Yammering away

By , September 2, 2009 6:38 pm

Do you ever wish you could just stop someone in the middle of a sentence and say to them, “I DON’T CARE!”?

You know, to those people who are always yammering on about the same old crap to you? Or yammering on about some new crap, who knows. The point is, you are sick of hearing them go on… and on… and on…

Especially when they never listen to you to begin with.

Of course, I have people like this in my life that I am not really at liberty to talk about here. So I’ll ask all of you to tell me your best stories instead! Please rant away, if you’re in the mood…

19 Responses to “Yammering away”

  1. Mica says:

    Yup, I feel that way all the time. Though, perhaps more often, I want to just stop reading long blog posts that suck. Boooo to boring blog posts.

  2. Cat. says:

    Uh, YE-AH. I work with someone whose mouth I consistently want to duct tape shut. She is almost always complaining about something or other: this label isn’t right, the roof of her house is leaking, she has to cover someone else’s hours, the people at her church are annoying…etc etc etc.

    The best story I have about her is when she slammed into work a couple of years ago and came over and told me that she and her oldest (not-her-favorite) son had told her the night before that she’s always negative. “I am NOT always negative!” Thus proving his point. And forcing me to make an emergency run to ‘the bathroom’ where I could guffaw at length.

  3. Jo says:

    Well, I don’t “don’t care” and tell, but it happened to me just last night. It drives me crazy, and it’s always with people who are completely self-absorbed. Wish I could share, as I do have some doozies, but maybe someone out there has a doozie on me. lol

  4. Erin says:

    I used to work with a woman who would blab on and on and on about who knows what. She knew anyone and everyone in her small town and in some pretty important political circles so she thought anything she had to say was super important.

    But she had the worst diction of any person I’ve ever met. She talked so fast and smushed all her words together and mispronounced things and just kind of mumbled. So, she’d be talking to you about something and you’d have NO CLUE what she was saying. But since you didn’t really care what she was talking about you never wanted to ask her to repeat herself. So, you just had to learn to nod and say “really?” at the appropriate time. She’d finish up her story and go on about her work never once realizing you weren’t actually listening nor did you comprehend anything she just said.

  5. Sophia says:

    Haha, totally know what you mean…I have this guy who LOVES to talk abt his latest “gal” all the freaking time. Literally, she has NO name. She is “my gal”.

  6. Julia says:

    I’ve definitely had moments where someone is talking and I just zone out…oops.
    Sometimes I think I’m definitely guilty of yammering. I live alone so when I finally get to see people I just have so much to say. I try to keep it to a minimum and really think about whether what I’m saying is that important.

  7. Hilly says:

    Um yes, almost all of the time.

    There is one person who loves to talk about divorce with me. She recently got divorced as well and she likes to ramble on and on and on and on about everything having to do with her separation and how “we’re exactly the same”. Um no, no we’re not. For example, I don’t like to talk about mine with people I barely know and certainly not ALL of the time.

    Phew, thanks for letting me vent!

  8. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Oh, now you’re funny. Those people? I usually just reach across the table, take my thumb and a finger and snap their lips shut. I look them in the eyes. And sternly shake my head. I might even whisper, NO, to them. Usually they get the picture. =)

  9. Christina says:

    I have two in my office, one i the IT guy who uses the work “like” and “Awesome” in every other sentence. He does not have a clue to social norms and does nto stop talking. He will follow you around to continue to tell his story (usually pointles). I learned fast never to ask him a question, it will be a 20 minute answer followed by so what did you ask me again. He is so bad that my boss is always “busy” on IM and I have asked not to have him put on any of my projects and my boss and his boss agree.

    The second is a girl that I don’t direcly deal with but she is so loud and tries to hard that it turns people off.

  10. sizzle says:

    You mean we’re NOT supposed to interrupt people to tell them we don’t care?!


    I have been known to interrupt with a ” you told me this already” or “yeah well how is THAT working out for you?!” because sometimes my filter is off. OOPS.

  11. Christina says:

    Wow Kim, I think you just read my mind. My “friend” is always complaining about anything & EVERYTHING possible. I swear. There is always something wrong with her, she is always having the worst day ever, she never has enough time, school is always too hard, nothing ever goes right, blah blah BLAH. I wish she would just STFU and make the most out of her life instead of wasting it complaining about everything!! Obviously life isn’t always perfect, but its a whole lot better if you just appreciate it for what it is!

    Rant complete. 🙂 I feel better.

  12. Susan says:

    Ummm my boyfriend’s mom does this ALL THE TIME. She doesn’t really carry a conversation, she just…TALKS. About absolutely nothing. She talks about everyone like I’ve never heard of them before, so I’ve heard many people’s life stories about twelve times. It’s a bit absurd. She specializes in bringing up sad memories…like saying “Oh that’s the dress you wore to my sister/mom’s memorial service.” I also wore it to graduation…why are we focusing on the bad?? It’s in a monotone voice too. On and on and on. BF can tone it out, but I feel rude doing that. Sooooo annoying. I could go on forever. Call me if you need a huge rant. 🙂

  13. tori says:

    I have someone who is like this and I can’t stand to listen to her. I think it is because she is self centered and never listens to me (and actually hasn’t even ever asked how I am from my surgery!) but there is only so much caring I can do about the same damn thing every time I talk to her. I tend to daydream and hope she has to go soon. That is wrong and not nice and whatever, but it’s the truth. Unfortunately it is someone I have to deal with and be nice to or I would just cut her out I think. I don’t have time enough for people I like, why would I spend time with someone like this unless I had to!

  14. mom says:

    I have a coworker that goes on and on and on and on about all the work she has to do. I also work with someone that always says what she feels and it’s kinda fun to put those two together and stand back and watch the sparks fly. The out-spoken one usually tells the complainer she could have finished her work in the time she just spent complaining about it. I know its rude but its true and it makes me giggle, some days you just have to laugh at how miserable people make themselves.

  15. I don’t care about people yammering!

    Where’s my Friday question?!?!


  16. It seems like all the yammering seems to come from colleagues usually yammering about other colleagues. Ahhh, work.

  17. My kid likes to tell me stories about people I don’t know, and have no reason to know…like, “My friend’s cousin’s boyfriend’s uncle tried out for the Braves once”.

    Wow? Really? How incredibly interesting.


  18. Amanda says:

    So sorry you had to cancel your marathon too. It is really depressing. Ugh, hope your legs feel better soon 🙁

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