Did anyone else wake up this morning and think, “If this was last week, today would be my last day of the work week!”?
I sure did!
I really don’t have any room to complain though. I didn’t have to work a single full week for the entire month of November (I have two full weeks this month though).
Besides, if it was last week, the holiday festivities would just be that much further away!
But those 3-day work weeks ARE nice! December really wears me out, and it would be great to have a few extra days off to prepare for the holidays and chill.
Side Note: Don’t forget to enter my Eating Animals Giveaway!
Life, Work + Design
3-day work week, break, chill, Christmas, festivities, Hanukkah, holiday, Kwanzaa, relax, Thanksgiving, Vacation, Work + Design
I was flipping through an old issue of SELF magazine (July ’08) at the gym last night and felt like the blurb “Prevent summer letdown” was speaking directly to me:
![image:How to prevent summer letdown](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/summerletdown.jpg)
(In fact, that entire page – front and back – may have been speaking directly to me. The article next to it was titled “How I stopped cursing a blue streak” and the one on the back side of the page was “Be a good gossip.”)
I spend a lot of time during the winter and spring fantasizing about the summer. A LOT. Steven can back me up on this because he’s had to listen to me talk about it all winter long.
What am I fantasizing about? Weekends spent at the cabin in Guttenberg (Iowa), boating, swimming, eating, lounging… and also nice summer days, with long runs in the warm sun.
Steven and I have coordinated our schedules so we have a quite a few 3-day and 4-day weekends this summer. But, who’s to say that we will be able to stick to our plan of getting away to Guttenberg 100%? I know we won’t. We already have weekends filling up with plans that require us to stay home over the weekends, and who knows what the weather will be like anyway. Oh, and it would be good to get some chores done and not abandon Data completely.
The article recommends keeping an element of reality in your fantasy. And isn’t that good advice for any fantasy? I would say so. It seems our fantasies become more attainable (and turn into goals!) when we DO give them a sense of reality.
So I am going to follow some of the tips when I feel like I am “stuck at home” this summer. We have an amazing forest preserve system in the county I live in that I have really been wanting to explore. We have a grill, and neighbors we like to spend time with. And we do live “close” to that wonderful city of Chicago – there might be something to do there!
Maybe I should have saved this for a Friday Question (since I seem to have trouble coming up with them), but do you have summer fantasies? Do you usually see them out? Or do you need to prevent summer letdown as well?
beach, cursing, Data, Fantasy, free time, Friday Question, gossip, gym, Outdoors, Reality, Self Magazine, Summer, sun, swearing, time off, Vacation, Work + Design
I still have nothing nice to say.
I skipped blogging for a whole week, because every thought entering my head that I deemed “blog-worthy” could also have been labeled “negative,” “whiny,” or “bitter.”
Ugh. I’ve just been feeling so on edge, like I have all this built up tension… over what? I don’t know what.
I really looked forward to the three-day weekend, and the mini-vacation with my family. And I had a great time, but don’t feel relaxed like I thought I would. I still feel jumpy. And anxious. And even… hostile?
This is really something I want to get away from. I just don’t know how.
I guess I am an even bigger snob that I thought!
Steven and I simultaneously decided we need a vacation yesterday. But I started spurting out places like Australia, Austria, and Egypt. And I even said “Maybe we should go to the library and look at books about England, Scotland and Ireland!”
Then he said, “Why don’t we stick to the US?”
Hmm… none of my fantasy vacations have taken place in the US! I don’t even know where to begin! I did pull out my copy of 1000 Places to See Before You Die – US & Canada for ideas, but it’s so specific. I’m not sure if that’s the best place to start.
So, it’s time for your suggestions! We don’t want the trip to be 100% educational (so no Washington D.C.), but more recreational (I guess) and relaxing. I already asked, and Walt Disney World is out of the question. We’re both especially interested in California or the New England area, but not anywhere super hot and humid (so maybe we should go to Canada!). Any tips or ideas?
I’m going to sneak in and post some photos from our Aruba trip before Steven and I begin our very busy day of unpacking, washing clothes, preparing for Thursday’s Thanksgiving feast, shopping, and finally… picking up Data from the Kitty Resort!
A couple of things first though:
1. Thanks to Christina, who blogged while I was gone! I second kapgar in thinking she should start her own blog. Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to get it all set up! I really enjoyed reading all of her posts and am happy I asked her to write here. Thanks again sister!
2. It was really weird for me to take an “actual vacation.” Sure, I have been away, traveling for a week before, but usually my days are jam packed with sightseeing and I don’t get a break. In Aruba, we were L-A-Z-Y. We slept in, meandered over to the beach, ate late lunches and big dinners, sometimes didn’t even wear a watch… it felt strange at first, but now I can say I really enjoyed it! I need to take more relaxing vacations like this, instead of my usual chock full travel schedule.
And I won’t even get started on how weird it was not to blog while I was there!
And now onto the photos, in a VERY LONG extended entry…
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