Category: Fashion + Beauty

A few new things

By , November 3, 2014 6:19 am

It all started when I had to go to DC for work at the end of September. I was looking through my closet the weekend before the trip, and while I had almost everything I needed for the trip (save a new pair of flats and gray pants that fit), I realized that I’d had most of the “work” clothes in my closet for years and years. They hadn’t been updated in forever. 

This makes sense. I work from home a lot, and typically wear jeans and a t-shirt or sweater. Why invest the money in new work clothes?

But glancing through old photos, and posts on the blog made me also realize I’ve been wearing a lot of the same “street” clothes for two, five, seven… nine plus years! 

Of course, it’s great to buy things that stay in style and you can wear that long (solid color sweaters, classic cut dresses, whatever), but some things just needed to go. T-shirts that I loved the print on, but were a bit smelly and stained in the pits. Things that faded. Shoes that were cheap to start with and nicked up. 

So back to DC. I ended up going shopping the weekend before my trip and picked up a few pairs of pants, a few dresses, and a few new tops (okay, and a few “summery” items in the hope I can use them in warm weather next year!). I ended up wearing a new pair of pants, a new top and an old blazer the first day of the DC trip, and a old pair of paints, top and blazer the second day. And I was happy to use old and new. 

But the seed was planted. Ha ha!

Since then, I have gone shopping three times, which is A LOT for me. Once on my own during my lunch break at work, and twice with my snister when she was visiting. 


Part of me feels funny about it, because, like I said, I don’t dress up that often, and also… I don’t care a lot about what I wear. Or my appearance. 

But! Part of me does like dressing up for work, and sometimes looking cuter when I leave the house. 

So it’s been fun. But it still makes me feel weird to have new things hanging in my closet. 

The good thing is that it forced me to get rid of that old stuff to make room!

Are you like me, and more likely to update a few things in your closet at once? Or do you do it more frequently?

Of course, I didn’t even mention work out clothes. Ha ha. Those get updated a lot more frequently. It is crazy tights season – gotta watch out for new fun prints!!!


A bridesmaid dress you can wear again

By , July 17, 2014 6:21 am

So many of you left nice comments about how much you liked the bridesmaid dress I wore at Christina and Will’s wedding. Thank you! And many also commented about it being a dress that could be worn more than once (or not only to formal events). In fact, when Christina gave it to me last summer I asked her (jokingly) if I could wear it to work before the wedding. Ha ha. Just kidding…

But I am actually doing that today!


Yep! Same jewelry! Different belt and added a cardigan. 

I am really nervous about making a good impression at an important meeting I have this afternoon. More nervous than normal, as I’ve been assigned tasks for this project that I’ve never done before… and don’t quite know what I am doing. And feel very frustrated. ANYWAY! Wearing this dress that so many of you left nice compliments on has me feeling more comfortable, about my appearance, at least!

Thinking about this dress, I wonder if I’ll ever be in any other weddings. Most of my closest friends were married when I met them. You never know what the future holds though (meaning meeting new people – not something happening to my friends’ marriages, ha ha).

Before this wedding, I was only in one other, well, unless you count my aunt’s wedding, which I think maybe I was in? I just remember my dress matched a few other people’s dresses. 


I love that all three of my siblings are in this photo. Sorry for the diaper shot, snister. 

But I have definitely only been a bridesmaid that one other time, and that dress is not one I’ve used since. It was pretty to wear at the wedding, but I should probably donate it. 


How many weddings have you been in?

I have to share our family photo from the wedding. I really like how it turned out and can’t wait to see more photos from Paper Crane Photo!


From L to R: My brother Anthony and his wife Amber, Stefano and me, Christina and Will, my brother Nick and his sons Thomas and Nicky, and Mamba and Daddio

Umbra Little Black Dress Scarf Organizer Giveaway

By , January 30, 2014 12:06 pm

I clearly have a scarf problem. 


Not that I have too many, though! You can never have too many scarves!

The problem is that I don’t have a good way to store them. I was keeping them all in a drawer, and besides not fitting, they were also getting wrinkly and I couldn’t find what I was looking for easily. In fact, I forgot I had some of them. 

I gifted Erin the Umbra Little Black Dress Scarf Organizer for her birthday, and I ended up ordering two of them for myself, as well. They should arrive today, and I am anxious to get them and arrange my scarves so I can actually see them (I will keep the thicker ones in the drawer). Also, I love organizing things. Ha ha.

So! Who else needs a scarf organizer?! I am giving away one of the Umbra Little Black Dress Scarf Organizers! Read below for entry rules (it’s a guessing game)!


