to wake Steven up yesterday morning and today. He told me that his fine motor skills are not too good before 5:00 am! But he got the dresses to zip. I was talking to my favorite coworker about this (she has the orange dress in navy blue – she also has the b&w striped dress!) and she said she would just come to work with a jacket on and have me zip the dress up at work. 

2. A personal question – if going bare, how high up do you shave your legs?

Funny question, but I have thought about it this week – I typically only ever shave to the knee! I remember my mom telling me I never needed to shave above the knee when I was a little kid (my hair above the knee is very blond). TMI, TMI, TMI! But some of these dresses hit a bit above the knee, so I decided to shave higher for Wednesday. Ooo la la.

Scattered Saturday

By , March 10, 2012 5:57 am

This post is all over the place… kind of how I think. Bear with me. I put it all in bullet points to try to show how I went from one thought to the next.

  • I had my first appointment with my new therapist on Thursday. We basically did the “getting to know me” session, but I feel like she really got me. I felt comfortable being completely frank with her* and she even picked up and called me out on a few of my moods lately. Seems like she knows her sh*t. So. Yay!
  • One of the things she asked what was I like to do for fun/to relax, and I had no answer. How sad is that?! I could go on and on about everything else but that is what drew a blank? We talked about how I run and workout, but that that is not enough. I mentioned that I like to read** and spend time with Steven and friends. And told her I have a hard time sitting still. And just being. 
  • So, for years I have been trying to figure out how to relax. And I am still not there. I am anxious, most of the time. Not all, but most. 
  • But! I was out and about last night, and came up with two things I like to do for fun: virtual shopping dates and explore. 
  • So… virtual shopping date. My favorite coworker gave me some coupons for J. Crew Outlet. I told her I would stop at the outlet and she asked me to send her pics while I was there. I decided to send photos to all my favorite gals on iMessage – her, Erin, and Gina – while I was shopping. It was a ton of fun showing them the clothes and getting their feedback. If only the network were better there! And if only my sister were on iChat! Sad times, snis***. 
  • The winning pieces (there were two times as many rejects):
  • I still need to consult with my stylist on how to pair the new dresses with pieces I have. And how to work that gray top, if at all – may return it). If you are local (Chicagoland) let Erin know if you want a closet consultation! Since she did mine, I have been getting a ton of compliments on my wardrobe at work!
  • On the drive home, I started to fantasize about if the four of us – fave coworker, Erin, Gina**** and me – lived close together, if we would all be friends. Then I decided we would be like the girls on Sex and the City and I decided in my head who was who, based on one or two superficial traits of each television show character. Ha ha ha. That entertained me for awhile on my drive. 
  • Okay – explore. That other thing I mentioned in the fourth bullet. I also remembered that I love to explore places. Whether local or on travel, new or old (to me), I love experiencing space. I cannot explain it well. Maybe it’s the architecture student in me… Anyway, I need to remember that when people ask me what I like to do for fun! What do you say when people ask you what you like to do for fun?
  • I will be honest. The first thing I told my therapist is sleep. It’s been one of those weeks. 

*I am pretty open with most people, but this was a good sign.
**We cannot meet for two weeks so she recommended a book for me to read and mark up in the meantime. 
***Update your blog, sister.  
****Gina remembered I had told her I wanted to try Moroccan Oil and she sent me some in the mail. Can it tame the beast that is my hair?! Let’s hope! Thanks Gina!


Three skirts in three days

By , March 8, 2012 5:44 am

Well, three hand-me-down skirts in three days! Two from my fave coworker and one from Gina. Anyone else have some skirts they want to give me?


Tangent: speaking of alarm clocks, I am still getting used to the one on my smart phone. I needed to get up at 4:00 today, to drive myself to another town to catch the train at 5:00*. What time did I wake up? 4:36. I was happy I slept straight through the night, but geesh. I need to remember to set my alarm for AM.**

We actually had warm enough weather here this week (60°F, y’all) that I think I could have gotten by without tights. But I guess I am in the habit of wearing them now.

