Friday Question #78

By , September 4, 2009 4:49 pm

image:musical notesIf you could instantly learn to play any one musical instrument extremely well, which one would you choose?

I would choose the piano, so I can play fun songs like this (make sure to listen to the audio!). I hope to take piano lessons someday, before I get too old and lose all of my youth and vigor. I bet I would be good at it.

I played the violin for 9 years (from the 4th-12th grades of school), but right now, I can’t remember the last time I played it. I get urges to get it out and play from time to time. Steven has a cello… maybe we could join an orchestra (after practicing for awhile). Would that be dorky?*

*Not that it’s stopped me before.

8 Responses to “Friday Question #78”

  1. claire says:

    A violinist, eh? Cool. I played sax for 8 yrs (5th-12th grades) and have been teaching myself guitar off & on since 1991 or 2. Also took a stab teaching myself piano for a year or so but found it frustrating because my guitar playing was so much better (but I didn’t have a guitar at the time).

    Still, you’ve hit on my faves: piano and cello. Hard to say. Actually, wait, no it isn’t. If I could instantly learn it: piano. I think I’d have an easier time learning cello. Besides, I’ve always wanted a baby grand.

  2. claire says:

    p.s. Joining an orchestra would be cool.

  3. diane says:

    I always forget that you played violin. That is so cool! (my friend Heather played as well and still brings it out to play Christmas music at the holidays!)
    I played the guitar for a long, long time…the clarinet all of high school and while I didn’t play it regularly I have picked up and can play the flute. But I am with you, I want to have a piano in my grown-up house and learn to play. I dabbled in the past (had a boyfriend in college who was teaching me until we broke up) but never learned much beyond the basics.

  4. kapgar says:

    The biggest drum kit I could find!!

  5. martymankins says:

    I took up the piano back in the mid-80’s. Learned how to play it and was getting good at it until I got distracted by other things (story of my life). But it is the guitar that I would want to learn and play. I’m amazed at those that can play, both professionally and just for fun and how good they are.
    .-= ´s last blog… Meat and Eat / Meet and Greet =-.

  6. Bethany says:

    Yep, the piano for me as well. I would LOVE to know how to play!

  7. tori says:

    I will now top your dorkiness. I always wanted to learn how to play the accordian. I also really want to know how to play guitar. I have tried so many times and never actually made a effort because it is hard! I am planning to for real learn soon though. It’s on my list ofthings I want to do.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Always Learning =-.

  8. sizzle says:

    .-= Author’s last blog post… Sure Hope You Mean It =-.

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