Posts tagged: time

Vegan “Meatloaf” / Trying New Recipes

By , January 2, 2010 6:34 am

Many of you had “try one new recipe a week” listed as a New Year’s Resolution and I thought that was SO FUN! Although we don’t do it as frequently, Steven and I love trying new recipes. We both subscribe to food blogs and share recipes with each other via google reader. Our favorite website for finding recipes has been I bet most of the recipes we’ve tried have come from there!

Where do you look for new recipes? What makes you want to try a new recipe?

I usually want to try a new recipe if it lists some of my favorite ingredients, is accompanied by a beautiful photo, or if it is something I have been craving for awhile!

Our latest adventure, Vegan “Meatloaf,” did feature two of our favorite ingredients (when mixed together) – lentils and rice. Since we had most of the ingredients listed (we had to use soy sauce, red wine vinegar and onion powder in place of Worcestershire sauce and basil and thyme instead of Herbes de Provence) we decided to give it a go.


We both think it needs some work. It was definitely edible and filling. And it had interesting flavor and texture. It just wasn’t quite “there” yet.

Ugh. I guess “Meatloaf” (no matter how perfect the recipe) just isn’t worth two and a half hours of prep/cooking. We had to make our own breadcrumbs,

individually cook the lentils, rice and veggies,

mash them all up and form a “loaf,”

make a sauce for the top,

and bake the damn thing.

So, needless to say, the Vegan “Meatloaf” will probably not make it into our meal rotation, but it may be worked on some more.

It was fun to try something new, that’s for sure!

Realization: I can’t do it all/have it all

By , December 30, 2009 7:48 am

It seems like I am making a New Year’s Realization instead of a Resolution. Ha, ha… ha?

I keep putting myself on ridiculous schedules because I think it will help me out, when really, it just hinders me.

I have to STOP doing this. I have to.

Today is a perfect example. I am having lunch with a coworker and I also want to get a run in. I obviously can’t do it during lunch time anymore, so it would probably make sense to do it in the evening. No, that makes TOO MUCH SENSE, let’s get up at 4:30 so we can get to the office gym at 6:30 and put 6 miles in before work! Then, you get to run, see your friend for lunch, AND spend quality time with your husband when you get home!

It sounds so perfect when I write it all out, but Steven can tell you which one of these things doesn’t happen. By the time I get home, I am so tired from getting up so early that all I want to do is eat dinner and go to bed. I try to “relax” (how does one do that?) by sitting on the couch watching a movie, but I just feel exhausted.

And I keep doing this… why? It’s like I want to prove to myself that I CAN fit it all in to one day – working out, lunch with a friend, time with Steven, 3 hours commuting and 9.5 hours at work.

I can’t do it all. I can’t have it all. I have to prioritize. I have to be flexible/less rigid with my schedule. Ugh. I just need to learn HOW TO RELAX.

Friends, I have been fighting this for a long time. It’s what causes me to get burnt out and give up. I don’t want that to happen anymore. I am sick of yo-yoing with my weight, and really, with my life.

Do any of you ever feel like you are doing this to yourself? How to you stop/slow down?

Reading blogs or reading books?

By , November 4, 2009 6:02 am

I did something I haven’t done in awhile – brought an actual book with me to read on the train! Since I bought my baby computer back in March, that is really all I have brought with me for entertainment during the hour and twenty minutes (x2) commute. I use it to check emails, and surf the internet, but mostly, just to read blogs. I try to get all of that done on the train so that when I get home I can just chill with Steven, and leave the computer off.

I feel bad though! I have so many books at home (loaned to me), and here I am, choosing to read blogs during my commuting time, instead of books (to my credit, I try to read books at home, right now, it’s Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life). Blogs and books both keep me engaged and entertained, but is one better for me than the other? Hmm…

Eating AnimalsAnyway, that is not what I came here to write about today (on my commute, on my baby computer). Last week, I read on many blogs (ha) about the new book from Jonathan Safran Foer – Eating Animals. A small excerpt from the amazon description says, “Eating Animals explores the many fictions we use to justify our eating habits-from folklore to pop culture to family traditions and national myth-and how such tales can lull us into a brutal forgetting.” Check out the amazon site for a full description.

A lot of bloggers were writing about Natalie Portman’s post on the Huffington Post about how reading it made her vegan (if you have an hour or so to kill, the comments on that post are pretty heated and interesting). I was somewhat intrigued with her post, but didn’t think much of it.

