Biking in Louisville

By , June 28, 2011 9:38 pm

It is AMAZING how much you can do during a workday evening when your commute is only 15 minutes. Ah, work travel. I normally get more sleep and a lot more free time than when I am home… but I am away from Steven. Sad face.

Anyway, today we finished work at 5:00, so I went to the Louisville Visitor’s Center (right next to our hotel!) grabbed a trail map and a brochure for bike rental and ran to the bike rental place. The lady gave me a (7-speed, ha ha) bike, a helmet (won’t ride without one) a map to get to a park, and I was off!

Right away on my ride I noticed a tiny little distressed bird laying in the middle of the trail. I was worried about him getting run over so I put him on a piece of styrofoam and moved him off the trail.

I placed him by a tree and that little bugger moved right back over to the middle of the trail and continued to squawk. He (and his body parts) were not around when I came back that way so I hope his parents found him.

I rode on trails then on to roads which mostly had bike lines, then I was on a pretty trail along a river:

I saw turtles sunbathing, lots of fish, other bikers and runners, and a cat and some dogs. I tried to get pictures of the turtles but they didn’t turn out. Sad face II.

The bike path lead to Cherokee Park, which has huge frickin’ hills in it. I saw LOTS of runners there. Go runners go! The park was beautiful:

An older bike rider (think 70s) actually showed me the way and we chatted for a bit while riding.

I rode back the same way and snapped a picture of the Louisville Slugger Field. Anyone know the significance? Andrew, do you still read my blog?

I rode around the riverfront a bit more when I got back. There are a lot of cool things along the riverfront – parks, memorials:

and water features…

This is a public fountain that people play and swim in! WTH?! I am TOTALLY going there tomorrow if it’s in the 90s again. FO SHO. No shame. I have my suit with me. I almost went in with my exercise clothes on today.

After I returned the bike I ran back to the hotel and had time to eat dinner with my coworker, talk to Steven on the phone and video chat and write this post (and make updates to the running club race website (!@#$^&$%*@&!!). Note: I still need to catch up on blogs, emails, and Facebook. Sigh. Maybe I didn’t get that much done after all?! At least I had fun! I would have kept the bike a lot longer if I didn’t have to eat dinner. I told my coworker I would be a half hour late for our dinner (well, meeting time to get dinner) as it was! Oops!

P.S. My black toenail started to come off at some point during this bike ride/run. Gross/exciting at the same time.

17 Responses to “Biking in Louisville”

  1. That looks like fun! I’ve never been to Louisville, but it looks like there’s lots to do on the active front! Good for you for getting the workout in – I have such trouble with that on work trips.

  2. J says:

    You are so brave! I would never do that in a city I didn’t know – I am too scared! Lol Looks like so much fun! hope that toenail is ok!

  3. BTW, I love the monkeys on your banner! Are they from KY or somewhere else?

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! Steven took that picture in Madison while I was running the marathon! The monkeys were on some bench near Capitol Square.

  4. Kierstan says:

    Gross…I hate baby birds, they freak me out. Way to be a good person and move it off the trail! (confession – I totally did this with a worm (a worm!) the other day.)

    • kilax says:

      Oh my gosh. I totally do that with the worms in our garden. I am afraid I will cut them in half with the shovel so I move them when I see one. DORKS UNITE!!!

  5. I love that you rented a bike while on a work trip! Awesome! Way to go!

  6. Erin says:

    What an awesome thing to do!! The paths look lovely as does the waterfront area. And it’s so nice that it’s all right downtown.

  7. sizzle says:

    How fun! I love the days when I can just come straight home- no work out class (those days I already have worked out in the AM), no plans…the night feels long on those days.

  8. bobbi says:

    What a fun thing to do (and truthfully, not one I’d have thought of)!

  9. Christina says:

    Coolio snister! You should have rented one of those little buggies that are behind you in the first pic. The red and green ones.. They look fun! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Too bad you weren’t there – we could have rented the two seater and screwed around. You would have gone in the public pool thing with me, right?!

  10. What a gorgeous ride – I need to get my bike fixed. My brother broke it when he took it out without my permission. I keep insisting that he pay to fix it, but he wont, and my parents wont get involved. Apparently because it happened more than 10 years ago I should be over it by now. Im not.

  11. Etta says:

    Short work commutes are the BEST! I work less than 5 minutes from our house and it’s wonderful. Of course, now whenever I have to be in the car for more than 15 minutes, I think it’s forever.

  12. Kandi says:

    Sounds like an awesome place to ride. If you swim in that fountain, I want pictures! That seems so weird to me.

  13. Andrew says:

    I do still read your blog! Louisville Slugger Field is the home of the Cincinnati Reds AAA team – The Louisville Bats. The field is named after the Louisville Slugger bat manufacturer, which happens to be just down the road.

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