I just needed to RUN OUTSIDE
Can I get a “Duh, Kim”?!
I’m super grumpy when I don’t run. And I prefer to run outside, but it’s been cold* and windy here, and bad conditions for certain workouts (speed, hills, long). So… I’ve been running inside, since last Sunday.
I thought that would combat the grumpy. At least I am still running, right?
No. By the end of the week, I could feel the grumpiness seeping in.
AHHH!!!! I just need to run outside!
And I finally did today. And feel so much better.
I’m sure the Vitamin D helped too
I’ve been doing other workouts as well – cycling, swimming, lifting, teaching classes… but nothing makes me feel as good as running outside does. Hopefully there is more of that next week!!!
*When the temp is single digits or negative, and the “feels like” is -10°F or lower, I just can’t do those “focused” or long workouts outside. Those nasty temps are for “junk” miles!
Tomorrow is this guy’s FIRST birthday, can you believe it?!
Photo from when I saw him in August! I haven’t seen him since September!!!! AHHHH!!!!
We’ll see William soon for a late Christmas celebration and for his first birthday party. I am so excited to see him and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited to see you and Steven too! Happy Birthday to William today is his big day! Love your beautiful outdoor running pictures, so glad you were able to enjoy your fun run, aka “junk” miles.
I can’t wait! I hope the weekend doesn’t fly by super fast!
And yay, Happy Birthday William!!!!
The pictures from your run look beautiful, but how was the footing on the snow? I remember hating that feeling of “sliding” on the snow when your shoe treads would get full of packed snow!
I bet William will seem ENORMOUS compared to when you last saw him in person.
Thanks! The footing was bad where there wasn’t snowmobile tracks to run in (not so much sliding, just a lot of effort picking my feet up and down out of the snow). But where there was tracks, it was much easier!
He totally will!!!
Aww, glad you finally got to run outside – I agree, its effect on mood is much different from treadmill running. Especially when it’s sunny!
Happy birthday, William! Such a cutie!
It helped SOOOO much!!!! Hope you’ve been able to get out, there!
I totally get that needing to run outside. Nothing better!
OMG, that baby. You are going to have so much fun with him! He’s so squeezable.
There really isn’t!
I know! I cannot wait to squeeze him and love him up!!!
Awww he is so cute
If you are going to venture out in this deep freeze it should be whatever you feel like only LOL when will it end?!
The deep freeze seemed to end yesterday (and we got freezing rain)… I hope we get a break for awhile!
I’m glad you were able to run outside finally! It’s been a long week of treadmill running. I’ve been waiting for the temps to finally get above 20 here today so I can run outside too.
Happy birthday to William! That’ll be so fun to be able to celebrate with him
Thanks! It was so long! Grateful to have indoor options though. I hope you get to run outside more this week too!
Thanks! I am really looking forward to it!
I totally get it. Treadmill running is better than nothing, but it just doesn’t give me the same feeling as running outside. I’m debating going out tomorrow morning because it is supposed to be 13 (which at this point feels tropical), but I would have to run when it’s still dark and the roads are still pretty snowy and icy.
It really doesn’t! Were you able to go out today or was it too crummy? I hope you got to workout, wherever it was!
I did! The roads were terrible but I didn’t even care! It’s amazing how much my perspective has changed. 3 weeks ago I would have been so annoyed by the terrible conditions, but today I was just so happy to be outside. Hope you get out today too!
Yay!!!! I am so glad you enjoyed it even though the roads were crap! I will definitely get out today!!!
Yay that you were able to run outside! Those snowy trails are definitely more scenic than the inside of a gym! Plus the air quality is so much nicer.
Much more scenic!!!
I feel the same way. Running on the treadmill feels like a chore. Running outside, even in crummy conditions, feels so much better! Also happy birthday to your nephew! How fun.
It does! It’s less of a treat on the treadmill.