But mention of the book keep popping up everywhere! Someone even pointed out that three vegan books, including this one (the other two are on my wishlist, wink wink), are in the Amazon Top 100 list. And yesterday, another blogger mentioned that the author of Eating Animals was doing a tour. I excitedly clicked over and saw that he would be in Chicago on November 18th, at the library that is two blocks from my office! (Event information is here).

I love, love, loved seeing speakers when I was at Iowa State University. I went to see Obama, Michael Moore, Morgan Spurlock, and countless others. I miss doing things like that! Steven was really enthusiastic about going to the reading as well, so he picked up a copy of the book for us to read before (and hopefully get signed!). Last night, I told Steven I hope there are some debates in the audience – it will be interesting to see what people have to say about this book!

Whoops. That story ended up a bit LONG.

So the big question is, am I going to read this, or use the baby computer to read blogs? For this early morning commute, it looks like the book wins – this pos computer didn’t charge last night!

Ups and downs… in weight

By , October 22, 2009 6:49 am

As my weight has gone up and down over the years, I’ve noticed how differently I’ve taken it off and put it back on (ha!) each time.

Now, I know this is extremely unhealthy, and it is something I am trying to get away from (aren’t we all?), but I thought I would share.

When I first tried to lose weight, in 2004, I just ate less. I got the skinniest I had ever been, and it didn’t take that long, but it didn’t last that long either. Later on, I dabbled in exercise a bit, and lost weight, but was never really committed. However, when I started to really dedicate time to exercising and eating healthier in summer of 2008, I noticed that the weight came off faster, and I got to a smaller size sooner than I had when I was just eating less. And as my weight has gone up and down since then, I have always been able to fit in smaller sizes, at higher weights than ever before. It makes me wonder if I am retaining muscle and am a bit smaller at a higher weight, or if the sizes have just gotten bigger over the past few years (or if I have really, really stretched my clothes out).

This time around, besides running a few times a week, I am also doing weight training. It’s weird, because I am sore in places I have never been sore. It makes me wonder how my body will react to the weight training. Will I get smaller, quicker? Will it take longer? Will my weight stay high because I gain muscle?

This is all extremely vain, I know. I just wondered – have you experienced anything like this?

Gosh, what I would LOVE to get to a goal weight/size/comfort level and just MAINTAIN it. Maybe that will be one of my goals for 2010.

Look! A lame post about stress and commuting. Lame. Lame. Lame.

By , September 9, 2009 12:25 pm

When I clicked on yahoo’s “Most Stressful Cities” article yesterday, I expected Chicago to be on the list, but I didn’t expect it to be #1! (Duh, it was last year too. I am just a bit slow. A bit.)

I think this list is kind of bullshit, but it did get me thinking about what stresses me out about living here*, and that is the COMMUTE. 50 miles and an hour and twenty minute train ride both ways to the office.

Yes, it is my choice to live far away from my office. Yes, I could move. Yes, I could (try to) get a new job. But I don’t want to. I really like the area we live in. I really like my job. If we move, it won’t be closer to Chicago. It will be to a different state.

So, I don’t really have any room to bitch. It’s my choice. I understand that. And I don’t want to move.

But jeez… am I ever worn out! How do people do this their entire life? I don’t view this as a permanent situation for me. I can’t continue to waste three hours every day in transit, and try to get by on less than six hours a night of sleep. That is TRULY bullshit.

Do you find the area you live in stressful?

I DO NOT live in Chicago. So I am aware that I cannot truly understand the stress of living in Chicago.

Marathon Training Week 4

By , July 12, 2009 3:05 pm

Welcome to week 4 of marathon training! If you click on the activity links after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 22 | Monday, July 6: Cross-train for 30 minutes Rest

Ugh. I felt mopey and was suffering from a sugar withdrawal headache so I did nada for cross-training and went to bed early.

Day 23 | Tuesday, July 7: Run 3 miles

I keep repeating this, but I absolutely have to start doing these shorter runs slower. I ran the first 1.5 and last .5 miles of this run with Steven. We started out fast and I didn’t want to slow down. I also don’t want to over-train though! I promised myself I would run slower on Wednesday, but Wednesday’s run never happened.

Distance: 3.01 miles | Time: 26:10 | 1: 8:49 | 2: 8:52 | 3: 8:25 | 4: 00:02

Day 24 | Wednesday, July 8: Rest

I felt frustrated (and sorry for myself) since the moment I woke up on Wednesday, so I took the night off to relax.

Day 25 | Thursday, July 9: Run 6 miles

Six nice easy miles, at a comfortable “conversational” pace – check!

Distance: 6.00 miles | Time: 57:01 | 1: 9:25 | 2: 9:29 | 3: 9:47 | 4: 9:35 | 5: 9:24 | 6: 9:19

Day 26 | Friday, July 10: Run 3 miles

Three hot, accidentally race pace, PISSED OFF miles.

