Training Week 89

By , July 3, 2011 11:15 pm

Day 617 | June 27, 2011: 4 m run

I wasn’t planning on running Monday evening (a nap sounded nice), but when we got to our hotel, my coworker asked if I was going to workout, and I though, why not?!

There is a path that runs right along the river of downtown Louisville, so I headed west on that. It was actually kind of industrial, but still a nice run.

Distance: 4.0 | Temp: mid 80s |  Time: 39:25 | Avg Pace: 9:50 | 1: 9:47 | 2: 9:47 | 3: 9:49 | 4: 9:59

Day 618 | June 28, 2011: .9 m run + 12 m bike + .9 m run

On Tuesday I ran to the bike rental place, rented a bike and rode 12 miles, then ran back to the hotel. It was a total blast!

Day 619 | June 29, 2011: rest

I finally took that nap I wanted on Monday!

Day 620 | June 30, 2011: 5.5 m run

I couldn’t get on an earlier flight to leave Louisville, so I decided to check out another park, and got a nice 5.5 mile run in. I am suprised I did so well running in the heat (and on the hills) in Louisville. Is it less humid there or am I getting used to the heat?!

Distance: 5.5 | Temp: low 90s |  Time: 1:01:15 | Avg Pace: 11:08 | 1: 11:24 | 2: 11:28 | 3: 10:28 | 4: 11:17 | 5: 11:18 | 6: 5:17

Day 621 | July 1, 2011: strength

I had what felt like a very early morning session with Brian (our 8th session already!). My flight was delayed the night before, then sat on the runway for an hour when it finally landed… anyway, I was tired in the am. But I think I did pretty well with my workout! It was core-intensive – lots of walking in plank pose and move a kettlebell, boat-pose type stuff with weights on a chair, walking push-ups, squats, leg lifts, etc.

Day 622 | July 2, 2011: 7 m run

I intended to do my long run on Saturday but went to bed too late to wake up early (we drove to IA on Friday night and were up until past 2:00 am). So I started at 9:00 am in the full sun – a beautiful day to be on the river – but a hot day for a run (check out my awesome positive splits)! My dad rode his bike with me, and we ran/rode downtown so he could get a key made, then we ran/rode back and headed out for the river.

Distance: 7.0 | Temp: high 70s – low 80s |  Time: 1:12:01 | Avg Pace: 10:16 | 1: 9:39 | 2: 9:49 | 3: 10:13 | 4: 10:30 | 5: 10:23 | 6: 10:32 | 7: 10:50

Day 623 | July 3, 2011: 12.15 m run

I woke up a bit earlier on Sunday and got my 12 in. It was overcast and cooler (but I still drank about 40 oz. of water). Yay! And my dad rode with me again. We ran/rode to the downtown area, then around the two islands in Guttenberg. We saw A LOT of turtles. It was nice to run with my dad. I usually don’t get to spend much time with him. It’s funny – people are really friendly here, so he had a lot of people teasing him about how he should be running, or could he keep up on the bike, or was he too old to ride the bike, etc.

Distance: 12.15 | Temp: high 60s – low 70s |  Time: 2:07:49 | Avg Pace: 10:31 | 1: 10:13 | 2: 10:30 | 3: 10:43 | 4: 10:44 | 5: 10:52 | 6: 10:32 | 7: 10:32 | 8: 10:30 | 9: 10:38 | 10: 10:13 | 11: 10:39 | 12: 10:10 | 13: 1:25

Week Summary: 30.45 miles

I find it amusing that this has been one of my highest mileage weeks in awhile, but that I didn’t do any running in Illinois. It was all in Kentucky or Iowa! I guess I like to run while I travel?

5 Responses to “Training Week 89”

  1. Amy says:

    I think that is so great you got all those workouts in during your trip! I’m amazed you went and before your flight, too – how did you figure out all the clothing/showering logistics – did you still have your hotel room?

    • kilax says:

      I had to check out of my hotel, but figured I would find someway to sort of “rinse” off after the run 😛

  2. Erin says:

    Awww, your Iowa running brings back fond memories!

    And I doubt it’s less humid in Kentucky. You’re probably just getting used to it!

    How did you find all those trails in Louisville? Did the hotel know about them?

    • kilax says:

      I thought about you during my runs to downtown Guttenberg and back. 🙂

      I found the trail by the river by looking at google maps before I went to Louisville the first time in June (never made it down there during that trip), then I asked that hotel how to get down to the trail. I found the parks I went to on a bike map I got from the visitor’s center. And when I got to the park I went to on Thursday I got a map that shows all of the parks in Louisville for my next visit!

  3. Kandi says:

    I love that your Dad rode his bike while you ran. I asked Joey if he would ever want to do that for me but he can’t recall the last time he’s been on a bike so it doesn’t look good for that ever happening.

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