I found the perfect swimsuit for me!
I need to buy some new swimsuits this year. I haven’t been actively looking yet, but Steven keeps forwarding me emails from swimoutlet.com and I finally clicked on their link today.
And found my dream suit.
Behold, the “Splish Meow“:
What do you think? Buy it? Don’t ever mention it again? I made a little poll below!
Should Kim buy the Splish Meow Swimsuit?
- Yes! It's funny and cute. (58%, 15 Votes)
- Yes, since you love to embarrass yourself and have no shame. (27%, 7 Votes)
- No, if I saw you wearing that on the beach, I would keep walking. (15%, 4 Votes)
- No! Grow up! (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 26