The two highlights (low-lights?) of this run both involved kids getting into my way ON PURPOSE. I wish I was imagining this, but their actions were obviously intentional.

The first time I was on the loop around our neighborhood park. I saw two kids on one motorized bike coming my way so I got over to the right edge of the path. They started swerving back and forth and back and forth over the path, crossing dangerously close to me before quickly swerving out of my way. The kid driving gave me a malicious look. I think it is the same kid getting in the way of cars on the street two weeks ago. What the heck?

The second time, I saw a kid dribbling a ball in the sidewalk, so again, I got over in the right edge to get away from him. When I got near him, he made eye contact with me, then he dribbled the ball in front of me and I had to stop and jump into the grass. What the heck?

Parents, anyone, reading this, what should I do? I doubt it is worth saying anything to these kids, but it is seriously frustrating me. These are not young awkward kids trying to figure out sidewalk etiquette. They are being little sh*ts on purpose. Maybe I should just stick to the early morning hours before the terrors get out of bed. Or try REALLY hard to ignore it.

Distance: 3.00 miles | Time: 26:34 | 1: 8:54 | 2: 8:56 | 3: 8:40 | 4: 00:02

Day 27 | Saturday, July 11: Run 6 miles at marathon pace

I set my regular alarm for 6:00, but had to rely on my kitty-cat alarm clock to wake me up at 7:30. Thanks Data! (Funny thing is, he started waking me up at 5:30 on Sunday. He’s a kind of unreliable alarm clock!)

image:Hungry Data

Look! A talking shoe!

It was cloudy when I got to the park, so I was excited, thinking I wouldn’t be running in the sun. That quickly changed though! I got really hot right away. I was too lazy to put my hydration belt on, and ended up stopping at the car THREE TIMES for water. Yikes. I need to wear the belt next time!

image:nippersink cloudy

The deceiving skies…

image:nippersink sunny

… quickly turned to sun!

I took a photo of my awesome bruised wrist to share with you all. I look forward to running as one of the few hours of the day when I don’t have to wear the stupid splint and wrap.

image:Kim's bruised wrist

Pace runs make me so nervous and stressed out. I feel like I am constantly looking at the Garmin to keep on track. I feel guilty if my pace goes up at all. I much prefer the method we used for the half marathon – just putting the miles in, at ANY pace. I know this is the way to becoming a better runner though!

Distance: 6.00 miles | Time: 53:15 | 1: 8:55 | 2: 8:52 | 3: 8:57 | 4: 8:49 | 5: 8:55 | 6: 8:40 | 7: 00:03

Day 28 | Saturday, July 12: Run 11 miles

I found a new out-and-back trail to try near our house, but was concerned about getting too far out on the trail away from a toilet. The park by our house has a loop that goes by three separate toilet facilities (!!!) but I am getting kind of sick of running there. When I told Steven my dilemma, he suggested I run to the park by our house, then do a few loops there, to change things up a bit. I have always been a bit nervous about running on the shoulder of the street (especially with a 55 mph speed limit!), but it went well, and it was fun to run somewhere different for the first and last 2 miles.

Not driving there created another dilemma though – I couldn’t bring extra water. My hydration belt (this one) only holds maybe… 16 ounces total? And it LEAKS. I was definitely dehydrated today. I have been looking for a belt that holds more water, or a hand held water bottle, or maybe even a camelbak. Actually, I am really interested in camelbak, but worried about my back getting all sweaty and gross. What do you like to use for hydration? Have any of you used a camelbak?

Edited to add: My brother-in-law was disappointed that I didn’t mention I tripped over him and five of his friends on my way out the door that morning. So… Andrew (my BiL) was in town with his friends for a Cubs game on Saturday and the Brewers game on Sunday, and they all stayed at our house. It was fun seeing him and his friends, and finding spots for all of them to stay (three couches, one bed, one air mattress, and one sleeping bag!). Data enjoyed sleeping on their dirty sheets after they left. Ew Data, ew.

image:Data on the dirty sheets

Distance: 11.00 miles | Time: 1:49:58 | 1: 9:42 | 2: 9:38 | 3: 10:24| 4: 10:08 | 5: 10:09 | 6: 10:03 | 7: 9:58 | 8: 9:46 | 9: 9:56 |10: 10:08 | 11: 9:59

Week Summary: 29 Miles

I seem to have fallen prey to the “I can eat anything I want, I am training for a marathon” mentality. Well, if that were true, would my jeans be this tight? My diet has been disappointingly junky lately, and feeling restricted by my wrist and moody all week surely didn’t help. I get through my runs just fine, but know I could perform better if I ate better, and lost a few pounds. I haven’t mentioned it, but I took my weight loss tracker off the site awhile ago, and stopped weighing myself. I didn’t want that to be a focus during training. I want my focus to be on feeling healthy. I’ll get there.

