I didn’t ask the doctor, but I am pretty sure I shouldn’t play any sand volleyball for awhile.
I had x-rays done of my wrist and forearm – no fracture! The doctor wants me to immobilize it (keep it in the splint) and ice it for 30 minutes each day. He was concerned by the amount of swelling and the fact that I cannot twist my arm without pain, so he wants me to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist this week. He thinks the specialist may want to do an MRI and see if my tendons (or whatever they are called) are messed up. He thinks physical therapy may be in store for me, but I am a bit “yeah right.”
I am gaining more mobility each day, so I am excited. I can use my right hand fingers today! I am going to see how it feels tomorrow before I call the specialist.
Thank you for all of your well wishes! I will keep you updated.
And as you can probably guess, it will take me a bit longer to get to your blogs, but I will, eventually!
Because today is an 8-hour workday for me, I took the 6:25 am train instead of the 5:23 am train.
Wow. What a difference an hour of sleep makes. I woke up with a bounce in my step, instead of feeling like zombie-woman.
It’s a reoccurring theme here – my struggle to get enough sleep. I fill my days too full and make my expectations too high. I set myself up for failure and exhaustion.
It makes me very disappointed in myself that I am still struggling with this. Being healthy is not just eating well and exercising. It’s a triad of eating well, exercising AND getting enough rest.
I tried to combat my exhaustion by taking naps the past two weekends. But a 2 or 3-hour nap in the middle of the day? Or two 1-hour naps in one day? That doesn’t seem right (even if it feels right).
I’ve been putting a lot of hope into this 3-day weekend at the river with my family – that it will be relaxing and easy-going. I imagine myself sleeping on the beach, closing my eyes and relaxing on the boat, having relaxing conversations with my (immediate) family, enjoying leisure activities… we’ll see. I’ve learned it’s best not to have my expectations too high (ever, really) when going somewhere where my imaginary schedule has to be coordinated with 9 others people’s.
And however the weekend turns out, what happens when I come back? I’ll still be skimping on sleep, I’m sure.
Health + Fitness, Life
commuter, exercise, exhaustion, food, hapiness, Health, healthy eating, nap, relaxation, rest, sleep, tired, train, training, transportation, workday