We could start our own circus…

By , March 24, 2008 5:50 am

I think if you watch this video, you will see exactly how much fun my Easter was…

… who knew that my sister’s boyfriend and Steven were both so talented?

7 Responses to “We could start our own circus…”

  1. kapgar says:

    You married the man and didn’t know he could juggle? Time to probe for other secrets… 😉

  2. Kyra says:

    Is the “sister’s boyfriend” going to hunt you down for posting this video?

  3. tori says:

    My husband can juggle and I had no idea until one day at my daughter’s t-ball practice he was helping carry all the balls in and started juggling the balls. All the kids froze in place and stood and watched him. Too fun!

  4. Kyle says:

    Wow, you are right, Steven and your sister’s boyfriend are very talented. They are truly amazing individuals. I am sure that they will be compensated in some way when this video becomes famous.

  5. kilax says:

    kapgar – So funny that you ask – on Saturday, Steven told me “you don’t know everything about me!” Maybe he swallows knives too?

    Kyra – Hmmm, he was aware he was being filmed… so I hope not! 😉

    tori – That’s so cute! My nephew (and my Dad) were in awe over this as well.

    Kyle – I think their compensation is the best of all – they are each dating/married to one of the WONDERFUL Ilax girls.

  6. ajooja says:

    I learned to juggle while attending a basketball camp in high school. I think it’s odd that people are usually amazed when I do it.

  7. kilax says:

    ajooja – To us that cannot do it, it is very impressive 🙂

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