Posts tagged: Steven

Happy Holidays!

By , December 25, 2009 6:01 am

Happy Holidays Everyone!

My family does a holiday photo each year (you can check them all out here). They usually have a funny theme, but this year, we actually took a serious photo to send out.

Anthony, Me, Steven, Mom, Nicholas, Dad, Thomas (baby) Nick, Courtney (SiL) and Christina

Don’t I have a gorgeous family (if I do say so myself)? I am happy we took these*.

The original Ilax clan

I get to spend today** with my other family – Steven’s parents and brother! They snuck in (from Kansas City) just before the ice storm and I am happy to be celebrating the holiday with them in our home this year! We’re so lucky that they were able to come out and share the day with us. It’s so nice to slow down and relax for once.

However you spend the day, I hope it is wonderful! Leave me a comment telling me your favorite part of the day!

*Even though, uh, it was 25 pounds ago
**I will see my family in January

Our holiday gift to one another

By , December 24, 2009 6:14 am

We’ve been searching for art for our dining room for a few years, but we’ve struggled to find anything that suits our tastes. And our dining room looks so sad and plain (I apologize for the nasty photo taken with flash).

We knew we wanted three pieces, and possibly a theme that tied together, but we couldn’t find nature scenes that weren’t cheesy or graphic prints that were “us.”

A few weeks ago, I saw some simple graphic prints in the art shop across my office and fell in love. The problem? One print was about $150 each (with frame), and that was after the 50% off discount! I snapped a photo and sent it to Steven, to show him what I had in mind.

And he suggested we buy canvases and do it ourselves! Yes, I was skeptical*. BUT, we bought the canvases this weekend, and Steven painted them on Sunday! And voila! We now have art! We are counting this as our holiday gift to each other, and I couldn’t be happier to finally have something hanging in our dining room. I think they turned out great! (And guess what? Steven used our house paint to paint them! So the colors definitely tie together!)

Do you have art hanging in your home? How did you choose it? Did it take you a long time to find the “perfect” piece(s)?

*Due to my lack of artistic talent, not his.

Steven’s birthday recap

By , December 23, 2009 5:58 am

Yesterday was Steven’s birthday, and even though I had to work, I wanted to make the evening as special as I could!

What do you do to make your loved one’s birthday special?

On my train ride into the office, I got off quite a few stops early to go to Steven’s favorite bakery (Deerfields) and pick up some of his favorite donuts for him (yes, the same donuts last year’s donut tower was made out of)! When I got off the train, the conductor said “Leaving so early?” When I told him I was going to the bakery, he said “Deerfields? I LOVE that place! I would hold the train for you if I could.” Ha. What a nice guy. I wish he could have held the train for me! Luckily, the bakery is right by the station, so I walked there (in the snow) and back and caught the next train. I made sure to pick up donuts for two of my coworkers too!

Steven picked me up after work, and we went to Red Robin for dinner. Red Robin is actually my favorite restaurant, but Steven wanted to go there since we hadn’t been for awhile. I love it because they have two different kinds of veggie burgers and BOTTOMLESS Vegan Steak Fries! Of course, the veggie burgers aren’t vegan, so I get the Red’s Rice Bowl without the fried noodles on top. I still love going there because I think it is great that they cater to so many diets. They even have a great tool online for calculating the calories in your meal.

Onion Rings

Red’s Rice Bowl (actually on a plate)

Whiskey River Boca Burger with Fries

Plus, the give you free ice cream on your birthday (after they sing you an obnoxious song of course)! You can’t beat that!

Steven opened his gifts before dinner. I gave him Pictionary, the same lego calendar I got Lauren (it’s so cool!), his favorite Christmas Tree Cakes, and a little monkey (we have an inside joke that he likes monkeys). A few days ago, I told Steven not to go in my closet because I had a small present in there for him that was not wrapped. So during dinner, I said, “Oh no! I just realized I left that unwrapped gift at home! You will have to open it later.” and acted all sad. But it was a trick (more below).

After dinner, we went bowling. Fun fact – we used to be on a league so we both have our own bowling balls and shoes.

I was a bit rusty – it’s been awhile! We bowled three games and Steven’s top score was 190 and mine was 132.

Steven had one of his donuts when we got home.

Is it salmon flavored?

The glorious inside of the donut

After he finished the donut, I gave him the “little gift” that was in my closet – which was really a HUGE gift that I could not have taken to the restaurant.

I got him the weight stand he wanted, and get this, I only paid a fraction of the price it was listed for on amazon! We have a reward program at work, and I used my points to get $80 worth of amazon gift cards to use towards his gift. Score! It felt good to get Steven something I know he really wanted AND needs!

