Training Week 87

By , June 19, 2011 7:40 pm

Day 603 | June 13, 2011: strength

Brian came over for our fourth strength session together. We used handweights, a step, and the bench to do a lot of dynamic movements. He also had me do walking planks on the step (from side to side and also up and down), complete with pushups on each side of the step, and some plank holds in the middle. My abs were understandably sore. That is what I am looking for though, so it’s a good thing!

Day 604 | June 14, 2011: cross (3.46 m + 10.50 m)

I rode my bike home from the train station, (fed Data) then rode 10.5 miles in my neighborhood and the neighboring neighborhood (ha ha).

Bike Time: 18:05| Distance: 3.46 | Average Speed: 11.5 mph
Bike Time: 48:41| Distance: 10.5 | Average Speed: 12.9 mph

Day 605 | June 15, 2011: 4 m run (speedwork)

It’s the return of speedwork! Let’s see how long this lasts. Who thinks I can do one session a week until the Milwaukee Marathon (that would be 16 sessions)? Yeah. Don’t hold your breath.

I ran a 10 min warm-up (@ 6.3mph) and 4×3:00 min (@ 7.5mph) with 3:00 min recoveries (@ 6.3mph) with a 5 min cool-down (@ 6.0 mph). This workout was hard. But not in the sense that my body hurt or my breathing was off – it was in the “damn you’re heavy” sense. Or maybe it was just the “Sh*t this sucks; I haven’t done this in awhile” sense. Who knows. Let’s hope next week is easier… 12x400s? Damn. I wish I wouldn’t have looked ahead. Might have to cut that down…

Time: 36:05 | Distance: 4.0 | Incline: 1.0

Day 606 | June 16, 2011: 3 m run

Another treadmill run – despite deciding I hate the thing a few weeks (months?) ago, I decided I would rather sit on my butt in the evening than run. So treadmill during lunch it is. I ran an easy three at 6.3mph. Gah, it is so hot in the office gym! I was absolutely drenched when I was done. The lunch-time shower never felt so good!

Time: 28:35 | Distance: 3.0 | Incline: 1.0

Day 607 | June 17, 2011: strength + cross (20 m)

I did an am strength session with Brian. Lots of dynamic handweight movements, as well as some good core work and planks/pushups. And the return of these yellow bars for pullups:

(photo from April 26 class)

The weirdest thing happened when I was doing pullups. I would do 5, then hold the last one, and Brian would put a weight on my stomach. But every time I tried to hold the position, I would get a very painful cramp in my hamstring and fall to the ground! It was so bizarre! And a bit frustrating. It was a good workout though, especially for my back/shoulders – they were really sore Saturday and Sunday.

In the afternoon I headed to the Millennium Trail for a bike ride. Holy hills:

This is where I will go to conquer hills this summer. If I ever get the guts to run there.

This was the first time I rode to the end of the trail. It’s very pretty, but not as shady as the picture below makes it seem! And I felt like I was riding in to the wind on the way down the trail and back. How does THAT happen?!

I wore my glasses this time, but still had a lot of bugs hitting my face. So I rode with my mouth closed the whole time, except to smile at other bikers/runners. The funny thing is, even when I am riding my bike and NOT injured, it still makes me sad to see other runners – I feel like I should be running too!

Bike Time: 1:32:52| Distance: 20.01 | Average Speed: 12.9 mph

Day 608 | June 18, 2011: cross (9.15 m) + 6 m run

Steven and I rode our bikes to the garden to see how our plants were doing, then went to the park to play catch and chill out, before riding our bikes back home.

When we were leaving the park we noticed these goslings were sleeping in the water, resting their heads on their bodies. Too cute!

I ran 6 miles when I got home. It was supposed to be a tempo run, but I felt too hot (where was the wind from the day before?), so I just made it a survival run. Actually, I think I was a bit dehydrated, because I ran out of water at mile 2, then felt like I could throw up the rest of the time. Not cool. It took me a few hours to feel better after I was done.

I had a few funny encounters during my run – I jumped through a sprinkler on purpose, asked some girls to spray me with their water guns, and had a little boy ask me if I wanted to see a wild turtle (I said yes and gladly took the break).

Bike Time: 55:48| Distance: 9.15 | Average Speed: 9.85 mph
Distance: 6.0 | Temp: 80s  | Time: 59:08 | Avg Pace: 9:51 | 1: 9:49 | 2: 9:57 | 3: 9:48 | 4: 9:49 | 5: 9:51 | 6: 9:51

Day 609 | June 19, 2011: 8 m run

I met my friend Yvonne for a run through a path I had never been on near my home. I was hoping for 9:30s, but it was so humid (90%)… or am I just making excuses? Either way, I am happy to run with Yvonne… she is faster than me and keeps me going.

Distance: 8.0 | Start Temp: 62° | End Temp: 65° | Time: 1:19:34 | Avg Pace: 9:56 | 1: 9:37 | 2: 9:42 | 3: 9:46 | 4: 9:39 | 5: 10:15 | 6: 10:06 | 7: 10:21 | 8: 10:02

Week Summary: 21.00 miles

My runs have been feeling really slow lately, and I can’t tell if it’s from being heavier, the hotter weather, or both. Maybe both? Oh well. It’s only going to get hotter (and hopefully I won’t gain anymore weight) so I might as well get used to it now. I will be happy if I can keep my long run around 10:00 minute miles this summer.

9 Responses to “Training Week 87”

  1. You are too. Bad. Ass. to be so hard on yourself. Stop. Now. or you are out if my feed forever. 😉

    • kilax says:

      Sorry to be so annoying! I am just frustrated that I cannot get my eating in check. If I could, I wouldn’t be carrying this extra weight. I just want to feel good and energetic in my skin again. I have felt very heavy lately and not very energetic. But I will try to snap out of it!

  2. Erin says:

    Hahaha, when I’m on my bike and see runners I always feel bad for them! Mostly because when I’m running and I see people on bikes I’m jealous of how much faster they can cover the mileage. Maybe this means I’m meant to be a cyclist?

    I tried to run 8 miles this morning. The trail was hilly and it was so humid. I managed 7.8 at a 10:08 pace. It’s been a loooong time since that I ran a 10:00+ minute pace. I think when it’s this hot out I’m going to start incorporating walk breaks.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! Maybe that is what it means? Or maybe it just means you really like cycling too 🙂

      I am thinking about walk breaks too. The thing that pissed me off is that the temp was in the 60s at 7:00 am but it was so dang humid! Ugh. Hopefully it’s cool in Milwaukee on Oct 2nd! If not, at least our paces are aligning so we can run together!

  3. Diane says:

    I can’t beat HotchPotch’s comment. Ha!
    I restarted 5k training today. 15 minutes and I wanted to die. Be proud of how far you’ve come! 🙂

  4. J says:

    I have been feeling sluggish too in the heat. I guess that is just how it is in the summer! I miss all that winter running! Keep it up with the speed work! You can do it until the marathon! I know you can!

  5. bobbi says:

    I think runners forget how tough humidity is, even when the temps don’t seem that bad. But when it’s humid, your sweat doesn’t evaporate and your body is working so hard to cool you off. Try not to stress about it! You kicked ass this week!

  6. Kandi says:

    My pace gets killed by the heat so I’m sure it’s mostly heat related. Good luck and stay hydrated!

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