Posts tagged: socks

Friday Question #46

By , November 14, 2008 5:41 am

<image:socksWhen you take your socks off, do you always use your hands to do it, or do you ever your feet?

Yes! Another foot-related question! Let me explain.

On Sunday night, I went to bed with my socks on because I was so cold. I rarely do this because I always end up with them off anyway. I asked Steven what percentage chance he thought that I would still have my socks on when I woke up (he thought 2%).

Then he asked me, “Do you get up in the middle of the night to take them off?”

“No! I use my feet to take them off while I am sleeping!”

“Who uses their feet to take their socks off?!”


“No they don’t!”

You get the idea. I had to demonstrate to Steven how it is done (you can either stand with one foot on the floor and use the other to stand on its sock from the front and pull the foot away so the sock comes off OR, if you are talented like me, you can bend your toes and use them to hold the back of the socks while you pull the other foot out). Then he continued to tell me that everyone uses their hands to remove their socks and I am just strange. So that is where the question came from!

(And they WERE still on when I woke up!)

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26 ‘queries’.