Umbra Little Black Dress Scarf Organizer Giveaway Rules

  1. To enter – guess the amount of scarves I have! The reader who guesses the closest number of scarves without going over will win the Umbra Little Black Dress Scarf Organizer. If everyone guesses over, the person who guesses the lowest will win! If two people guess the same number, and it is correct, the earliest guess will win.
  2. REQUIRED to enter the giveaway: leave a comment telling me how many scarves you think I have.
  3. You get a BONUS GUESS (meaning you may guess again) if you have gifted me/made me a scarf (one bonus guess even if you have given me more than one, ha ha).
  4. You may leave all your guesses in one comment. 
  5. This giveaway is open until 5:00 PM CST on Monday February 3. I will announce the winner on Tuesday February 4.
  6. This giveaway is open to all US readers.
  7. As always, I will announce the winner in a post and you have to email me to claim the prize, if you win!

Here is a clue picture (click it to see larger). Note, this picture does not include winter scarves, and I am not including them in the number. So you only have to guess for the amount shown in the photo. 


It seems like with all these scarves, I should do some silly scarf challenge. Like, wear them all at once! Ha ha, just kidding. I was thinking more along the lines of wear one-a-day until I run out (not including the holiday ones). That could easily be done!

Something I normally don’t care about

By , January 15, 2014 6:18 am

Guys. Do NOT trust Organix shampoo and conditioner.


Seriously. The shampoo and conditioner will make your hair feel so soft and nice that you will forget you need to brush it… or do any other sort of styling with it, before you head out the door.


Ha ha ha. Who are we kidding? We all know I don’t take care of my hair, so I wouldn’t really be “styling” it anyway.

On Friday night, I was telling Kelsey how I used to have this haircut that worked so well in the spring (because of lower humidity levels) – it was shoulder length, and I’d just wash it at night, put mousse in, then it would be ready to go in the morning. I liked how easy that was.

So Saturday morning, I wake up and have waves in my hair and it looks not too frizzy and I’m thinking, “Hey! I will wear it down for the group event I have this morning!” (Like I used to with the miracle haircut). So, I brush it, put some product in, and off I go.

Bad idea.

What looked good and tamed to me, basically looked like a rat’s nest on camera. Yikes. I saw a picture of myself on Facebook and my stomach flipped. Damn you, Organix, for making me feel confident! (Okay, and being really sleepy and out of it when I got ready, too).

Have you ever wanted to untag a picture of yourself on Facebook? Or wanted it off of there?

All joking aside, I just shouldn’t wear my hair down, because I don’t know how to style it, and it’s not important to me (I know, that probably makes some of you crazy). Although… it probably should be – I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I workout because it makes me feel good and I enjoy it. But being a personal trainer, and knowing that a lot of people work out because of a desired exterior appearance, I should make mine presentable (which is why I often straighten my hair and (always) wear makeup to teach). And it mostly is. Mostly. Except sometimes… that hair, ha ha.

I feel good about my appearance and what my body can do, and feel sad that others stress so much about their bodies/how they look (although some of you reading this may think I should, ha ha). I mean, yes, let’s try to be healthy and take care of ourselves, but have some self love, too!

And I think that’s the reason I’m even writing this, because when I saw that rat’s nest hair picture and DID care about how I looked in it, I felt deeply ashamed. Ashamed by my gut reaction. And worried about how my appearance made my studio look (since I was at a multisport club event). I’m still getting used to that.

Anyway. Body image posts are a dime a dozen. And that’s not quite what this is. It’s just a (public, ha ha) reminder to me that if I leave the house with my hair down, I should really ask Steven how it looks. Or someone, wherever I am going. And yeah… I should probably get a haircut. Or use crappier shampoo and conditioner that would make my hair feel how it looks and remind me I don’t know how to style it.

Note: I didn’t write this to fish for compliments… or get hair care tips. Ha ha. It’s actually an improvement that I am using this shampoo and conditioner and not the 2-in-1 stuff anymore. And I’ve been thinking about buying a curling iron! Baby steps, for this one.

Scarf karma

By , September 24, 2013 1:01 pm

Remember chain letters? Like, legit, tangible, send something to x amount of people/receive x amount of things in return? Did you ever participate in chain letters?

I felt like I was participating in something like that this week! Or maybe it was just karma. But! I sent a friend a scarf last week, and I received a hand written thank you (so nice!) from her yesterday. I also received a scarf in the mail yesterday! From someone else!

And it’s way cute:


It’s good I received another scarf, because I am woefully low on them. 


Buah ha ha. Nah, you can’t have too many scarves, can you?!

Now… what are your favorite ways to wear a square, silk scarf?

Do people still do chain letters? I saw the recipe type one floating around maybe… five years ago? I just ignored it. Recipes aren’t my thang. Send chocolates and receive chocolates? Sure, I could do that one…

Retail fail

By , May 14, 2013 6:21 am

Notice something a little amiss with this jacket in my closet?


Actually, notice a few things?!

  1. Holy crapola, my closet is packed.
  2. Um… why does that jacket have tags on it? Why am I buying a new jacket? I don’t need one, and the high today is 82°! When am I even going to use it*?! But it’s sooooo cute!