How long are a pair of tights supposed to last? I usually try to get at least 5 wears out of mine, but my fingernails**** have gotten so long lately I accidentally rip them when I grab the material to pull them up.

How long do your tights last? Do you have any fun colors?

I picked up a dark plum because there were in sale at Tarjay*****. Other than that, it is black and gray. The turquoise pair was tempting me though!

Here’s another fun question:

Does anyone else have to adjust their tights a few times a day so the crotch of the tights is not at their knees?!

*Yes, I made the train! Hit all the lights green and only sped by 5-10 miles over. 
**This is why I look crazy in today’s photo (the last one). I had 10 minutes*** to get ready, and had my priorities straight – still had to take a picture. 
***At least I had my outfit planned. Why can I plan outfits for three days but not plan meals for a week?!
****I tore my nice long thumbnail yesterday and am so bummed.
*****Which I have on in the last picture and have no idea if they work or not, but I did not have time to look in a mirror this morning.

Interesting things people have said to me today

By , March 7, 2012 12:02 pm

And it’s only 12:00!

Comment: Well, it is Lent.
Context: I said in a meeting, “Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of Oreo and I didn’t eat one!”
Internal Response: Since when does everyone participate in Lent, and give up sweets? Ugh…

Comment: You’re just like me. You can’t wear high heels.
Context: Someone was surprised to see me in high heels. I told them my toes felt a bit smooshed.
You know in the end of The Devil Wears Prada when Meryl Streep’s character is so proud of Anne Hathaway’s character for rushing around Paris to warn Streep that they are trying to out her at the magazine (or whatever)? And Streep tells Hathaway she reminds her of a younger version of herself? Or that she sees herself in her? Or some bs like that? And Hathaway freaks out. YEAH. That is me when this person says crap like that. Even if it’s on a cosmetic level.
Internal Response: I will do everything I can to NEVER be like you.

Comment: You have a nice hourglass figure.
Context: Another female was complimenting me on my outfit (will post a picture tomorrow). Then we discussed Mad Men (have never seen it but am familiar with the style of the show) and how we like seeing hourglass-shape friendly clothing at Ann Taylor and J. Crew. This conversation lead to:

Comment: You have boobs and hips. Like me.
External Response: I like having boobs and hips. I think my husband likes it too!

I wonder if I will have to add anything else to this list by the end of the day…

Random Thoughts Thursday XII

By , March 1, 2012 5:01 am
  • You guys remember when Erin helped me come up with a ton of outfits with my sad wardrobe? She started her own fashion blog – Loop Looks – to show how to dress for all four seasons on a budget and still have fun with your clothing. Add her blog to your Reader! Also, she has a form on there for Closet Consultations, if you are in the Chicagoland area and want her to help you out (like she did for me!).
  • Erin and I are going on a girls’ vacay to NYC! We are piggy-backing the trip on to the end of a work trip for me. I. Cannot. Wait. 
  • I will also get to see my other best friend, Gina, when I am there. Should be an awesome week (assuming the trip happens this time). 
  • February was a somewhat crappy month for me and did not deserve an extra day. I am not even going to link to all the stupid things I blogged about in February. It’s a new month now! 
  • I had to buy a birthday card and a thank you card last week. Wow. I am totally mature.
  • After all my talk about making a 5K running playlist, I realized I didn’t even hear the music (despite it playing) during the  race on Sunday. Nor, did I really pay attention to what was going on around me (if I was getting passed/passing people). I think paying attention to the music would have helped. I tried one of my mantras –  “Push” – but it just wasn’t doing it. 
  • Remember when I bought those two huge boxes of LUNA bars and asked you guys to guess how long they would last me? And said I would send one to whoever guessed the closest? Well, they lasted 55 days (and that is with giving some away!). Kandi guessed the closest at 45 days. Kandi, please email me ( your mailing address and I will send you a bar. 
  • I have been in a total blogging rut. AHHHHHH!!!!!

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: XIXIX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

Fashion Fairy

By , February 29, 2012 7:46 am

The Fashion Fairy visited me and left me two skirts and some nail polish to try!