The end of week 4 means I am 25% through the training program! The marathon will be here before I know it! I just found out you can track the racers online during the race, so I will make sure to post all of that info closer to the actual date.

Friday Question #68

By , May 29, 2009 6:40 am

If you had the time and resources, what kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

I would LOVE to volunteer at the no-kill animal shelter right by our house. I would also LOVE to be a “running buddy” for the local Girls on the Run chapter.

I’ve filled out applications for both of these organizations and never turned them in. I worried I wouldn’t be able to make a huge commitment and disappoint someone. That’s kind of silly. Some help may be better than none!

The trainee group at my office organizes some philanthropy events. So far, most of them have been on the south side VERY far away from my home, but now they are taking about seniors bingo once a month near the city. That might be a fun way to spend an evening after work! (Yes, I’m serious)

Grateful, for once

By , October 1, 2008 12:33 pm

I know I’ve complained a couple of times about being treated/feeling like a youngling.

But today, I was grateful to play the “young and inexperienced” card by saying to someone, “Did I submit the application incorrectly? Is that why it is taking so long? Is there anything else I can do?”

I really wanted to say, “You’ve been sitting on this SIMPLE application for TWO weeks. You are holding my client back from starting their demolition. What the eff is the holdup?! I know it shouldn’t take this long!!!”

Okay, being rude is NEVER acceptable, no matter your age. But, come on.

Side Story: Yesterday at work, I was sitting at my desk (diligently working) and fantasizing thinking “Soup sounds so good. Why don’t Steven and I ever make soup at home?”

Imagine my surprise when I came home, and Steven had a big pot of homemade soup on the stove, filling our house with wonderful aromas! THIS MAN CAN READ MY MIND. Is that good, or bad?


By , September 24, 2008 12:46 pm

When, if ever, I am going to NOT feel guilty about taking a day off from exercise?

I know. I need to let my body rest. And I know. I should probably do some strength training, and go easy on the cardiovascular.

But I can’t get over the guilt.

Most days, I really crave the exercise. I feel like it completes my day. But every once in awhile, I just want to relax. I don’t want to scarf down my dinner, rush to put on my exercise clothes and race out the door. I want to get home, eat a slow(er) dinner, maybe sit on the couch, play Rock Band, play with Data, actually talk to my husband…

I don’t want to feel guilty for meeting a friend for dinner instead of going home to exercise. I don’t want to feel guilty when we have to run errands on a weeknight, and it’s too late to exercise when we finally get home. I don’t want to stress out about when we are going to get exercise in when we have house guests.

I just want to accept that I did or did not exercise the day before… and get on with my day. And not dwell on it.

With time. Let’s hope, with time.

(Part of me kind of feels like I should apologize for blogging about the same themes… for such an extended period of time in a row. But, I’m not going to, because it makes me feel better to get it out there. I’ll just say – I hope I’m not boring you too much).


By , March 6, 2008 5:51 am


Steven emailed me on Monday with the Subject: Happy Anniversary! He then proceeded to tell me that our 6-month anniversary was last Saturday, March 1st, but he forgot to say something.

I actually had to look at a calendar. And count the months off on my fingers. Twice. It doesn’t feel like it’s been six months since we got married!

Half-year milestones probably become less and less significant the longer you have been with someone. But for me, along with the acknowledgment of six happy months of marriage, this milestone is a reminder to take life more seriously.

I often have this “I am so young, I can do it later attitude.” This attitude’s a little bit different from procrastination, because I still do all the things I need to get done on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The things I am talking about “doing later” are some of my life goals. (Yeah, now that I think about it, I am kind of just repeating Monday’s post)

I was specifically planning on beginning to study for the ARE (Architect Registration Exam)  and LEED exam (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) after the wedding. Of course, my excuse before the wedding was that I was so busy making all these decisions that there was nothing else I could focus on. Now what’s my excuse? What have I been focusing on for the last six months? How does time slip away from us like this? It really kind of worries me, how my weeks are a blur of work, and my weekends are me trying to have some fun, but catch up on chores and sleep. I really don’t want to live my life in a blur.

Anyway, I’ll make sure I remember the 1.5 year milestone, and I’ll definitely remember the 1 year mark! We’ll just see what I have accomplished by then.

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