Sigh. I had a bit of an absent minded cashier at the store the other day. The cashier forgot my gift receipts, didn’t give me back the “all day” 20% coupon, didn’t give me back an article of clothing I wanted to check at the store kiosk to see if they had it in other stores***, and left this security tag on. I was kind of annoyed with the first three things, but thought “whatever!” until I got home and saw the security tag was still on the coat. Dang it! Would you have tried to remove it yourself?

I guess that is a good marketing strategy – they got me back in the store (a different location) the next day, and I found the things I was going to check at the kiosk the day before… so I spent more money, and got the security tag removed. By a not so absent minded cashier.

Did/do any of you work retail?

My high school working experience was in food service (McDonald’s – don’t you ever wonder why I went vegetarian, then vegan?!) but I always wonder what it would be like to work retail. I don’t think I would do well at the places that require you to ask people to sign up for points cards and credit cards. I’m just not that pushy! 

*Note, it was actually chilly enough to wear it last night. Because 30+ degree** temperature swings is how we roll in the midwest. 
**That’s not even that big of a swing, either!
***They said they couldn’t check this at the register, no biggie.

Crazy cat ladies, unite!

By , April 10, 2013 4:50 am

Er… and crazy dog ladies* too… because you know you would wear this in dog print!




Oh gosh. So, on March 17, Erin sent me an email with the subject “Classy cat shirt!” and said “Yes, there is such a thing!” with a link to this top at The Gap. On March 22, Kelly pointed out the dress version of it

Mind you, these are both dog lovers sending me these links!

It was a sign. I needed something in that print. So I posted on my blog Facebook page asking people which color of the top I should order.

But there was a problem.

They were sold out of the color I wanted, in my size, online.

And I STRONGLY avoid shopping.

I was all ready to order it, and everything. What a freakin’ bummer.

I forgot about it.

Until yesterday, when I got a package from Anne with the shirt! And a scarf**!

WHAT THE WHAT?! What an awesome, awesome surprise, from a wonderful friend***. Thank you, Anne!

So in case I haven’t already shown my crazy cat lady status loud and proud by having a video chat yesterday with Maggie, Olive and Data…


I am wearing this top to work today. Check out my blog Facebook page to see the full outfit!

Would you wear a top with this type (and I’m not talking leopards or stripes, ha ha) of animal print?

I have so many bags with animals on them. And I use them! This is my first animal print top though. Loop Looks said it’s classy! Therefore… I will live in it. To increase my classiness level.****

I can’t wait to hear what my coworkers say…

*And men!
**In my hand in the first picture.
***Who is also a dog lover!
****It could use some work.

Insanity is…

By , March 18, 2013 8:04 am

… to do the same thing over and over and expect different results… right?!

That is so me. 

With my hair. 


I hate taking care of it. So I don’t. It gets really long, and looks really bad. I wear it up most of the time so I don’t care. But then I notice it looks bad in a photo on the rare occasion I do wear it down… so I get it cut. 

And they have to cut off 3 inches. 

And for some reason, after not caring about my hair all. year. long. I’m upset. That it’s so short. 


My natural wavy hair…

At least it looks longer when I straightened it. 


Ha ha ha.

So, maybe, instead of doing this to myself year after year, I should actually take care of my hair?! Nah. I will continue on the insanity track!

What do you keep doing over and over, expecting different results? Any plans to change?

The lady who cut my hair was funny. I was telling her how much I love ALDI, and she was saying how she does too, but her husband thinks the produce is bad there and doesn’t want her to shop there. So she still does, and cooks for her husband using ALDI produce, but tells him it’s from Whole Foods. And then he tells her how much he loves the dish. Ha ha ha. 


By , January 30, 2013 5:55 am

I had a long “blah blah blah” post all ready for today, but I think I’d rather post something simple.

My grandma got me this skirt* for the holiday. I tried it on in December and it didn’t fit. This morning was the first time I tried it on again.



Now, I just need to work on these fun tights fitting before it’s too late in the season to wear them.


I try to avoid talking about weight on my blog, because I feel that it triggers comparison, when weight is so personal, and depends a lot on someone’s background/body style.

But, I have been trying to eat healthier and it is encouraging for me to have my clothes fit better. And more importantly, to feel better! So I’ll share that.

If I’m being honest though, my real reason for eating healthier is just to make running easier. That’s my top priority. Not looks, feeling better, clothes fitting… so that stuff is all a bonus.

Do you like reading about weight loss/gain on blogs?

I quite enjoy reading about Anne‘s success on her blog. She’s a major inspiration for me!

*All I put on my wish list was a “one color, solid print skirt.” She nailed it.

Why I don’t mind the cold weather

By , January 21, 2013 9:00 am

Because this?


Can be covered up with this!


Ha ha ha. Okay, maybe if I was going in to the office today, I would’ve brushed my hair. Maybe. But most times I put this hat on, I keep it on until I get back home. Now if only I had a cute summer hat…

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