Weekend Recap

By , August 17, 2008 8:11 pm

Although Steven and I didn’t do anything productive in the true sense of the word this weekend, we did:

  • Purchase tickets for the two of us and my parents to see Robin Williams at the Chicago Theater on September 27. (I HATE TICKETMASTER. I had four seats together, then it wouldn’t recognize my password, so I lost the seats. Now we are not sitting together. Sad face.)
  • Exercise! We went jogging on Saturday, and will go jogging again tonight. I’ve gone jogging everyday this week except for Friday!
  • See Tropic Thunder. It’s true, Robert Downey Jr.’s performance is brilliant. It was a bit drug out, but still really funny. And although the “retard” bit was a bit offensive, I don’t think it was that bad. I honestly wouldn’t have thought too much of it if I hadn’t heard about all the controversy before hand.
  • Locate and purchase a copy of Mario Kart for the wii. Now Steven can be happy. I hope.
  • And… meet up with Felicia (and a friend) from Confessions of a geeky blogger! We met for lunch at Rock Bottom Brewery and had an awesome time. Felicia is one of those girls you like right away – 100% friendly, open and lots of fun! And I love her voice! Is it weird to say that? She just comes off as a warm and true-to-themselves person. If that makes sense. I’m so happy I got to meet up with her! I hope her friend wasn’t too bored with us – but I doubt it, she was just as cool as Felicia.

<image: Felicia and me>

6 Responses to “Weekend Recap”

  1. Christina says:

    Sounds like a fun weekend! 🙂 Love the banner at the top!! 🙂

  2. kilax says:

    Christina – It would have been more fun if you were here to play Rock Band with me and Steven 🙂 So, you like the photo of me and my donkle? 😛

  3. martymankins says:

    Ticketmaster… how many ways do I hate thee… let me count the ways… I HATE TICKETMASTER. They charge you to print tickets at home…. Next thing you know, you’ll have to pay to open an account to get access to their web site to even look for tickets. If there’s a fee to collect, they will find a way to implement it and tack it on to the price of the ticket somehow.

    I plan to see Tropic Thunder. It may be a few more weeks before I get to it, but it looks funny. And even offensive parts don’t bother me as much, since it’s entertainment. I laughed in BORAT, I will for sure laugh in this one.

  4. kelsey says:

    kim…i own mariokart for the wii….get the steering wheels too.

    and be careful…highly addictive.

  5. Felicia says:

    I had a blast meeting ya’ll!!! You are fantastically as down to earth and fun as I thought you would be. Steven was so sweet putting up with all of us chicks!!! Chicago was a wonderful trip all around (got home and to bed at 2:30 this morning)!!!

    I am going to have to check out Rock Band now that we all talked about it…sounds like a ton of fun!!!

  6. kilax says:

    martymankins – And I hate how ticketmaster tacks on $10 extra dollars to each ticket you buy in “convenience” fees when it is not even that convenient! Their website is actually a pain in the ass to use. If anyone know a better way to purchase tickets, I would be GLAD to hear it! (Oh, and you are going to love Tropic Thunder!)

    Kelsey – Don’t worry! I only get to play a few nights a week for about 30 minutes… I’m too busy! If I wasn’t I WOULD just sit around and play (Rock Band) all day!

    Felicia – I hope we can meet again! You can come up with some fun stuff for us to do in Dallas. Although, I am sure we would just have fun sitting around and chatting. Don’t worry about Steven! He had fun! (He’s kind quiet.) Yuck – I can’t believe you didn’t get home until 2:30! At least the trip was fun! Chicago didn’t want to let go of you!

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