Posts tagged: Wanted

Example #53 of how I’m a hypocrite

By , July 15, 2008 5:48 am

Whenever I write a seemingly personal post, like yesterday’s, I feel like I should follow up with something more generic. Something true, but something that doesn’t make me feel so exposed.

And I think I am trying to do that with today’s topic, but I really think it makes me sounds like a… jerk. Oh well. Maybe you can relate to the topic.

So, here’s a truth about me: I don’t trust other people’s judgment in movies AT ALL (except Steven – because he knows what I like and don’t like). If someone tells me a movie is good, I really won’t believe them. I’ll ask them questions about WHAT they liked about it, but I won’t believe it is good until I see it for myself.

We all have different tastes. And when someone recommends a movie to you, they are just trying to be nice. I understand that, because I DO IT TOO. I am such a hypocrite. I often find myself telling people, “I watched whatever movie this weekend and I really think you would like it.” I am even guilty of sending people DVDs in the mail because I think they will like them (so dad, what did you think of Idiocracy?).

And I really hate feeling disappointed when I see a movie, and don’t like it. Especially when it is something A LOT of people have told me they liked (and even critics liked), and I was actually starting to look forward to seeing it – like Wanted. I felt bored in the theater, and that a lot of it was predictable. I didn’t find the action that exciting, or the story even that interesting. I did love seeing the scenes in Chicago… but I wouldn’t see it again. Or recommend it to anyone else.

But who cares, right? I’m sure some people would never want to see the movies I am looking forward to this summer. Again, it’s all personal taste. But it’s also something we feel compelled to share with each other for some reason.

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