When the bread’s moldy…

By , May 16, 2012 6:58 am

Blueberry bagels are tricky. They’re all “I’m not moldy, that’s just a little fleck of blueberry!”

I am on to you, you little bluberry terd. Kim does not eat mold. In to the trash you go. Besides, I walk by a bagel place on my way to the office.

Eww. This bagel was gross. Maybe blueberry bagels are just a bad idea?

When I told Steven the blueberry bagel tried to trick me this morning, he asked why I didn’t just cut the mold off. Uhh… because the thought of eating something that had mold in it makes me want to vomit.* Would you cut the mold off and eat it?!

Yes, I just wrote a post about blueberry bagels. If a moldy bagel is my only “problem” today I will be really happy!

A photo of Data from this morning just because:

*Similar to how banana peels touch anything other than a napkin make me want to vomit. Steven discovered this fear of mine yesterday and thinks I am bizarre.

26 Responses to “When the bread’s moldy…”

  1. Michel says:

    lol. I would not eat something that had mold on it. Ask my husband and that’s a different story. Men.

  2. gina says:

    Can’t cut off mold and pretend like it was never there. And what’s this about the banana peel?

    • kilax says:

      Yesterday Steven ate a banana at lunch and put the peel in my empty ice cream bowl. The thought of grabbing it out of there (or even seeing it) makes me gag. It’s kind of similar to taking used napkins off of a plate. I could never clear dishes at a restaurant. Eww… it grosses me out.

  3. kandi says:

    Joey has a hard and fast rule about mold – if it is on something, the whole lot is thrown out. I used to be somewhat of a cut-it-off-and-eat-the-rest kind of girl in certain situations (depending on the type of food and how gross the mold looked) but now I stick with Joey’s rule. It makes me feel like vomiting to even think about it now.

    • kilax says:

      If it was a loaf of bread, I would just throw out the moldy pieces 🙂 But I wouldn’t cut in to the bread! So would Joey ditch the slice or the loaf?

  4. Tara says:

    Blueberry bagels *are* just a bad idea! That blue bagel picture is scaring me.

  5. CourtneyInControl says:

    I think I am the odd one out here, depending on what it is, I might cut the mold off and eat it- think cheese! But bread on the other hand, probably not (depending on how hungry I am and what else we may have around). Maybe I’m just nasty!! :o)
    That blue blueberry bagel is a bit frightening- but the cute picture of you and Data makes up for it!!

  6. When Dan and I left to go to see Isaac when he was in the NICU we did a pretty good job of getting rid of all the food that would spoil and freezing any bread. When we came home from the hospital with Isaac we noticed that we forgot about the cheese. It had small bits of mold and Dan said the same thing as steve. haha.

  7. If I knew the bagel wasn’t that old… and if I really wanted it… yep.

    I also find banana peels disgusting.

  8. shelley says:

    Our bananas keep disappearing, I told my husband we have a monkey in the house..not sure what this has to do with anything..LOL

  9. I’ve always had an aversion to blueberries – I think you just now explained why! =)

  10. J says:

    I would have cut the mold off. I usually cut the mold off cheese too and use it. Idk I guess I just think its ok, but bread is tricky. Usually I just throw away the moldy slices of bread cause that is all I buy. I can’t even remember the last time I had a bagel.

  11. bobbi says:

    You are speaking to the microbiologist here. A little spot of mold = nbd. I’d cut it off (obviously, if the mold has taken over, that’s a different story).

  12. Alice says:

    spot of mold = i cut it off and the rest is good! and i’m still alive and (mostly) kicking so.. no harm. yet. 🙂

  13. RunningLaur says:

    It depends how much I want to eat the moldy item 🙂
    I’d had trashed the bagel probably, but I’ve been known to pick out moldy parts from grated cheese when I didn’t realize it’d be there and I need it to cook something. Haven’t died yet!

  14. diane says:

    One time I watched E’s Dad cut RED MOLD off of half a cantaloupe and eat the rest. I had never seen red mold and it was pretty scary. He survived, so…
    I was always taught that once the mold is showing, the spores have already infested the whole piece of whatever. And you should throw it out. But then again I don’t know anyone who has gotten sick off of eating moldy anything so maybe it is just an old wives tale?

  15. Ok, if it was cheese, I would just cut the mold off. That’s what my mom taught me to do, so I’ve never really even thought about it. But bread, no deal. If it’s moldy its no good.

  16. martymankins says:

    If there are just a few specs of mold and I can inspect that it’s not gone viral in the entire batch of baked goods (like a load of bread), then I pick it off and eat it. It also has to be not mold smelly.

  17. Rich and I debate this problem a lot because he HATES throwing away food and I am an expiration date nazi. If there’s mold, I throw it out. Rich sides with Steven and cuts around. I just can’t stomach it!

  18. Ren says:

    I just tear off the mold. Heck, I’m tempted to just ignore it if it’s only a few small spots, but tearing it off is so easy that I just do that.

    If there are more than a few spots or any particular spot is larger than, say, a dime, I probably throw the whole thing out.

  19. you’re funny! i don’t know if i could eat a bagel if it was actually blue…that looks like play-dough!

  20. blueberry bagels are never pretty, are they?

  21. Anne says:

    I do cut mold of off things, and I drink expired milk. Gross, I know. But blue is the least appetizing color for food, which is probably why so few things are blue. So I sort of don’t blame you for being grossed out by something blue and moldy!

  22. I hate wasting food, and feel super guilty about it, but I cannot eat something that had mold on it, even if I cut the moldy part off. I can cut the moldy part off and feed it to my husband though, so that’s good!

  23. Maggie says:

    I would totally cut off mold and still eat it, and I’m pretty sure I have, but just for bread and cheese. My husband is another story though. He won’t even eat something if it “looks” old (but has no mold.

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