Actually, my favorite coworker has been losing weight and two of her fave skirts are too big for her now. I happen to be that size. Score for me! I hope she keeps losing weight and sends more clothes my way.

I just wonder – will our other coworkers notice I am wearing her old clothes? Ha ha ha.

We were talking this week and she mentioned she had some stuff that did not fit her and asked if I wanted to try it. Then she interrupted herself and said “I hate when people do that! I have some stuff that’s too big for me but might work for you.” Ha. Does not bother me. At. All.

Would you be offended if someone offered you their “too big for me now” clothing?

Erin the Stylist

By , February 13, 2012 4:45 am

Awhile ago I saw this post on Losing Weight in the City, about how the blogger, Theodora, used a personal stylist to help her go through her closet and put some outfits together. I emailed the post to Erin and said “You could do this!” Then said, “Hey, you should help me go through my closet when you come over on the 12th!”

Pushy, much?

So, enter Erin the Stylist:

I went through my closet with Erin, pointing out the tops I never wear because I have no idea what to wear them with, and she put together some cute outfits for me. She even made a beige jacket and black skirt appear that I could not recall owning. Sweet! (Ignore my messy hair and my bad editing of these photos (body scale wise))



I also asked for help figuring out how to wear my summer dresses in the winter. Success!


After a few hours of going through my closet, we trekked over to Kohl’s where Erin found this jacket for me for $8.00! EIGHT DOLLARS!

I love Erin. Everyone needs a best friend like her. 

Would you like someone to go through your closet and help you put some outfits together?

I mentioned to Erin that she should just pack my suitcase for NYC since she was there, but she didn’t bite on that. Ha ha. I think I will be wearing a few of these casual outfits (the whole reason we took photos was so I could remember what we came up with!).

Skinny jeans

By , February 11, 2012 12:55 pm

Ugh, I can’t stand to have a whiny, revealing post like that last one up on it’s own. So here’s some fluff.

For how long have skinny jeans been trendy? Really…? I just now bought my first pair, last night, so that I would not have to fold my jeans to get my boots on. 


When we left the store, I said to Steven “Skinny jeans make me feel fat!” He humorously responded, “Isn’t that why they are called skinny jeans?” and made me laugh. 

Actually, what I meant was, when I picked up the jeans to try on, I grabbed a size 10 and 12, because I have been fitting in to size 10 lately. I even said “I am not going to buy these unless the size 10 fits!” So when I had to buy the size 12, I was annoyed. 

But oh my freakin’ gosh, who cares and what does it matter? They are jeans that fit my body! Stupid clothing size number. I am going to leave this sticker on all day and wear it proud.

Okay, not really. I am not sure if Steven would take me out in public with a sticker under my butt! Ha ha. 

Do you own skinny jeans? Do they serve any other purpose besides making it easier to wear boots over your jeans?

Nail Polish – yay or nay?

By , February 6, 2012 4:47 am

Do you regularly keep your fingernails painted? Why or why not? If yes, do you paint them yourself?

Since the holidays, I have been regularly painting my nails. I am a nail chewer, and keeping polish on them keeps them out of my mouth. I am kind of amazed at how long they have become when I am not chewing on them all the time (imagine that!).

For all of January, I have been rockin’ either this glittery purple or gold (2nd and 3rd bottle from right):

But… I have a business trip this week and decided those colors might not be the most appropriate. So I switched to a shimmery tan.

And I guess that is my real question – do you think nail polish is appropriate in the office? 

Almost all the ladies on my team wear nail polish, and sometimes some really wild (but good looking) colors. But – we are a design team!

Interestingly, my favorite coworker is obsessed with nail polish, and has a huge collection and knows most of the color names from the top brands. She would probably be ashamed to know how old my bottles are, and that I don’t take care of them* (by keeping them in the fridge – hey – I did when I lived on my own!). I would love to replace my collection with some newer, fresher, colors.

*The first shimmery color I tried just clumped up on my fingernails. I ditched that bottle and bought four new ones on Sunday.

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