The new weight stand (before, the weights just sat on the floor in this spot)

I hope Steven enjoyed his birthday – I know I enjoyed it!

What what your perfect birthday day be like?

I actually got mine this year– I got to spend the day on the river, relaxing, then eat vegan chocolate cupcakes and cake!

Vegan “Chicken” and Biscuits

By , December 5, 2009 7:33 am

Damn. Vegan “Chicken” and Biscuits make awesome leftovers*. Like, “I can’t stop eating them and am going to turn into a tub-tub, thank goodness that’s the last of them” awesome. Steven’s cooking is so good, I almost always feel like this with his leftovers. We were thinking about making the Vegan “Chicken” and Biscuits for Erin and Jason’s visit tonight, so we tried them out on Wednesday.

Can you spot the biscuit?

Steven followed this recipe for “Chicken” and Dumplings starting at the fourth step. We used biscuits instead of dumplings.

  • Saute onion, celery and mushrooms (we added) in margarine until soft
  • Add flour, celery salt and pepper to make a thick paste
  • Add veggie broth and bring to a boil
  • Add carrots, faux chicken and bay leaf (We used a box of Heartline’s “Chicken” Fillet** for the “chicken.”)
  • Reduce heat, simmer 20 mins, stirring often
  • Pour this awesome soupy mix on your biscuits
  • Nom nom nom away, lick plate clean

Steven excitedly told me that the biscuits had a “surprise” ingredient (before I tried one, without the soupy mix). After a lot of guesses (some silly and some serious), Steven gave me a hint that he thought the biscuits tasted like the ones you get at Red Lobster. I immediately knew what the “secret” ingredient was then – Nutritional Yeast. After my last fiasco with it, I was worried about the biscuits, but he was right, they DO taste like the ones at Red Lobster, and they taste great! (Steven used this recipe for the biscuits. He used 1/4 c. nutritional yeast instead of 1/3 c., and for the “1 teaspoon of dried herbs” used 1/2 tsp. garlic then for the other half teaspoon he used a pinch of rosemary, thyme and dill.).

We loved this recipe – especially during this time of year. It’s such a hearty and filling dish! It makes you feel all warm and good inside. And it’s got that creamy thing going on, with a little bit of a soft chewy biscuit. Yum yum. But since we couldn’t come up with good sides (besides green beans), we are making something else for our guests tonight. Ha! At least we tried something new and it turns out we love it. We*** will definitely be making it again. We both said it reminded us of when our mothers made chicken and biscuits. And Steven suggested turning it into a pot pie…

Did you have chicken and biscuits growing up? Do you like the dish? Do you know what the difference between a biscuit and a dumpling is?! If so, please tell me!

*I took them to work on Friday.
**We order this stuff online.
***By now you must know, that by “we” I most likely mean “Steven.”

Too many cookies before bedtime

By , June 24, 2009 12:42 pm

I didn’t get home until 8:45 last night. I was a little bit frustrated that my train was late, but all of that frustration washed away when I opened the door and smelled… fresh chocolate chip cookies! Steven decided to try this vegan recipe. How awesome is it to come home to fresh cookies? Steven is such a sweetie. I am so lucky to have a husband who loves to cook and experiment in the kitchen.

image:individual vegan chocolate chip cookie

They turned out very thick on their own. Steven pressed down the second batch, but I liked the big, thick, chewy ones.

image: plate of vegan chocolate chip cookies

Nom Nom Nom

Steven had to make some substitutions to the recipe. We didn’t have unbleached flour, so he used all-purpose. And we didn’t have raw sugar, so he used half white and half brown sugar. He found out that most white sugar is not vegan, as it is often filtered using bone char – an animal product. I am sure as I continue on this vegan journey, I will discover lots of interesting tidbits like that. I will have to accommodate them when I run across them.

Anyway, he thought the cookies were a little bland, that they needed more flavor. He thought they just tasted like sugar cookies with chocolate chips in them – that they were missing that “buttery” (?) taste. I liked that they didn’t have a overpowering taste, as I generally do not consider myself a chocolate chip cookie fan. As you can see, they weren’t laden with chocolate chips. He only used a half of a cup. I don’t like it when chocolate chip cookies are overloaded with chocolate chips. Blah.

With all of that being said, I scarfed down three cookies. Then went almost immediately to bed. These cookies sat like a brick in my stomach, and had me tossing and turning all night. I don’t think it is necessarily the cookie’s fault. I think it is MY fault for eating too much, too fast, too close to bedtime, on an already full stomach.

