Small talked out

By , June 30, 2011 5:51 pm

I am so small talked out and ready to get back to Illinois. I spent the last three days with the same people*, and I swear, if I wouldn’t have been talking (at meals and in between meetings) we all would have been staring at each other. I know some people don’t like to chat much, but at meals? Ugh…

Do you ever get sick of making small talk? Do you think it would be awkward to sit at a meal with people you don’t know and not say anything?

Good thing I am seeing my family this weekend – no struggle with small talk there. It’s a struggle to get a word in. Well, with certain people. Muah ha ha. You all (family members) know who I am talking about.

Anyway, our meetings ended early enough for me to catch the 5:30 flight to Chicago… but it was all booked. So I am still on the 8:20. Since I didn’t want to sit in the airport for five hours, I drove to Iroquis Park to go for a run. Holy hills!

Most of the run was on a nice shaded road:

but I ventured on the trails to check out an overlook:

It was in the low 90s, but I felt pretty good. Just took it nice and slow. And I showered off at the end:

I was kind of wondering how I would “clean off” before my flight but knew I would figure something out. Ha ha ha. I am pretty sure that was not the intent of those spray fountains, but it sure felt good to stand in them after my run (yes, Steven, I will take a shower before I go to bed).

You know, I ran more miles this month than last month by about 6 miles. And I ran a freakin’ marathon last month. At least I think I did? I can’t remember… it’s so far away. Anyway, I have been feeling good lately – let’s hope I stay that way so I can keep training for my two (gulp!) fall marathons!

*Client and contractor – my coworker and I can chat it up forever.

17 Responses to “Small talked out”

  1. J says:

    Beautiful run!! I so wish I had trails like that around here! Hope you have a safe trip home and enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Michel says:

    Good for you on the mileage! I only like small talk when I am drinking other than that well it sucks. lol

  3. Nice work on the mileage for the month! 🙂

    And I know what you mean about small talk. I do it every morning when people come by my desk at work… same stuff at least 10 times…

  4. Kandi says:

    I struggle so much with small talk unless I can hit on a subject that interests both of us. Sometimes it’s very difficult to figure out that subject and sometimes it never exists. It can be quite exhausting.
    Beautiful run. Love that you cleaned off in the spray fountains.

  5. lifestudent says:

    hope you make it back ok – its freaking HAILING here right now 😉

  6. I hate small talk, it makes me uncomfortable. I have no problem having real conversations, but small talk always comes out sounding awkward, forced, and highly insincere. I dont know how people do it.

  7. Mica says:

    I actually don’t mind small talk, provided it isn’t with a bad conversationalist or with someone who is a superior (like…at a department function with a professor you barely know). It really looks like you made the best of your trip, so that’s great! Though I know you’ll be happy to get home. I’d be happy to come home to Steven’s cooking and Data too!

  8. Jen says:

    HAHAHAH – I knew I was going to love this post when I saw the title. I’m not a big fan of small talk but I’m also not a fan of sitting in silence. How awkward! I can just picture you with 2 other people while you frantically think of something to talk about. Thank goodness you’re back in town! Have a great weekend with your family!

  9. Public showerer! 🙂

    Happy being home!!

  10. Sitting in silence would drive me crazy but I also hate small talk.

    I love your shower. That is awesome!

  11. Etta says:

    Way to make good use of your extra time! I’d have bought a book and parked my butt in a chair.

  12. Erin says:

    Whoa! Louisville has some awesome places to run (and shower)!

    I’m not a big small talk person. It always feels so forced and awkward. And, do I really care about that person’s XYZ collection??

  13. bobbi says:

    I hate small talk, especially with people I have to be “on” with in a work sense. My filter doesn’t work so well – it’s exhausting to worry about being work appropriate all the time 🙂

  14. sizzle says:

    Small talk bores me to tears. But I can muddle through, it’s just internally painful. And it exhausts me!

  15. Linz says:

    That is so awesome that you took the layover time to get a run in. Brilliant I tell ya! 🙂 And funny about the fountains. 🙂

  16. When I used to travel for work, I’d often go out to eat with my co-workers. But, I’d say once or twice a week, I’d bail on them. No matter how much they chided me, I just couldn’t stand to talk to them any more. Especially not after having worked long hours with them all day! I feel for you!

  17. Stephany says:

    I hate small talk more than anything! It’s not awesome that I’m also completely awful at it. Bah!

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