Goodbye old running shoes

By , November 8, 2010 6:28 am

What do you think is in this bag that I am taking to work today?

Something that warrants this face:

Yikes. Maybe nothing warrants that face. And I should especially rethink putting it on a public blog.

The bag has three old pairs of running shoes in it. I mentioned two weeks ago that I was going to recycle three pairs of shoes. I put the shoes in a bag in the garage and they just sat there. I wasn’t very active about looking in to a way to get rid of them… but it was sure on Steven’s mind! I told him I would look in to it last week, then, lo and behold, I saw a posting on our internal work website last Thursday asking people to bring old shoes in for the Nike program that turns old shoes in to turf on playgrounds (which I have mentioned before here). At that point I had no excuse!

I think the reason I wasn’t looking in to it (because sheer laziness) was that I feel bummed getting rid of these shoes. They have history!

My first pair of running shoes are in there – the Asics GT-2110s:

Those were good shoes. I ran my first 5Ks (in 2007 and 2008) in them. And never had any injuries. Goodbye Asics GT-2110s!

Next are the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9s. My first pair of Adrenalines.

I ran our first half marathon in these, and kicked butt.

That doesn’t even look like me! Who is that girl?! Damn. I want my legs to look like THAT again. Less with the arm flailing while running though.

I always thought these were kind of ugly, and as you can see on the left shoe, the shoelace eating monster got to them (that would be Data). But they were still good shoes. Ta ta!

Any my third pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9s.

I am on the fence with these. They were so pretty. I loved the red and the design at the toe of the shoe. But I wore these for most of this summer with those stupid Spenco inserts, and those things were a pain. Can you tell how much the heel wore down on these?

Good riddance.

I still have my second pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9s* at home (they are my “muddy running shoes”),

my Brooks Adrenaline GTS10s* that I wore for the marathon (and a lot of other races, actually),

a pair of Asics (GT-1120s) in my gym locker at work, and my new Asics Gel-Cumulus 12s.

Phew. I feel better now, after writing all of this. Ha. What a waste of time though – this post and looking through all of my old pictures took me an hour! At least I have them well documented so I can go back and see them if I want to.

Do you get sad about getting rid of old running/athletic shoes? Or not at all? Do you think I am losing it?!

Funny note: I took pictures of these shoes at home this morning, but they were too dark so I retook them on the train. Think the other passengers thought I was being a weird-o?

*Even though the guy at the shoe store told me I should get rid of all my Adrenalines and not even wear them for walking!

35 Responses to “Goodbye old running shoes”

  1. Tracy says:

    My cat eats shoelaces, too. Those animals are such freaks, I can’t get over it. But lovable freaks.

  2. J says:

    By the time I get rid of my running shoes, they are ready to go. They are covered in dirt and no longer shiny white. Its sad to see them go but usually they aren’t comfortable to even walk in anymore.

  3. Your shoes have seen some awesome races!! I always get SO sad when I have to get new shoes!!

  4. I get super sad about getting rid of old running shoes because they all hold so many memories. I think you already knew that about me though.

  5. Tony says:

    I thought I recognized the train in the photos.

    I always feel guilty with the accumulation of my shoes. Just recently i discovered my nieghbor’s son, who is in 4th grade fits in my size 9-1/2 Asics. He was happy to receive them and I was happy that someone could use them. I still cant believe a 4th grader can be wearing a mens 9-1/2 shoe.

  6. Mica says:

    Harrison and I just turned in a TON of shoes at the running store to be…I don’t even know. I was kind of sad because I was essentially “throwing away” shoes that had a lot of good memories attached, especially the ones that I used to run in Korea.

    But they do take up a lot of closet space, so I was glad for the extra room once they were gone.

  7. Oh, Kim! Great post, really. (Guess I’m a dork, too?!) I’d loved reading your shoe history (and seeing them), but I’m still emotional after watching the NYCM yesterday. OMG, that was COOL!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually, I think the NIKE recycling program is fantastic. Found some literature last year on it and was going to write a post about it, but got sidetracked. Shocker. Now I need to, for sure!

    Also, you’ve given me an idea (or another layer of an idea that I’ve been working on for a while in my head). Thank you!

    As for the train, who cares if they think you’re a weirdo? And yes, I’m kinda attached to my shoes, too. πŸ™‚

    *hugs* from Orlando!

  8. Kandi says:

    I gave my mom the pair of shoes I used to get back into running back in 2006. She wears a size 6 and the shoes I gave her were 7.5 but she still has them! She wore them when she painted the fence around the backyard and now wears them to cut grass. They are more green than their original white/blue/silver but I’m glad they are still around and still loved. πŸ™‚
    I wish I knew someone with my same shoe size that I could hand the shoes down to like Tony mentioned but I don’t. I have so many shoes that are still in decent looking condition. Sometimes I donate them to goodwill and sometimes I donate them like you did to a recycle program. Sometimes I just keep them around if I really like them.