I got into a bad pattern for awhile in the end of May and beginning of June where I was eating too much in the evening and sleeping very poorly at night. I’d wake up because I feel so uncomfortable and gassy. I would still feel gross when I woke up in the morning. That’s not a good way to start a day.

And the dumb thing is, I couldn’t figure out why I was tossing and turning all night. I just kept repeating the same actions over and over. It wasn’t until I actually slept well, that I looked back and thought, “Hmm, what did I do differently yesterday?”

So, while I’ve always laughed at the theory that you cannot burn off calories you eat in the evening* (because you go to bed), I think I will be making an effort not to eat so close to bedtime.

*I think the advice to “not eat after 7:00 pm” is meant to help people cut back on mindless snacking done after dinner. But it seems to have turned into this belief that calories you eat after 7:00 pm will never be burned off.

Never ran in Rome

By , June 4, 2009 12:59 pm

I have a reoccuring dream that I am on a plane to Rome, feeling extremely guilty because I have “left”* Steven to pursue my own interests.**

This morning the dream was a bit different. I was sitting next to a classmate on the plane, when I looked down into my luggae (why I had it with me, who knows) and realized I didn’t pack ANY of my running gear.

I started to panick and my classmate assured me it would be okay and I could buy running gear in Rome.

“But I didn’t even bring my Garmin! How will I know how far I’ve gone?!”

Oh jeez. This has gone too far.

But after I woke up, I thought, it would have been FUN to run in Rome! I never did. It would be dangerous with the way people drive there, but it would be so neat to run by all of the old, unique buildings. And I know some of my classmates were running when we were there. Maybe someday I’ll get an opportunity to run there again.

Is there any really cool place you like to run? Or do you have a dream run like this? Right now, I love running in the forest preserve, when I am not getting attacked by birds!

*Not “left” as in divorced, but “left” as in “left behind (for awhile).
**I think I have these dreams because I did chose to extend my winter 2006 stay in Rome into the summer ( I stayed to work for an Italian Architect) when Steven and I were engaged. I only saw him twice in seven months.

This man can read my mind, part ii

By , April 16, 2009 10:05 pm

A cute little bonus story for you:

One night a week, I stay late at the office so I can exercise in the gym with my coworker. I don’t get home until around 8:30, by which time Steven has usually eaten dinner, unless  we decided beforehand that we would eat together.

The last three weeks, something very strange has happened.

When I got home the first week, I started toasting an English muffin. “I am really craving an egg sandwich!” I said. “That’s what I had for dinner too!” Steven replied.

The second week, I got home and made a peanut butter sandwich. “I had a peanut butter sandwich too!” Steven told me.

Last night, and this is really weird,  I called Steven when I got off the train. After teasing him a bit, I randomly said, “Pizza?” “What did you say?” he asked. “Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” He responded, “How did you know I am heating up the oven?”

Isn’t that weird? Steven can STILL read my mind. I almost wish we were always on the same “food wavelength,” because we struggle with it when we aren’t. Sometimes we end up making two different things, but we don’t really like to do that!

Can I still call myself a runner if I only ran ONCE last week?

By , December 23, 2008 5:38 am

Yeah, so… that half marathon training I mentioned… it’s not going so well actually, uh… cough cough.

Maybe a week and a half before Christmas isn’t the right time to start a training program (EXCUSES! BS ALERT!). We were only home two nights out of five during the week, and out of the house all day Saturday. Steven still ran on Sunday night (he is doing great with the training), but I had that sugar overload, and felt sick even thinking about running.

Do I even deserve the awesome running gal necklace I ordered myself for Christmas? (Thanks, Kim! But uh, can you still call yourself a runner? You only ran once last week!)

<image:Running Gal Necklace;

I spend a lot of time imagining how things are going to be. When I was in college, it was what it would be like living with Steven. I also imagined what my first job would be like, what the wedding would be like, what the honeymoon would be like. I even think about simple things like what my evening, or weekend, or someone opening a gift will be like. I work out this optimistic, perfect scenario in my head.

Well, those things are never what I expect them to be, because they have other people involved. That’s just the nature of life. But my running is all about me. It is one of the only things I can imagine and actually see through on my own. Yeah, I run with Steven, but our records and exercise plans are still ours. Neither one of us controls the other’s routine, goals, or body.

So, maybe I should take more control. Since I actually have the opportunity to do so.

And I am sure I will. Once I have some actually freaking FREE TIME. Ugh. Really, I love the holidays, but they are STRESSFUL. Just because we aren’t hosting them, doesn’t mean we get to relax 100%. We have to drive there, fly there, get the presents there, pack the bags, pack the house… blah blah blah. It’s not fun. It’s a PAIN IN THE BUTT.

