Welcome to week 9 of marathon training! If you click on the activity link after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.
Day 57 | Monday, August 10: Rest
I spent Monday pondering whether I wanted to move down to Novice 1 Training or Novice 2 Training. I eventually choose Novice 2, because it had shorter mid-week runs, but in the meantime, I am NOT going to run pace runs until my leg feels better.
Funny side note – a woman saw my print-out of the two programs when she was walking by me to get off the train and said, “Oh! I’ve done those programs a few times!” I should have asked which she recommended!
Day 58 | Tuesday, August 11: Cross-Train
I went to the office gym during lunch and used the elliptical. I kind of worked up a sweat, but didn’t feel like I got much out of it. It just seems so… easy. Of course, I couldn’t pedal (?) backwards because that hurt my shin.
Elliptical Time: 30 mins | Distance: 2.59 miles
Day 59 | Wednesday, August 12: Run 4 miles Rest
I decided to give my shin one more day of rest, which eventually turned into two. I’ve had some pain in my left heal (which started last week, and feels like plantar fasciitis), and it was bothering me on Wednesday. Body, why do you fight me so?
Day 60 | Thursday, August 13: Run 7 miles Rest
While waiting to get off the train, a stranger (who rides the same train to the same stop with me every night) asked how my leg was doing – he noticed my limp last week. He said, “First your arm, now your leg!” I told him my story, and it turns out he is a runner as well. He has run the Chicago Marathon, and ran track in college. He said he has to run shorter distances now, since he has kids, but is signed up for the same 5K I am doing on 9/13. I have a feeling this guy is fast. He also gave me some tips on how to stretch out my shin.
I probably could have run on Thursday, but I got a headache, then I got cranky and… I also felt afraid of what would happen during my run. I was afraid it would hurt a lot and I would have to take more time off, and not be able to run the 5K on Saturday. I guess I wanted to spend one more night in ignorance.
Day 61 | Friday, August 14: Rest Run 4 miles
I decided to try a “new to me” forest preserve – the Rollins Savanna – for my first attempted run. It has a 5.5 mile crushed granite loop on a mostly flat trail. I figured the crushed granite would be better for my crappy shin.
![Trail at the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/rollinssavanna2.jpg)
Steven came with me, and walked with me during my warm-up walk, then worked on his computer while I ran.
![Kim and Steven at the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/rollinssavanna3.jpg)
This was my first run with my new shoes, and I am making SURE to keep track of the mileage I put on them! My left shin and foot felt okay while I was running. There was no sharp pain, but running didn’t feel as easy as it usually does for me – as you can probably tell from my splits! It was really stinking hot on this trail. There was hardly any shade, and I was running around 9:30 am, with no clouds. I felt pretty blah the whole time. But, I liked the new trail and will probably go back.
This run made me realize that I am going to have to add a big chunk of time onto my race pace, and probably all of my training runs, until the weather gets cooler/I heal 100%/I lose 20 pounds.
![Butterfly at the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/rollinssavanna1.jpg)
Look mom, a REAL butterfly, NOT a made-up one!
I iced my shin for 30 minutes or so when I got home, and did a little prayer to the shin gods that it would feel great for Saturday’s 5K!
Distance: 4.00 | Time: 41:10 | 1: 9:43 | 2: 10:18 | 3: 10:22 | 4: 10:45
Day 62 | Saturday, August 15: Run 11 miles Rally for Autism 5K
This 5K totally kicked my butt. BUT, I still had fun, because I got to run it with Erin!
![Kim and Erin at Rally for Autism 5K](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/5K0909151.jpg)
The race started at 9:00. (Side Note: Why would have you a race start at 9:00, in August? Wouldn’t you want it to start earlier, so the racers don’t fry in the sun? You would think… but hey, I picked this race, so I should have known what we were getting in to!) We did a little warm-up jog about 15 minutes before the race started. It felt pretty good, but I was already glistening in sweat when we got back to the start-line. Since it was so hot, and the course was completely open to the sun, we decided to aim for our first mile at 8:40. And hey – we pretty much did that!
But the heat caught up to us. It must have been about 85°, and it was intense. I felt pretty crappy, and I think Erin must have too. We decided to slow it down, but that wasn’t really enough, so we stopped and sped-walked once before the second mile, and twice after that! I am happy we slowed down, because I was struggling with the heat.
We finished with a decent time – 28:20, and placed 7th and 8th in our age group*, out of 41 – but it definitely wasn’t the race we thought it was going to be! We will have to save our 26:00 5K for sometime when it’s not so hot. And we’ll have to do it somewhere close to where Erin lives, since she was a trooper to drive all the way out to this race which was closer to my house.
![At the finish line](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/5K0909152.jpg)
Erin found that extra enthusiasm at the finish! Gotta love her!
Right after the finish line, they had people spraying down the runners with water. We both went for that… then immediately looked for some shade! I iced my leg for a bit, and we hung around for the awards (which were kind of pointless to listen to, because they weren’t giving the times – some sort of computer issue/human incompetency).
![Recovering after the race](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/5K0909153.jpg)
Some post-race shade.
We went out to brunch afterward with our cheerleaders/photographers/husbands. It was fun to chat with Erin and her husband, Jason! I hope the four of us can get together again soon!
Distance: 3.10 | Time: 28:41 | 1: 8:23 | 2: 9:11 | 3: 10:06 | 4: 00:59
* If I would have run this race two weeks ago, when I was 24, I would have placed first in that age group! Ha ha.
Day 63 | Sunday, August 16: Cross-Train Umm…
My plan was to run 11 miles. Then after arguing discussing it with Steven, he convinced me to run 3-4, see how I felt, then decide whether or not to keep going. So, I got to the park, started walking and… my shin hurt so much while walking that I decided running shouldn’t even be in the picture. Major FAIL. I just got in my car and drove back home. And iced my shin when I got home, of course.
Week Summary: 8 Miles
Originally, I thought it was no big deal that I had to take off about 2 weeks for my shin to heal, because I am only now halfway through this 18-week training program, and figured the remaining 9 weeks would be smooth sailing.
I don’t think so. I don’t think my body wants me to be a runner right now.
I am not sure if there is a logistical, safe way for me to catch up with any training program since I am running so infrequently right now. I am seriously doubtful that I will be able to run this marathon in October, but I am going to see what my body will let me do.