The Garden Project: Clumpy Soil

By , June 21, 2011 5:58 pm

We visited our garden this weekend on Saturday just to take a peek:

And on Sunday to put up the fence and water the garden (yeah, it didn’t rain at all this weekend, but it POURED on Monday).

Some of our tomato plants are looking a bit sad:

Let’s hope it’s okay if the leaves look like that.  Here’s where I am placing all of my optimism:

Yep – the green beans. The cucumbers are also starting to pop up (I planted another kind on 6/12, so we have two kinds now):

And the sugar snap peas:

Notice how clumpy our soil is? It’s kind of like clay. It’s not very fine, and it’s somewhat difficult to work with (excuses, excuses). It would be so cool if we had a garden in our yard, and could have someone bring in nice soil and fertilizer. And if watering it meant turning on the hose, not carrying kitty litter buckets full of water back and forth from the water basin (which was mostly empty on Sunday, by the way) to the garden.

It’ll be worth it. When all of those delicious green beans start showing up, it’ll be worth it. Oh yeah, and the other stuff too.

Steven worked on the fence on Sunday while I tried to get water for our crops. It seems that we threw away half of our fence last year and don’t recall:

Oops. We better get out there and finish the fence up before real produce pops up!

Other garden project posts from this year:

The Garden Project: It’s Back
The Garden Project: Getting Our Act Together

8 Responses to “The Garden Project: Clumpy Soil”

  1. bobbi says:

    Everything is looking good!

  2. Britt says:

    Thats what my tomato plant looked like about a month ago, I neglected it and never came to the rescue and it died. There is still hope for yours!

  3. Kandi says:

    Looking good so far. Hope your tomato plants are ok!! I wish I had a garden.

  4. Etta says:

    I reeeeally want to do a vegetable garden next summer. I wanted to this year, but being pregnant during the summer and working in the garden didn’t sound like very much fun. 😛 I have, however, read through the Backyard Homestead and am armed with oodles of info to help me next summer!

  5. Erin says:

    Next year when you till it you should work in some mulch or something! I’m sure there are ways to make the soil less clumpy. I’m definitely not an expert, though.

    Do you guys have problems with deer eating things?

    • kilax says:

      We didn’t have any issues last year, but we had the fence up. We looked for more fence like the one we have, but everything we found is more heavy duty (and expensive!).

  6. J says:

    Your garden looks great! My mom just put in her tomatoes! I hope we get some good ones!

  7. G says:

    Your garden looks great! Your tomato plants will be fine… the leaves on mine always look half alive but the tomatos come out lovely.

    It is almost a victorious feeling when you eat a fruit or vegetable that you grew yourself.

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