Hmm. Where did all of that come from?

Back on track. I bought Steven the Garmin Forerunner 405 watch for his birthday. (Yes, another watch. And yes, he knew what I got him.) Whenever we run outside, he is always saying how he wants to know our pace, and how far we actually ran and so on and so forth. Well, this watch will tell him all that. And more. I’m excited to do some long runs outside, with it. I mean, with Steven wearing it. Of course.

Think I’ll (we’ll?) actually run over the holidays though?

Celebrating with sugar – lots of sugar

By , December 22, 2008 9:26 pm

Today is Steven’s birthday. Can you guess how old he is?

<image:He's 28!;

When I asked Steven what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he said he wanted a “huge bavarian creme donut.” “Not twice the size of a normal doughnut, but like, four times bigger.”


I sent an email to our favorite bakery, to see if they could accommodate the request:

Dear Deerfield’s, My husband loves your bavarian cream donuts. I was planning on ordering a cake from your store for him for his birthday, but he asked if I could order him a big bavarian cream donut with chocolate frosting. Is it possible to order something like that? I think he just means bigger than a normal donut, about four times the size. I would order it for pick up on Dec. 21st. Thanks for letting me know (and for humoring me!) Kimberly

They responded right away:

Hello, We don’t make a “jumbo” donut however we can either do a layered birthday cake with a custard filling or a Bavarian Cream Pie which has 2 layers of yellow cake filled with Bavarian Cream and topped with fudge icing. Please call Customer Service @ 847-520-0068 ext. 4 to place your order, Thank you. Cindy

At least they humored me. I laughed when I saw “jumbo” in quotation marks.

So, Steven didn’t get his “jumbo” donut – he got the leaning tower of donuts (thanks for the suggestion, Denise!) as well as a birthday cake, and some black and white cookies (which were very, very disappointing).

I gave him the donut tower, cake and cookies yesterday, since I wouldn’t have the opportunity to pick them up today. I also made sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, and snickerdoodles yesterday (for Steven to take to work). So breakfast was donuts and cookies. Lunch was cookies and cookie dough. Afternoon snack was string cheese, then cake and ice cream with our neighbors. Pre-dinner snack was cookies. Dinner was penne pasta with alfredo sauce and green beans.

No wonder I had a headache when I woke up this morning!

When I was walking from the train to work this morning, I thought maybe yesterday’s sugar overload had finally cured me – I had made me feel awful enough that I would never binge on cookies again!

Yeah, right.

Sweet treats will always be around at celebrations! Birthdays just aren’t the same without a special sweet treat. I hope Steven enjoyed his! Happy Birthday, babe!

<image:Steven and the furbaby;

Steven and the furbaby.

Most expensive bar of soap ever

By , May 22, 2008 5:34 am

Steven called me yesterday at work to tease me. “I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh! What is it?”

“You have to wait until you get home tonight.”

“You turd.”

I love surprises. I looked forward to it all day. I was having a crappy day. I got home and my surprise was… a bag of bath goodies from Lush, the “fresh handmade cosmetics” store. YAY!!! Steven got me bath bombs and bath bars, for soaking in nice, long, hot baths. Which is just what I need to relax, because I have been such a cranky you-know-what lately. Especially to him. (Maybe that was the inspiration?)

What a sweetie. I’m still smiling.

Of course, this reminded me of another story. It’s story-time kids! Sick of it yet? Please tell me if I am repeating previous stories.

Last year I was flying to Denmark from O’Hare airport, and Steven decided to come have dinner with me before my flight took off. He did the same thing; called and said, “I have a surprise for you.”

I excitedly told a few of my classmates, “My fiance has a surprise for me! I wonder what it is!”

So the first thing I said to Steven when we sat down at the dinner table was “What’s my surprise? Where is it?!”

He opened up his briefcase and handed me…

… a calendar. From Chipotle. With pictures of burritos for each month.


I was so mean! I said “THIS is it?”

“Yeah,” was his reply. “We both love burritos so much, I bought one for each of us.”

I still feel bad for having such a mean reaction. Because it was a really sweet and thoughtful gift (that I used ALL year long), just not what I was expecting.

My friends asked me what Steven gave me when I got back from dinner. I pulled it out of my bag and handed it to them.

“Sweet! Where can I get one of these?!” Their reaction was genuine.


Today’s Idiom: thumb’s down – signal of rejection (Roman emperors could condemn a gladiator who fought poorly by turning their thumbs down)

Steven gave my gutter ball a thumb’s down. Unfortunately, I didn’t do any better in the second frame.

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28 ‘queries’.