    • kilax says:

      Mine can only be reused for turf – I wear them down hardcore! It would be cool if someone else could reuse them. Any size 12s?! πŸ˜›

  9. Carol says:

    Ah – Not only are you getting rid of them, but they’re going to be “killed”! I think you should wear a black band around your shoes today. (I’m not sure if I’m kidding about that or not!) Breaking up is soooooo hard to do!

  10. sizzle says:

    I kinda love that you took those pics on the train.

  11. Leah says:

    I cant part with ANYTHING!! I have my first pair of official running shoes that I got in high school. Probably grade ten? Yah . . . I still wear them. But only inside on my exercise bike. πŸ™‚

  12. Pauline says:

    Damn, you’ve got some nice legs! πŸ™‚ Your shoes certainly were well loved.

    No, I don’t get sad about getting rid of old running shoes..well except for those beautiful New Balance red ones that have disappeared off the face of the planet. My “shoe monster” ate them and I haven’t been able to replace them since. *sigh*

    • kilax says:

      Thanks πŸ™‚

      The shoe monster also destroyed a $200 pair of Kenneth Coles. Someone learned their lesson with that one (wasn’t me!).

  13. Susan says:

    I once dropped off an entire laundry basket full of running shoes. The guy at the running store was like, “um, spring cleaning?” I’d kept all my shoes for about eight years of running…oops!

    I like the places that send the shoes to Africa…putting them to good use!

  14. martymankins says:

    Almost every pair of shoes I’ve had have either been tossed out (due to worn out or awful smell) or get donated (which has only happened twice that I know of). Older shoes that I can’t use for functional purposes anymore get to be lawn mowing and snow shoveling shoes (preferably ones that are slip on and off when they are caked with grass or snow).

    Old running shoes are the same way. Although i don’t run nearly as much as you do, so mine tend to last longer.

    There is some sadness when I have a favorite pair that needs to be retired.

  15. I get sentimental about my shoes too. I’m onto my 3rd pair of running shoes and have not been able to part with any of the olds ones. I have one that is perfect for camping and one that I used in my mud run. I love that you gave them up for something better though. If I had a reason to part with them, I probably would. And honestly – if I was dealing with more than 3 pairs I probably would too.

  16. Gina/Mannyed says:

    You should bronze your marathon shoes and hang them on your review view mirror, hehe.

    • kilax says:

      I love your idea! πŸ™‚

      Would the bronzing get rid of the smell?

      Actually, I have SUPER stinky feet but my running shoes are not as bad as my every day ones. Must be the special socks πŸ˜‰

  17. k8 says:

    Of COURSE they thought you were a weirdo…

  18. bobbi says:

    I am a thrower-awayer by nature. I used to hang on to lots more, but moving a couple times and having 4 kids cured me some where in there. I donate a bag of stuff almost every month, either to charity or friends. I tend to NOT get attached to stuff. (even baby stuff, believe it or not…)

    • kilax says:

      That is the way to be! We are constantly purging too. Running stuff seems to be all that I hang on to!

  19. diane says:

    That’s very cool that they were collecting them at work. I am bad about hanging on to things for sentimental value. Although, I think hanging on to your FIRST pair of running shoes would have been reasonable! πŸ™‚

  20. Stephany says:

    I’ve never really felt sad about giving up old shoes, mainly because I wait until absolutely necessary to buy new ones that I’m so READY for new shoes, hehe!

    BTW, I tried on those shoes (the last ones) at the running store when I was getting fitted. It was between those and the Brooks which means we must have the exact same foot/foot strike. Haha! πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      You ended up with the Adrenalines though, right? Those are a support shoe and these are more of a cushion/neutral shoe. Do you overpronate or supinate?

      I only ask because it turns out the Adrenalines were completely wrong for me!

  21. ChezJulie says:

    “A Farewell to Shoes.”

    I am waiting for the Lifetime movie about parting with your shoes.

  22. Simply Life says:

    A good pair of shoes is SO important to have!

  23. Alice says:

    haha i was definitely wondering what the other people on the train were thinkiing when i was looking at the pictures… πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      Luckily it was just me and “angry guy” (that is what I call him) – I was done by the next train stop!

  24. Erin says:

    I love that you were able to catalog all the memories of your shoes! I used to trade my old ones in when I bought my new ones so I don’t have quite as many sitting around. Now I give them to a running buddy who donates them to the low income girls on her school’s track and cross country team. I like knowing they’re going to a better place.

  25. Adam says:

    hooray new shoes!! Hopefully they help with your crazy supination. eesh!

  26. Megan says:

    Man, that makes me think about the number of shoes I have gone through since starting to run! I’ve been running for close to 4 years, so there’s been some definite shoe retirement.

    I keep meaning to ask…any reason why so many changes? Though I had a little trouble being fitted at first, until the dawn of orthotics lately, my shoes have been a couple go to brands. You said the first pair was no injury, so why change from those? Just curious πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I started with Asics when someone recommended them to me at a place similar to Sports Authority. In the spring of 2008 Steven got fitted at Fleet Feet so I did too, and that is when I went to Brooks. I figured I should be professional fitted, hence the change. Then I got fitted again last month and went back to Asics.

  27. Etta says:

    I’m rough on tennis shoes, but not from running.

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