Friday Question #159

By , July 1, 2011 7:41 am

Do you like to sleep with the sheets tucked in around your feet, or loose?

I didn’t sleep very well in the hotel at first this week, and then I realized it was because the sheets were tucked in so tight I felt stuck in bed, like I couldn’t move. Apparently I like to be loose and free. So I ripped all the sheets out from the end and slept with them kind of crumpled up on top of me. Much better.

15 Responses to “Friday Question #159”

  1. Kandi says:

    Awwww, Data!!
    I like to sleep with loose sheets. Whenever I stay in a hotel, the first thing I do before climbing into bed is yank the sheets out. They tuck them in so tightly!!

  2. Christina says:

    I am weird, I like them tight to start off then kick them off.

  3. J says:

    I like to be tucked in. Makes me feel all warm and cozy with all the covers!

  4. Dave likes them loose. I like them tight!

  5. sizzle says:

    I can’t have them tucked in. I like to toss a leg out over the covers when I get hot during the night.

  6. Erin says:

    I like them loose on the sides but tucked in at the feet. In fact, if my feet get all tangled up in the sheets or are sticking out (without me doing it on purpose) I wake up a gazillion times.

  7. ChezJulie says:

    What Sizzle said. I like the sheets loose, and will poke my feet out if I get too hot.

    I don’t like sleeping like I’m in a sarcophagus. 🙂

  8. Alice says:

    i don’t like the sheets hotel-tight but i DO like them tucked in at the bottom. my bf refuses to allow any tucking at ALL which means the sheet just ends up in a tangled crumple at his feet every single night! arrghhh

  9. bobbi says:

    I like them tucked in at the ends, but the SIDES have to be loose. (I usually have one foot stuck out the side…)

  10. Bethany says:

    Loose, definitely. In fact most of the year I just use blankets (loosely!)

  11. Katie H. says:

    Definitely loose! I feel so crammed in otherwise.

  12. I like the feet tucked in. Although one thing (not with the hotels, but at home) is I usually straddle the sheet. I don’t actually like being completely underneath both the sheet & the comforter. And I like teh comforter better than the sheet.

  13. Amy says:

    Loose! The way they make hotel beds makes my feet feel crushed.

  14. martymankins says:

    If my feet get warm in the night, I take the covers off of them. Then when they get comfortable again, I put them back under the covers. This happens at least 4-5 times a night (that I can remember, depending on my level of insomnia)

  15. Lola says:

    I like them tucked at the bottom but loose on the sides. It’s interesting that this turned out to be the topic this week because I just wrote about how you can change your life by changing your sleep habits at

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